
Showing posts from August, 2024

Brandon Miller, Real Estate Mogul, committed suicide.

  He was $34 million in debt and was being sued for fraud. Some ask me “Zach, why are you taking on all that debt. Won’t you ruin your life?” This is why. Brandon Miller was $34M in debt. He felt owned by powerful people and believed that suicide was the only way out. Debt destroys people when it is treated as legitimate. I’m here to say, “Debt is not real. It’s nothing. A fabrication.” All debt contracts secured with empty dollars and credit fabricated from nothing are not legitimate contracts. The word on the paper don’t mean diddly squat because the “lender” failed to provide real value when they used bank credits to secure promissory notes and collateral.  In 9/13, in a little courthouse in Elbert County, Colorado, I will be testifying before the judge that Porsche Financial Group along with every other supposed creditor in the world, is not entitled to any provisions of their contracts because they defaulted on their promise to provide real assets as consideration. These ...

Why Toddlers Throw Tantrums and Adults Act Like Toddlers

You can watch me deliver this essay here: “What causes fights and quarrels among you? Don’t they come from your desires that battle within you?“ (James 4:1) This article will cover my understanding of the components of a tantrum in both toddlers and adults and how to prevent these blow ups from happening in both, with applications to parents, romantic partners, economic actors, and government officials. This will be a straightforward explainer post not written in narrative form, as I’m sure I need not spend any time illustrating what a tantrum is to anyone. I have four children and have experienced and parented through this toddler phase so I know what I am talking about and could tell many stories to illustrate. I hope by explaining the causes of toddler tantrums and giving a very clear solution I might save the peace of many parents, the joy of many toddlers, and society as a whole from the peace killing, joy killing toxicity of fearful desire...

Decentralized Collective Protection: Property Defense Network (PDN) and Sovereign Shield

Freedom of Speech by Norman Rockwell (1943) I just launched a telegram group for the Property Defense Network, a decentralized form of collective protection against any and all attempts to infringe upon our members rights to liberty and property.  We are recruiting to give this group power. This is America 2.0. Telegram Channel for PDN: **Property Defense Network (PDN)** **Description:** The Property Defense Network (PDN) is founded on the principle that the right to liberty and property precedes both laws and law enforcement agencies. We assert that the right to self-protection and defense of property is inherent and not reliant on any collective protection services, such as sheriff's departments. Current collective protection systems have become reliant on extortionate taxes, and property owners frequently fall victim to trespassing and violence perpetrated by these legacy systems. Over time, these traditional protection mechanisms are often c...

When to Choose Violence

  Listen to me deliver my answer here: Many people have asked me about what happens if the judge rules against me or cops show up to repossess my vehicles. The question highlights that underneath all the procedure, legislation, regulation, and policies of government action, lays the ever present threat of violence.  For more on this, read Frederic Bastiat’s booklet titled “The Law” We seem to know that violence is bad and we fear when anyone, the government or a common criminal uses violence against us. So how do we solve the problem of violence in society? How do we prevent it from coming to us? The answer to this question is embedded in the law itself.  Bastiat observed that the Law is Force. There is nothing the law can do that a gun can also do because there is no difference between the effect of the law and the effect of the gun. They are one and the same.  Can a gun organize anything? Can it pick cotton like they tried ...

Letter to Lawyer (Prince Rupert Drop and The Federal Reserve)

  Mr. _______ My name is Zach Moore and the reason I am reaching out to you is to get your help. I am a father and it’s the duty of every father to raise his children to be responsible and to ensure, as much as he is able, that the world is safe for his children to live in. I know you believe this as evidenced by your tireless efforts to prosecute powerful companies for their gross negligence and violation of the law.  In physics there is a phenomenon that occurs known as a Prince Rupert’s Drop where super heated glass is dropped into water and forms a structure with a nearly indestructible head and a very fragile tail. You can hit the head with a hammer, press up to 20 tons of force upon it, and even shoot it with a gun and it won’t do a lot of damage to it. To break it, however, you only need to tap its tail, which will cause the entire object to disintegrate into a shower of tiny shards.  For your whole career, you have been heroically hammering on the head of a very s...

Top 12 Conspiracy Fact Documentaries

 Top 12 Documentaries for Exposing State Sanctioned Crimes (Date refer to year crimes occurred, not date of publication) 1. The Octopus Murders (1991) 2. Loose Change (9/11/2001) 3. A Noble Lie, Oklahoma City Bombing (1995) 4. All Wars Are Bankers Wars (1803-Today) 5. Europa, The Last Battle (Holocaust Hoax) (1918-1945) 6. The Savage Peace (Germany After the War) (1945) 7. The Power of Nightmares (Post WWII Politics of Terror) 8. Jeckyl Island: The Truth...

The Perversion of the Law Without Justification

“The claims of organizers of humanity raises a question which I have often asked them in which, so far as I know, they have never answered: if the natural tendencies of mankind are so bad that it is not safe to permit people to be free, how is it that the tendencies of these organizers are always good? Do not the legislators and their appointed agents also belong to the human race? Or do they believe that they themselves are made of a finer clay than the rest of mankind? The organizers, maintain that society, when left undirected, rushes headlong to its inevitable destruction because the instincts of the people are so perverse. The legislators claim to stop the suicidal course and give it a saner direction. Apparently, then, the legislators and the organizers have received from Heaven an intelligence and virtue that place them beyond and above mankind; if so, let them show their titles to the superiority.” “They would be the shepherd over us, their sheep. Certainly such an arrangement ...

