What is a lie?

What is a lie?

It’s a question that cannot be answered, not directly at least.

For to lie is to submit oneself to a contradiction. 

  • To lie is to pretend.
  • To lie is to hate. 
  • To lie is to ignore.

For to lie is the opposite of to believe.

  • To believe is to accept. 
  • To believe is to love. 
  • To believe is to think. 
Lying begins with belief but ends to blindness.
  • The liar sees what is and then rejects it. 
  • The liar knows the truth then erases it. 
  • The liar thinks and then slams shut their mind.
Lying is not a mistake. 
  • Mistakes merely make errors in judgment.
  • Mistake are corrected by seeing them. 
  • Liars refuse to believe in errors. 
  • Liars refuse to see. 
Lying poisons the soul.
  • Liars start by telling one lie. 
  • Then two.
  • Then their whole life becomes a battle between reality’s will to be and their will to negate it. 
  • To be or not to be…
Liars are full of fear.
  • Liars separate themselves from reality but don’t want to be abandoned. They want reality to pretend. 
  • Liars betray their tools of knowledge but don’t want to be ignorant. They fake it. 
  • Liars damn existence for no other reason than it is, damning themselves in the process. This fill them with terror.
Liars hate the truth.
  • Liars hate evidence.
  • Liars hate cause and effect.
  • Liars hate those who tell the truth.
Liars steal from the good.
  • Liars steal words from the truth.
  • Liars steal property from the productive.
  • Liars steal breath from the living.
Liars do not wish to live.
  • Lying is an attack on one’s life. 
  • Lying is an attack on one’s mind. 
  • Lying is an attack on one’s values.
  • Lying is an attack against God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
Liars stand condemned.
  • Liars have nothing to say but lies.
  • Liars have nothing to feel but hate.
  • Liars have nothing to do but die.
What is a lie?
  • The sin of rejecting reality.  
  • The futility of rejecting reason. 
  • The folly of rejecting values.
  • The reason reality rejects the liar.
  • The cause of all misery and death. 
  • The root of all evil. 


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