Decentralized Collective Protection: Property Defense Network (PDN) and Sovereign Shield

Freedom of Speech by Norman Rockwell (1943)

I just launched a telegram group for the Property Defense Network, a decentralized form of collective protection against any and all attempts to infringe upon our members rights to liberty and property. 

We are recruiting to give this group power. This is America 2.0.

Telegram Channel for PDN:

**Property Defense Network (PDN)**


The Property Defense Network (PDN) is founded on the principle that the right to liberty and property precedes both laws and law enforcement agencies. We assert that the right to self-protection and defense of property is inherent and not reliant on any collective protection services, such as sheriff's departments. Current collective protection systems have become reliant on extortionate taxes, and property owners frequently fall victim to trespassing and violence perpetrated by these legacy systems. Over time, these traditional protection mechanisms are often compromised by corruption, as those in power may exploit legal frameworks to plunder liberty and property rather than engage in peaceful trade.

Given these challenges, PDN advocates for the establishment of new forms and networks of protection to uphold and defend liberty and property. Our guiding principles assert that property is defined by clear, unchallenged possession and usage. Claims based on theft or fraud, particularly those involving Federal Reserve Notes or other forms of fabricated credit, are not recognized by our network. We prioritize the defense of liberty and property over individual interests, and any member who breaches these principles is held to the same standard as those who violate the boundaries of others. Members, as sovereigns of their own liberty and property, are expected to support one another in defense and vigilance, providing deterrence, assistance in disputes, and communication about trespasses.

**Deterrence Action Unit (DAU)**

PDN’s primary deterrence against infringement on liberty and property is logic, evidence, and diplomacy. To this end, when a dispute arises involving a member of the PDN, a Deterrence Action Unit will be created to resolve the matter. The DAU is a proactive service designed to discourage potential infringements on member property through strategic presence and communication. DAU members will gather facts, make judgments, and write to relevant parties such as lending institutions and local law enforcement agencies and courts explaining the facts of a dispute and why a member should or should not be subject to penalty. The DAU may recruit a force to protect innocent parties and prevent infringements on members rights should these diplomatic efforts fail.

**Sovereign Shield (SS):**

The Sovereign Shield (SS) is a specialized group of professional officers trained to offer protection to PDN members in alignment with our principles. This service is optional and available through contractual agreements, tailored especially for members who are more vulnerable to violations or possess substantial property. The SS ensures that members who require enhanced security or oversight receive the protection they need while adhering to the PDN’s commitment to defending liberty and property.

**What the PDN is Not:**

** PDN is not inherently opposed to traditional protection systems such as police or sheriff's departments, local, state, or federal governments. We are open to cooperating with any group guided by the principles of protecting liberty and property. However, we will oppose any group or individual that seeks to infringe upon the liberty and property of our members.

** PDN does not support using violence to violate others' liberty or property. We believe that violence is only justifiable in response to coercive force against another's will, defined by the borders of their property, including their own body and mind, and their terms of use. The proper use of violence is to protect inherent rights, not to steal, pressure, extort, or coerce.

-** Our focus is on celebrating liberty and the exercise of cognitive, innovative, and productive faculties. Violence is only used to ensure that our members can live free from exploitation and disenfranchisement, not as a tool of aggression.

- ** PDN does not consider consensual acts among members as violations of liberty or property. Members may hold personal opinions about others' choices, such as drug use or religious practices, but no member is permitted to infringe upon another’s liberty or property based on personal convictions.

- **Not perfect:** We acknowledge that mistakes may occur due to miscommunication or ignorance. Our commitment is to learn from these errors, correct them as possible, and strive for competence in our interactions. We will not knowingly perpetuate mistakes, as this would be a violation of our principles.