How to End The Federal Reserve

The four videos linked below with over 650,000 views contain what I think is required to #EndTheFed. My court date challenging my debt is September 13 where I will be using the clear and simple logic contained in these videos to challenge the validity of any and all debt contracts, using my own as $1.25M in debt as standing.  I planned this back in November of 2023 when I realized the following: 1. Contracts require the exchange of real assets between two parties to be considered enforceable. If no exchange of real assets take place, no contract exists. This is known as consideration.  2. Fiat currencies, starting with the U.S. dollar, is a representation of debt and do not exists prior to the debt contracts being signed. Thus no real assets are exchanged in the creation of debt contracts and therefore debt obligations are unenforceable. 3. Property is created when a person exercises their faculities of possession and usage onto a real asset and thus property exists independen...

What is a lie?

What is a lie? It’s a question that cannot be answered, not directly at least. For to lie is to submit oneself to a contradiction.  To lie is to pretend. To lie is to hate.  To lie is to ignore. For to lie is the opposite of to believe. To believe is to accept.  To believe is to love.  To believe is to think.  Lying begins with belief but ends to blindness. The liar sees what is and then rejects it.  The liar knows the truth then erases it.  The liar thinks and then slams shut their mind. Lying is not a mistake.  Mistakes merely make errors in judgment. Mistake are corrected by seeing them.  Liars refuse to believe in errors.  Liars refuse to see.  Lying poisons the soul. Liars start by telling one lie.  Then two. Then their whole life becomes a battle between reality’s will to be and their will to negate it.  To be or not to be… Liars are full of fear. Liars separate themselves from reality but don’t want to be abandoned....

The Justification of Pedophilia: I shouldn’t have to say this…

Watch these clips of speakers justifying pedophilia: africanhub_/status/1826595094943637958?s=46 The acceptance of pedophilia is the natural and unavoidable consequence of people abandoning responsibility because the choice and ability to respond is the prerequisite for morality. When you are a victim of (fill in the blank) (in this case, biology) you have neither the choice nor the responsibility to contradict your feelings and therefore you have no moral accountability. “Pedophiles are victims of their own biology. They don’t have a choice!” This is the root of evil, the negation of freedom and the damnation of reality. A moral adult takes responsibility for their thoughts, emotions, and actions. A moral adult knows right from wrong and CHOOSES to honor the right and CHOOSES to punish the wrong. They don’t steal just because they are poor. They don’t rape just because a woman wore a miniskirt. They don’t murder just because “they got so angry.” They are in control and ...

10 Statements to Prevent Eviction and Repossession

 My video “you debt doesn’t exist” has over 470k views! An objection I get a lot is “what about the consequences?” When you default on debts, what are the consequences? Most people are afraid of eviction and repossession.  You’ll get a summons in the mail by the lenders lawyers claiming to have the right to sell your property based on privileges guaranteed in their contract with you. You can respond and I’ll show you how.  The following are 10 statements you can make in your affidavit to make a bank prove they have a contract with you and force them to cease and desist from all attempts to repossess vehicles or homes.  The plaintiff claims there is a contract between myself and them. I require to be shown proof of contract and evidence of exchange in accordance with the requirements of contracts, especially the requirement of consideration. The plaintiffs alleges that they provided me with a certain amount of bank credit as the consideration they provided to secure t...

Updated Affidavit of Zachary Moore in Porsche Financial Services vs Zachary T Moore

 Affidavit of Zachary T. Moore BEFORE ME, the undersigned Notary Public, personally appeared Zachary T. Moore, who makes the following statement and affidavit upon oath and affirmation of belief and personal knowledge that the following matters, facts, and things set forth are true and correct to the best of his or her knowledge: I, Zachary T. Moore, being of sound mind and body, swear and confirm as follows: 1. My current domicile is at (Redacted) 2. I am over the age of 18. 3. I was born on (Redacted) 4. I assume full responsibility for my body, mind, and actions and reject with impunity any claims of others to the contrary. 5. I live lawfully and under the equal protection of the law, dismissing with impunity any actions that seek to separate me from my mind, body, actions or property by deceit, fraud, coercion, or the initiation of physical force. 6. I do not recognize the right of any other person, court, institution, company, or government to rule by deceit, fraud, coercion, ...

“Dad, when will I know I am a grown-up?“

My son asked me this question recently. “Dad, when will I know I am a grown-up?” I took a moment to consider the nature of the question, the contents of his mind, and how to formulate an answer that he could understand. He’s 10 and can see before him a world of action, new thoughts, dangers, and choices so it feels natural that he might be reflecting on the changes his body is going through and realizing that his experience moving forward will and perhaps ought to be different that what it has been in the past.  There are a lot of poorly formulated answers to my son’s question out there. Some people say that a boy becomes a man when he has sex for the first time. Others when he has his first beer. Others when he gets in his first fight. Others say you become a man when you earn your first dollar. Others still when he falls in love. As my son’s father, I wanted to give him a better answer, one that I could parent with and one that would serve him beyond a single act or a relationshi...