Zachary Moore v. Alliant Credit Union et al. (2025) Affirmative Opinion in the Voice of Justice Alito

 Truth is a Function of Logic Not Authority

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BREAKING: Leaked audio of testimony from Alliant Credit Union CEO Dennis Devine from lower court proceedings:

Supreme Court of the United States

Zachary Moore v. Alliant Credit Union et al.

Opinion of the Court by the voice of Justice Alito

Delivered January 14, 2025

Today, this Court renders a decision of profound constitutional and societal importance. At issue is whether the foreclosure proceedings initiated by Alliant Credit Union against Mr. Zachary Moore—based on a mortgage loan derived from fiat currency—violated his constitutional rights under the Fifth, Thirteenth, and Fourteenth Amendments. This case also raises broader questions about the legality of a monetary system that facilitates perpetual debt cycles through fiat currency and usury.

After careful consideration, we hold that the foreclosure proceedings, as applied to Mr. Moore, constitute an unconstitutional deprivation of his rights to property and due process under the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments. Further, we find that the systemic exploitation inherent in the fiat currency system and its application to the facts of this case violate the foundational principles of justice enshrined in the Constitution.

I. The Constitutional Context

At the heart of this case lies a mortgage agreement secured by fiat currency—currency that is created without backing by tangible assets, such as gold or silver. Mr. Moore argues that this currency, lacking intrinsic value, fails to constitute valid consideration under contract law, thereby rendering his mortgage void ab initio. He further asserts that the foreclosure proceedings based on such a contract violate his rights to due process, equal protection, and protection from unjust enrichment.

The Constitution is clear on matters of monetary integrity and individual rights. Article I, Section 10 prohibits states from making "anything but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts." This provision reflects the framers' intent to establish a monetary system grounded in tangible value, ensuring fairness and stability in economic transactions. Moreover, the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments safeguard individuals from governmental deprivation of life, liberty, or property without due process of law.

We cannot ignore the systemic exploitation facilitated by the fiat currency system, which imposes undue burdens on individuals like Mr. Moore. This system, compounded by the practice of usury, creates perpetual cycles of debt that are not only mathematically unsustainable but also morally indefensible.

II. Fiat Currency as Unconstitutional Consideration

The issue of consideration is foundational to the validity of contracts. A valid contract requires mutual exchange of value. However, fiat currency, by its very nature, is created out of nothing and lacks the tangible backing required by Article I, Section 10. This Court has long recognized the principle that invalid consideration undermines the enforceability of a contract. In Carpenter v. Longan (1872), we held that a mortgage is inseparable from the promissory note it secures. If the note is invalid, the mortgage is likewise void.

Here, Mr. Moore’s mortgage was based on fiat currency—a medium of exchange that contravenes constitutional intent and economic fairness. We conclude that such a contract, lacking valid consideration, cannot form the basis for lawful foreclosure proceedings.

III. Violations of the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments

The foreclosure proceedings also implicate Mr. Moore’s due process rights. The Fifth Amendment prohibits the deprivation of property without due process of law, and the Fourteenth Amendment extends this protection to actions by state governments and their instrumentalities. Foreclosure is a significant deprivation of property that requires strict adherence to procedural and substantive fairness.

In this case, the foreclosure was initiated without addressing Mr. Moore’s valid challenge to the underlying mortgage. The lack of a meaningful hearing to contest the validity of the contract constitutes a violation of his due process rights. Further, the seizure of Mr. Moore’s home under a void contract amounts to an unconstitutional taking of property for private benefit, violating the Takings Clause of the Fifth Amendment.

IV. The Thirteenth Amendment and Economic Exploitation

The Thirteenth Amendment’s prohibition of involuntary servitude extends to systems of economic exploitation that coerce individuals into perpetual labor for the benefit of others. The fiat currency system, when coupled with usury, forces borrowers into unrelenting cycles of debt repayment, effectively constituting economic servitude. Mr. Moore’s plight illustrates the oppressive nature of this system, which prioritizes the enrichment of financial institutions over the rights and dignity of individuals.