-** Not associated with any group who does not prioritize the right to liberty and property as their guiding principles. There are many groups out there who seek to use violence against existing government systems out of a sense of historical grievance or by principles in opposition to liberty and property. The PDN is in no way affiliated with or in cooperation with these group nor do we condone the action of anyone who any justification to disenfranchise an individual of their right to liberty and property. This may include, but not necessarily condemn, white nationalist group, Black Lives Matter, the Sovereign Citizen Movement, Neo-Nazis, Zionists, Communists, Occupy Wall Street, The United Nations, US Military, local governments, local police departments, or any other collectives who prioritize race, sex, nationality, unobjective law, grievances, envy, or greed above the right to liberty and property. The PDN welcomes any individuals associated with these movements to join us however in a commitment to abstaining from all forms of plunder and to protect themselves against plunder by others. 

**Who Can Join**

The Property Defense Network (PDN) is a decentralized network, open to anyone who adheres to the principles of liberty and property. To join, individuals must simply commit to these principles and make their presence and property known to other members. Our network encourages innovation and industry, allowing members to develop their own systems of registration and administration to support and serve those in good standing. While membership is not a requirement for respecting the principles of liberty and property, all individuals, regardless of their affiliation with PDN, are expected to honor these principles in their interactions with PDN members. Violations of the liberty or property of PDN members will be met with penalties enacted by the network, ensuring a commitment to protecting the rights of all members.

The Property Defense Network (PDN) invites individuals who are grappling with foreclosure or repossession from lending institutions that have used Federal Reserve Notes to create unenforceable debt obligations. We welcome those concerned about mass migration and seeking to secure their family’s protection, as well as those facing contract disputes involving cash or bank credit. If you are alarmed by the implications of a society with empty grocery shelves and dry gas pumps due to the collapse of the Federal Reserve’s monetary system, or if you are striving for a peaceful life free from gang violence, whether official or unofficial, PDN offers a supportive network. We also seek those disillusioned with the current political system and its failure to protect property rights, providing an alternative to the collective protection mechanisms. Join us to defend your liberty and property and to be part of a community committed to ensuring true justice and security.

** Incentive to Join **

Many people are struggling with crippling debt. The Property Defense Network (PDN) does not recognize obligations secured with Federal Reserve Bank loans and currency as being valid. Therefore, members of PDN are allowed to sign as many debt contracts with the Federal Reserve network of banks or any other lending institutions who create credit from nothing and default on those obligations with impunity. 

Explanations of this judgement:

Debt Doesn’t Exist:

How to Challenge Debt Contracts:

Members ought to, for their own self interest, use this debt to secure the following 7 pillars of preparedness: Food, water, protection, energy, communication, silver, and gold. This is how PDN members will be able to secure in a very short period of time enormous assets to support the security of the network while simultaneously depleting the Federal Reserve system of its method of plunder.

To Start, join the Telegram Group for Property Defense Network here:

Suggested Reading for Members

The Law by Frederic Bastiat (

On the Duty of Civil Disobedience by Henry David Thoreau (

The Trial of Hank Reardon by Ayn Rand (

The Trial of Howard Roark by Ayn Rand (

The Property Defense Network Oath:

 “I swear, by my life and my love of it, I will never live for the sake of another Man nor ask another Man to live for mine. And for the support of this oath, I pledge to the members of this network my life and fortune.”

What does this oath mean?

Simply put this oath recognizes that ownership of life and property is the source of man’s life and his moral duty to himself. Since no man can live without life and property, it is fitting to renounce all forms of plunder in response to the desire to live. This oath extends this principle of life, liberty, and property to the collective by committing to ensure the members uphold their oath. 

Who must take this oath?

Everyone who would seek to be a member of the PDN must take this oath publicly in some form but always privately and sincerely in their heart and embodied in their actions.


Thursday August 29, 2024:

I’ll be going live on TikTok at 12pm MT to discuss the launch of the Property Defense Network, America 2.0. 

If you join, you’ll learn how decentralized collective protection organizations can ensure your rights to liberty and property. This is global.


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