Letter to Lawyer (Prince Rupert Drop and The Federal Reserve)


Mr. _______

My name is Zach Moore and the reason I am reaching out to you is to get your help. I am a father and it’s the duty of every father to raise his children to be responsible and to ensure, as much as he is able, that the world is safe for his children to live in. I know you believe this as evidenced by your tireless efforts to prosecute powerful companies for their gross negligence and violation of the law. 

In physics there is a phenomenon that occurs known as a Prince Rupert’s Drop where super heated glass is dropped into water and forms a structure with a nearly indestructible head and a very fragile tail. You can hit the head with a hammer, press up to 20 tons of force upon it, and even shoot it with a gun and it won’t do a lot of damage to it. To break it, however, you only need to tap its tail, which will cause the entire object to disintegrate into a shower of tiny shards. 

For your whole career, you have been heroically hammering on the head of a very strong kind of structure. I am writing to see if you will help me tap on its tail. 

As you know, money is power. In a world that is for sale, the group who can create or make near infinite amounts of money can wield infinite amounts of control. Money can buy out competition, bribe judges, fabricate research, cover up scandals, and pay off victims. Money makes people look the other way and corrupts men with a choice of working for the makers of money or working against them. If money was productive and only flowed to those who deserved it, there would be no conflict between serving money and serving the good, but what if money wasn’t productive? What if it was fraudulent?

I have seen those who can create infinite amounts of money buy bombs in Arizona and drop them on children in Gaza. I’ve seen the creators of money capture industry and regulators and vote for themselves guaranteed profits in the form of government protection and government bailouts. The head of money, the Federal Reserve, seems to be indestructible, like a Prince Rupert Drop. This power, the practice of money creation in the form of government and private loans, has allowed them to buy the whole world and make their will a law unto itself, a force indifferent to people’s rights to their own life and property. If a politician or prominent figure questions them or their friends, unlimited resources from the press to military campaigns are launched against them from this position of strength.  As fathers who are responsible for our children’s morality and the world they will grow up in, this money monopoly represents an existential threat to their livelihoods which is why i hope you will be eager to help me. 

Every dollar created is loaned into existence. When a loan is made, a lender does not loan existing capital or pre-existing property. They simply create the bank credit, in coordination with the Federal Reserve, and use that credit to create contracts which guarantee them the right to repayment of the credit plus interest and possession of the collateral should the other party fail to pay. This of course is where inflation comes from which is simply the evidence that this is what they are doing. Now, if the bank credit doesn’t exist prior to the contract being signed, what is being considered by the other party to the contract? If the dollar is a representation of nothing, what is being exchanged? If there is nothing to consider prior to the contract being signed and nothing is being exchanged, doesn’t it stand to reason that simply asking for proof of exchange and consideration would shatter the entire system of debt contracts, all $325 Trillion in global debt and the $4 Quadrillion in derivates built on top of that debt? The answer is of course, yes. Without proof of consideration and exchange, no contract exists, even if one is signed. 

After years negotiating contracts for accounting software companies and studying the nature of scandals like Enron, Bernie Madoff, and FTX, I realized how to end the reign of central banking in September of 2023. I stopped paying my mortgage to Alliant Credit Union. I also ran up credit card debt. I got 3 vehicles for the minimum down payment and then ignored any and all attempts of these lenders to repayment or repossession. In total, I accrued nearly $1.25M debt and then waited for them to come after me. Now I have a court date involving Porsche Financial Services scheduled for 9/13 where i am asking for them to prove they provided proper consideration to secure the contract. My house is scheduled to be foreclosed on November 27 and I’ve filed a similar affidavit requesting the same discovery. I am doing the best I can with creating these affidavits but I don’t know how to lawyer. I know law and logic and morality well. I don’t know court room procedure. 

Will you help me snap the tail?

How to End The Federal Reserve System

His Response:

Mr. Moore:


Thank you for your email – but, unfortunately, the matter you describe below is not something that I or my law firm is able to represent or assist you with.  I wish you the best in securing whatever information or legal representation you are seeking.  And thanks for reaching out.

 My response:

Thanks for acknowledging the request Robert. Can I ask you a favor? 

Can you tell me if you think I have a chance at winning? I’ve spent 23 years trying to figure this out, ever since my mother held my dad at gun point and sent him to a mental hospital. He has since become a shell of a man and I hardly recognize him. From that day, I decided I would figure out what caused that to happen and vowed to destroy it. Over the past 23 years, the problem keeps coming back to the unholy matrimony between the banking industry and the law/government. 

In the biopic Dark Waters, your character said “they (DuPont) want to show the world that there’s no use fighting…The system is rigged. They want us to think it will protect us but that’s a lie. We protect us. We do. Nobody else. Not the companies, not the scientists, not the government. Us.”

I believe, like the 19th century Frenchman Frederic Bastiat and the 19th century American Henry David Thoreau, that the law is force. The law cannot do anything a gun cannot also do. No collective body, whether a company, government, nation, state, or gang has a right that the individuals who make up that collective don’t also possess. What then is the proper role of force and therefore the law in society? A gun cannot do anything creative. It cannot organize society, labor, industry, fraternity, or religion. If it is wrong to use force to make someone perform an action, it is right to use force against someone who uses force that way. To get this wrong is to commit a scientific error. To maintain this mistake is to commit a moral error. 

Some will say that my victory will destroy the financial system and the world order. I believe this truth will destroy the legalized plunder rampant in every corner of society  and the disorder we see all around us. From the days of John the Baptist until now, the kingdom of heaven has been subjected to violence, and violent people have been raiding it.” (Matthew 11:12). We must effectively eliminate this mistake from society, starting in our own hearts and souls. No man can serve two masters…You cannot serve both God and money.” and “what does it profit a man to gain the whole world yet forfeit his soul.”

So… I’m going to challenge a system that has maintained this error for much of human history. Do you have any advice for me?



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