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Showing posts from October, 2023

Quotes on Banking and by Banks


The Legal Case For Nullifying Debt Contracts and a Remedy for Damages Incurred by the Public

Notice I am writing a legal case to nullify all debts denominated in US dollars on the basis of their fraudulent nature. This lawsuit will also be seeking compensation for real damages incurred by this fraud for myself and all those participating should this become a class action lawsuit. If you would like to participate as a plaintiff or on the legal team, you can email me at Please indicate the details of the debt contract you are disputing including the amount, the collateral (eg home, auto, etc), and the servicing institution.  I have also started an objections and answers post here: If you have an objection that needs an answer, please write me at and I’ll include it in the post The Legal Case For Nullifying Debt Contracts and a Remedy for Damages Incurred by the Public  Introduction  In 2009, at age 71, Bernie Madoff, once one of the most renown hedge fund m

Letting go of “normal”

In this post I invite everyone to let go of the myth of “normal” and practice unconditional love, forgiveness, and acceptance, fulfilling the basic need of human nature. I wrote this little meditation, reflecting on all the ways I’ve encountered and understood the tyranny of “normal” in my life What makes a good friend? I think the answer to this start with acceptance. The opposite is illuminating since the opposite of acceptance is rejection and control which are essential to a definition of an enemy.  It’s like free speech. If your definition of free speech is any speech so long as its not controversial, you don’t really value free speech. You value comfortable and controlled speech.  Acceptance is like this too. If your willingness to accept and befriend someone is dependent on them behaving and speaking a certain way, you aren’t a real friend. You are an acquaintance of comfort and convenience.  What I have learned is that people from marginalized groups tend to be some of the best

Not In Our Name

  "Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things." Colossians  3:2 As I write this, governments across the world are at war. Many of these wars are being launched in the name of people who detest them paid for with currency we all work for. I will not attempt to discuss details of these conflicts or the players involved. My purpose is, as plainly as I am able, to point out that this command from the apostle Paul to "set your minds on things above" contains within it the antidote to war and all the suffering we are collectively witnessing. In fact, the good news is that those who can grasp and follow this command are capable of transforming the  way whole world thinks and lives, ushering in a new generation of progress.  If you'd like to know how to take back your power and declare that these wars and this suffering is being waged #NotInOurName, please read on. First, let us consider what is meant by "things above". Things above refers to non-ea