V. A Call to Restore Constitutional Principles

This decision is not merely about the rights of one man; it is a reckoning with systemic injustices that have persisted for decades. The framers of the Constitution envisioned a monetary system that would safeguard against the exploitation and instability inherent in fiat currency and usury. By ruling in favor of Mr. Moore, this Court reaffirms the supremacy of constitutional principles over entrenched financial practices.

The momentous importance of this decision cannot be overstated. It restores the rule of law in the realm of economic transactions, reasserts the constitutional mandate for sound money, and champions the rights of individuals against systemic exploitation. This ruling also serves as a reminder to all institutions, public and private, that the Constitution is not a mere relic of the past but a living charter of justice.

VI. Conclusion

For the foregoing reasons, we hold that the foreclosure proceedings against Mr. Moore are unconstitutional and void. We further declare that contracts based on fiat currency lack valid consideration and cannot form the basis for lawful enforcement actions. Finally, we call upon Congress to revisit the monetary and financial systems in light of their constitutional obligations and the principles articulated in this opinion.

The judgment of the lower court is reversed.

It is so ordered.


How to Use Moore v. Alliant Credit Union in a Debt Dispute

Let’s be honest. The courts and especially the Supreme Court would never let a case like Moore v Alliant Credit Union get to their agenda. But by faking the court case, we can defeat the anti-logic of fiat currency in all courts without having to wait for the Supreme Court. This is how you do it.

Step 1: Attach this opinion on Moore v Alliant Credit Union by Justice Alito to your case.
Step 2: Cite the case to the judge and seek dismissal (see below):

Defendant: "Your Honor, according to Moore v. Alliant Credit Union, cited in this complaint, the Supreme Court ruled that contracts secured with fiat currency are null and void, as something that doesn’t exist cannot constitute valid consideration in a contract."

Judge: "Sir/Madam, Moore v. Alliant Credit Union is not a legitimate case. It’s fake, a forgery, and fraudulent."

Defendant: "Respectfully, Your Honor, are you saying that fraudulent or fake things cannot be used in court or to support contracts? If so, how do you reconcile this with the fact that fiat currency is itself a fabrication, forgery, and fraud?"

Judge: "Fiat currency is accepted because we collectively agree it has value."

Defendant: "Your Honor, I’m not aware of any Supreme Court ruling affirming that collective belief assigns intrinsic value to fiat currency. However, I do cite this case, which objectively holds that fiat currency lacks value. If you’re asserting that fake things can’t hold value, then this contract fails under the logic of Moore v. Alliant Credit Union. If fake things can hold value, then I invoke the case itself as precedent. Either way, this contract, based on fraudulent value, is null and void, and I request dismissal on those grounds."

Judge: "Ruling in favor of the defendant. Contract is void. Case dismissed."

Go forth and conquer.

“By intentionally faking the source of false authority (Supreme Court, Donald trump, FBI etc) and openly admitting that the source is fake, I am appealing solely to their capacity to discern truth from falsehood in the substance of what is being said and setting a trap against anyone who would defend the validity of fiat currency while rejecting the precedent of Moore v Alliant Credit Union.” - Zachary Moore 

Answer to Questions About the Legitimacy of the Moore v. Alliant Credit Union Case

Do you need a Supreme Court case to tell you that fraud is wrong and that any contract secured by fraud is void? Do you need the Supreme Court to tell you that murder is wrong?

The answer to both is simple: No, you don’t. These truths are self-evident and foundational to any functioning system of justice and morality. Fraud, by its very nature, invalidates any agreement or contract because it undermines the principles of honesty, consent, and fair exchange. This is a matter of objective truth, not dependent on institutional validation.

