
Showing posts from May, 2024

Does Revolution Require War?

Given the recent news about Donald Trumps conviction, I have a question to ponder. Was the American Revolutionary War a mistake? Does Revolution require War? It seems like from the movie Civil War being released to the FBI issuing warnings of domestic terrorism to the seeming invasion of America from the Southern boarder that we are being programmed to engage in another war. I don’t think this is necessary and here is why. What you fight with is what you fight for.  Those who fight with the sword fight for the sword. Those who fight with peace fight for peace. Whereas violence begets more violence, evil is defeated simply by our peaceful non-compliance. Therefore, learn how to say “No” and you’ll learn how to be free and just and no corruption or coercion will be able to defeat you or your people.

It is Smart to be Humble

 Humility is intelligent because you are limited.  Humility is logical because there is an unlimited God. Humility is rational because you are not Him. Humility says “I am right because….” and then gives reasons anyone can dispute. The Wise test these reasons and become wiser.  Arrogance says “I am right regardless…” and then commits to ignoring reasons he might be wrong. The Fool hates anything that suggests that he made a mistake. There is no pride in ignorance and no honor in arrogance. There is no shame in making a mistake. There is nothing but shame in making the same mistake over and over again. The fool says in his heart “there is no God” The idiot babbles nonsense and claims wisdom.  Don’t be like them. Seek wisdom and understanding. Defend wisdom it with reasons and logic. Seek someone to correct you and commit to following the right path, regardless of how much ignorant fools and arrogant idiots want you to give it up. 

How to Choose A King

  After a long test of loyalty to the game and competency in playing it, a team celebrates winning In this post, I will be describing a process for a nation choosing a king. By using the word king, I am simply referring to the person among any group that has the most influence, receives the most honor, and commands the most respect and allegiance among the respective group. We could also use the word leader, captain, and a host of other names to signal this highest personification of a groups ideal. For the purpose of a nation, “king” seems to be the best word so I will stick with that one. Let any reservations about the definition or goodness of a king be resolved by the process of choosing one.  1. Objection #1: I don’t need a king I can hear someone objecting immediately to the very concept of a king. In the name of equality, isn’t a king an outdated concept. It is true that western government have abandoned this term and have rightly been weary of the role of a king in gov...

Subtle Lies

  There is a devastating lie in this quote from Javier Milei. This statement from Javier Milei is a call to suicide for all those who feel they are not free because of their condition.  The logic is lying in plain sight if you can see it.  “If you aren’t free, then your life is worthless. You should despair and kill yourself.”   The antidote to this statement is that LIFE IS FREE. Death is the source of our slavery. No living man is a slave. No thinking man is a slave. You are free. Believe that and act like it! Rebel against any and all attempts to make you feel like you are not endowed by God with absolute freedom and that it is good for you to be free.  In 2018, I let this kind of lie almost kill me. I had finally left my now ex-wife and began pursuing my dream of becoming an architect. Lying on a bed in a home built by one of my heroes Frank Lloyd Wright, I began to get depressed. I had no one to share my truth with. I thought this thought. “If you don’t hav...

My Plan to End The Fed

  Here in short order is my plan to take down the fraud infecting the global economy:  Back in late 2023, I figured that I could destroy my credit score by taking out as much debt as possible and then claiming banks are in breach of contract on the basis that the banks did not provide proper consideration when attempting to secure my Promissory Note. I would then have a court void the contract and refuse to grant banks any rights to repayment or any rights to repossession of property allegedly secured with their fake money securities (aka dollars). To put the pressure on the banks and in alignment with my convictions, I won’t make any payments once the loan is secured. To date I have loaded up on $1.25M across 6/7 creditors. I started this play in September 2023 and finished the majority of the debt run up by January 2024. My credit score has fallen from a high of 760 to  a low 341 as of today.  I foresee this will end in one of two ways.  Scenario 1: This is de...

The reason the Federal Reserve targets 2% inflation

The reason the Federal Reserve targets 2% inflation each year is to force you to be willing to risk your life for 2% of your wealth and freedom. It’s a slow, tolerable theft imposed on a fearful and despondent society.  But even the despondent have their limits. When inflation gets above 2% per year, a large percentage of people start noticing, spending less energy on entertainment and more energy on investigation which causes system destabilization. When the population realizes that the reason they can’t get ahead, are afraid to have children, and have given up on hope is not because they are dumb, incompetent, and lazy but because a small group of people have made it their business to exploit them with religious fervor, the pitch forks come out and the bankers and their political friends are thrown out of power.  Thats what they fear. They fear your awareness. They fear being exposed. They, like Neel Kashkari, Jerome Powell, Janet Yellen, Ben Bernanke, Paul Krugman, and many...