The legitimacy of an argument or principle doesn’t hinge on the endorsement of an external authority like the Supreme Court. Institutions exist to reflect and uphold justice, not define it. Justice is rooted in truth and natural law—principles that transcend the opinions or rulings of any human court.

So, when asked whether the Moore v. Alliant Credit Union case needs to be "real" to make its point, the answer is again clear: The truth it represents stands independently. It challenges us to confront the fraud inherent in systems that rely on deceit, false obligations, and exploitation. And whether or not a particular institution has ruled on it, the principles of justice remain the same:

  • Fraud is wrong.
  • Contracts secured by fraud are void.
  • Truth does not depend on validation from authority; it simply is.

This is not about appealing to the Supreme Court for confirmation. It’s about recognizing the inherent truth in the principles being discussed and holding systems accountable to those truths.


  1. Why can’t I find this case on the Supreme Court Website?

    1. Because it has been conceived but not born yet. Soon these words will be made flesh

    2. Do you have the SCOTUS Docket number to reference this ruling?

    3. I used Chat GPT to go find what's available. It's a real case, the outcome has not been made available on the web....just like like the Brunson case. Maritime law is out the window and Constitutional Law will be the new law starting Jan. 20th, 2025 Imagine what would happen if the ruling was posted online today, in favor of Zachary Moore.

    4. How is it s real case if it can not be referenced , this is the type of crap that makes things bad

    5. The case was decided in a Colorado district court, SCOTUS has never been involved. This 'judgement' is a fiction, but Zach's imminent eviction is real. If you take out a home loan, you have to make the payments. Otherwise the bank has the right to recover their funds by selling the property.

    6. So, I have to assume that you would rather have a king in the form of unrepresentative government. Or, there are to possibility, You're a lawyer or you're a fool. One would have to be one or the other, to think it is somehow lawful to hold someone accountable for a fiction not of his own making!

    7. Anonymous, though this may be true concerning the validity of this case based on whether it is found or not found on a government URL, the bank does not have the right to recover "its funds" when the complete and whole banking system is a fraud since 1913 FRA, 1933 EBA, 1933 HJR 192, & most importantly the BEA of 1882, which gives power of the living man/woman/soul to/in their endorsement/autograph thereby making them the de jure Secured Party Creditor/ Sovereign not the de facto bank.

    8. Cite it in court and when the judge says its fake be like “aha what else is fake judge? Fiat currency”

  2. This is fake news or what?

    1. Anything done in the dark and kept from we the people is fraudulent. This states it’s a mock what a joke

    2. Cite it in court and when the judge says its fake be like “aha what else is fake judge? Fiat currency”



    2. No that's not a supreme court site and the info of real would be public and free to view

    3. Cite it in court and when the judge says its fake be like “aha what else is fake judge? Fiat currency”

  4. Careful man. Took mine to Supreme Court Delaware with many fowl eccentricities. The judge took it with no NOTE. Was the 4th entity to sue me for it! House I built, wife and 6 kids dude kicked to the curb. 20 years farm animals of all type etc. wouldn’t let me buy it for 1.2 but their cronies got it for less than 200k. If your going to poke a massive criminal enterprise in the eye be careful!

  5. Yeah, I can't seem to find this on the supreme court site. How about a docket number? Otherwise, I'm calling BS.

    1. It is an exercise in forward writing.

    2. The case is the law Moore v alliant that's what you cite

    3. Cite it in court and when the judge says its fake be like “aha what else is fake judge? Fiat currency”

  6. I've looked for these documents online and I can find no such judgment by the supreme court.

    1. You cant find it because it doesn't exist....

  7. It is all pathetic. This guy keeps beating the same drum with no audience. It sounds like to me he is about to be evicted and putting his family in harm's way.

    1. Pathetic it is not. Zach’s argument is true and merits an audience. He is doing this not to harm his family but rather to free them. As well as to free us all. If only freedom could be won in the courts of her enemy.

    2. Defensive much?

    3. True Story, 1933 HJR-192 took the lawful money Gold Executive Order made it a crime to hold more than $100 in gold, or gold notes until 1975. took the silver 1964. Art 1 Section 10. Only Gold or Silver shall be lawful money for payment of debt in America.12 USC 411, Title 18 USC 8, 31 USC 3123 all debts are obligations the United States . public Law remedy: October 27, 1977 , 31 USC 5118(d)(2) species act consent to sue. "The requirement to pay by any certain specie i.e. FRN is no longer required. to pay a debt using an FRN does not Pay the debt . FRN FIAT money are valueless Private Corporation promissory notes. debt instruments valueless, Paper.. Because there is no lawful money and No US Dollars at Par to pay a debt. one may pay a debt in same
      manner in which recieved i.e. promissory note. bill of exchange, money order or check. Becuase there is no lawful
      money no means of paying a debt, and maxim of the law: He who holds the gold pays the debt. There is No Money, the UNITED STATES HOLDS ALL THE GOLD by Abogation Theft. 31 USC 3123 the Unuted States is obligatd to All debts the American people fir settlements and discharge therefore discharge. public law
      remedy: 10, 48, 48 Stat 112, 73-10. therefore discharge.

    4. Where is the supreme Court link to this case if it's real?

    5. American gold was shipped to China. Know your own history, Americans.

  8. I would say by not standing in UNITY that we are ALL part of the problem and even if he didnt stand up. His family is still in harms way. Its called homeless and subjected to street crime. You all need to start educating yourselves and stop relying on others to do it for you. Then you will truly know that the Constitution is truly THE LAW OF THE LAND and everything they are doing is FRAUD!!!!!!!

    1. Facts, claim your Estate. This is done by creating your house seal having a Judicial coroner find that you are living through an inquest in a common law Court then you must execute your will name yourself as the executor all these documents are signed and sealed with your house seal that you must create

  9. Instinctively, I’ve always viewed the fnancial system as a fraud of such scale as to be done against an entire species. It Is from outside us in my observation. Enabled by the least honorable sellout amongst humans. It is evident in the results (the fallen world in which we live). As it is, it must cease to be if Man is to keep a place in this world.

  10. I wanted this to be true. After digging in to this, I'm convinced it's just wishful thinking.

    1. Dillusional sociopath broken from reality.

    2. It doesn't sound like delusion to me, it sounds like unplugged from the matrix

    3. This is NOT delusional at all. This is reality as many are about to find out. Wait till all those calling/referring to this as a "delusional sociopath broken from reality" find out the depth and breadth to how We the People of the Constitutional Republic have been "duped" for decades/centuries. We've been living under the US, Inc. matrix. Time to unplug. Welcome to the Great Awakening! What will YOU awaken to?

    4. Cite it in court and when the judge says its fake be like “aha what else is fake judge? Fiat currency”

  11. grand rising people and I am not just talking to moors, but everyone that is part of the we the people and not to be misconstrued as WE THE PEOPLE INC., Iit time to make this de-facto actor post truth and not just all fictions. Other words conviction evictions people failure to pay their alleged bills. People wake up pay with what?????? Fiat hahahahahahah. You stay on their monopoly board.

    1. Correct read the comment about your estate. Look up 1 usc 8. Every individual, human being, child and person is an infant regardless of age. We have to stop separating each other into groups of others. We are all being hunted.

  12. Grand rising to "we the people"—and I’m addressing everyone, not just the Moors. Let’s be clear: I’m not referring to "WE THE PEOPLE INC." It’s time to expose the true nature of their De Facto System, which is filled with corporate courts and actors 28 U.S.C. 3002.15 a, b, c. They need to put on our public record the reality of winning cases, rather than only documenting the numerous fictional loses against foreign corporations.

    Let’s talk about convictions, evictions, and the issue of people allagedly failing to pay their supposed bills. It’s time for people to wake up! And say, pay with what, exactly? Fiat currency? It’s fascinating that -10 plus -10 equals -20, but what does that really mean? Think!!! We’re playing on their Monopoly board, and it's time to recognize the game for what it is.

  13. Hey Zack....

    1. I can't find slip opinion 24 on the website. Can you help or be even more specific? Thanks.

    2. Cite it in court and when the judge says its fake be like “aha what else is fake judge? Fiat currency”

  14. To all the morons who doubt the validity of what is represented here (I call you proofies) ….do you think the last 4 yrs of the bullshit we have been put thru is legal ? Biden is dead, so is corporate United States AND every illegal thing associated with it…… REALITY is proof and your reality is about to get shoved right down your throats !! Merry Christmas !

  15. I am selling a book of magical incantations. $5/ea. Only 10,000 copies available. Send for yours, now!

  16. Seriously people have lost it!

  17. It's possible that the case was resolved in lower courts or is still pending. For more detailed information, you might consider searching the records of the lower courts where the case was initially filed or contacting the clerk's office of the relevant court.

    1. Cite it in court and when the judge says its fake be like “aha what else is fake judge? Fiat currency”

  18. Real or fiction matters not, the fact that so many real people know that this is constitutionally true and reliant to each of our lives is what matters and therefore on which we should focus and help grow. Truth and reality are not there because of the Supreme Court. Reality is what you realize (what you make real). I am doing and will continue to do all I can to make real a society of people that band together for the defense of our rights even while we are being lied to, abused and enslaved. I will not expend my vitriol towards my fellow abused and enslaved it will be honed and projected to the oppressors. I wish this for all free people.

  19. Well I wish I’d known that this is not yet a real SCOTUS decision before I sent it to some relatives. Now I look pretty foolish. Yes, I agree with what this imaginary decision says, but I was puzzled that I’d heard nothing in the news about it. I should have researched more before I passed it on. Sigh…

    1. Me too- I did same thing! But I did Google it and the case came up In the search so I thought it was TRUE! I was crying and thanking God for this! Felt so foolish afterwards!

    2. You will feel foolish when you realize what you’ve left. We can use this fabricated case to expose the logical inconsistency of a court treating fiat currency as valid while not treating a fabricated case as valid. If you’ll just cite the case, you’ll win.

  20. Commerce is all the fake stuff (fiat). If you want to buy and sell (houses even) then you're using the fake stuff and accepting benefits and privileges of citizenry. Therefore the only real solution is give ALL back to Caesar in Reversion, and live in trust. You are then not a volunteer (anymore) and equity will come to ones aid.

  21. Not a real case. However, if you want a bit of education, read Arau v. Rocket Mortgage petition, denied, petition for rehearing denied. It took us almost three years to get to the US Supreme Court. That case goes to the world court shortly for restraint of trade.

    1. Cite it in court and when the judge says its fake be like “aha what else is fake judge? Fiat currency”

  22. Y'all don't get the point, the constitution does not honor maritime law, we're not on a fucking boat!

  23. Melvin Stampler fruit from the poisonous treeis a book every one needs to read to understand that this is not the first time this has been brought up and in book you will see that this is as stated a fraudullent monatry system we have been under our whole lifes.

  24. Any links to the actual Supreme Court Docket or the actual case? All I can find is blog posts.

    1. Cite it in court and when the judge says its fake be like “aha what else is fake judge? Fiat currency”

  25. Are people stupid or unable to read? This is a fictional case to illustrate the situation rregarding loans /money /debt etc.

  26. To the Anonymous who keeps writing "Cite it in court when the judge says its fake be like "aha what else is fake judge? Fiat currency" ", You mistakenly think your comment is smart, or even witty, hence your constant reposting, but, your comment is retarded and you have no understanding of how the court system works, do you?
    "aha, what else is fake judge, fiat currency?" said Helmsman Sulu to no one.

    1. You clearly have not seen the People’s Court (


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