My second podcast interview: Church and State Podcast

  Recently I went on the Church and State podcast to discuss the antiquated Federal Reserve banking system. I write about issues over on a blog called Thinking With Zach. Here are my top 5 where I describe the moral, lawful, and logical problem with antiquated central banking and the practical ways to fight it. To Those who Love Their Life: (the post where I realized that we are playing a rigged game) A Case Against Fraud (the post where I outlined how to beat cheaters) What is Bank Fraud: (describing the problem at the heart of fractional reserve banking) What is a Bank? (A vision for how a bank should operate? Understanding the...

Failure is a mindset (gardening update)

 “I could teach anybody, even people in this room, no intended, to be a farmer.” The former New York mayor continued, “It’s a process. You dig a hole, you put a seed in, you put dirt on top, add water, up comes the corn.” Week 4 of the garden project taught me that there’s more to the process than dig, seed, water, reap. Two days after we planted the garden with starters, they are dying. Did we fertilize too much? No enough? Did we water too much? Not enough? Was the ground too acidic? Not acidic enough? Too cold at night? Too hot in the day? Or is this just the nursery fragility that comes that these little starters will grow out of? A friend texted me this quote from Michael Bloombergs 2016 presidential campaign. “I’m sorry Zach! Don’t despair. I think it was Micheal Bloomberg who famously insulted farmers by stating that anybody can put some seeds in the ground and grow plants. It is actually a sophisticated art. One that is extremely local and most that do it well are able to d...

Defenders of the dollar are the new defenders of slavery

 Defenders of the dollar are the new defenders of slavery. “Those who defended slavery rose to the challenge set forth by the Abolitionists. The defenders of slavery included economics, history, religion, legality, social good, and even humanitarianism, to further their arguments. Defenders of slavery argued that the sudden end to the slave economy would have had a profound and killing economic impact in the South where reliance on slave labor was the foundation of their economy. The cotton economy would collapse. The tobacco crop would dry in the fields. Rice would cease being profitable. Defenders of slavery argued that if all the slaves were freed, there would be widespread unemployment and chaos. This would lead to uprisings, bloodshed, and anarchy. They pointed to the mob's "rule of terror" during the French Revolution and argued for the continuation of the status quo, which was providing for affluence and stability for the slaveholding class and for all free people ...

What the rise of NVIDIA says about the human condition

Artificial Intelligence combined with Machinery like computers and robotics is the culmination of the millennial long fever dream of men and women to be able to have the products of intelligence (food, clothing, shelter, influence, and wealth) without the need to respect the source of intelligence. You see what is happening in Gaza right now. You saw what happened in Soviet Russia. You have read the stories of the transatlantic slave trade. You feel it in your bones that people in power have no regard for human life. They despise having to tolerate your freedom, your desires, and your children’s needs. You are just a tool in order for them to have more and more regardless of the cost to those who are providing them with the more. Like fatted calf, those who produce wealth are rarely permitted to enjoy the full product of their labor, losing it instead to governments and banks who reap where they do not sow and benefit unjustly from the achievement of others.  If mankind is able to ...

What Faith in Justice Sounds Like

 In this life the best approximation of justice will often sound like this: “I will maintain my positive disposition towards you because I know I am in a story written by God who loves me and my proper response to that is to do what is right, honor only his authority, and be grateful. But know this, you are sinning against me and against God by engaging in this behavior. It’s a terrible thing to fall into the hands of an angry God. I therefore urge your to repent against me, those you are wronging, and have faith in my and God’s willingness to forgive a truly repentant person.”  The reason this disposition is correct is because you are not the judge of the world. You job is to do what is right within your power and it’s often impossible for you to punish people appropriately for the evil they have done to you or are doing to others. You are not, under any circumstances, permitted to give into despair, acting as if God does not see or that men and women will not be held account...

Good People Don’t Obey Bad Laws

 Good people don’t obey bad laws. Bad laws aren’t obeyed by good people. I spoke to a police officer recently and confirmed this. They don’t care if you don’t pay your taxes, default on your mortgage, drive without insurance, have an expired license plate, or speed. They might be compelled to pull you over and issue you a ticket but you can simply smile, say “thank you officer”, and then throw the ticket in the trash.  I even told this officer about an idea I had for writing the officer that pulled me over a ticket for disturbing the peace, complete with a fine and my personal Venmo account.  He thought this was hilarious.  Police officers have an impossible job. They have to enforce the whole law and they know they are serving corrupt politicians. The reason most are on the force is to stop violent criminals yet often the reason criminals are violent is because of the conditions created by people obeying bad laws, resulting in poor education, poor neighborhoods, ema...

Why Society Collapses and How to Avoid It

 The operating philosophy of modern society is to be as kind as possible while being in complete control.  You’ll find this in families, businesses, governments, and religions, resulting in hypocrisy, brutality, censorship, and propaganda.  The first wave of casualties is faith in God since God is the source of all life and freedom. “God is dead” was pronounced in the late 19th century and represented the zeitgeist of the 20th century. The second wave of casualties is money and government, the source of all economic and political control. In 1913, the Federal Reserve Act was passed and the Income Tax was passed, uniting both money and governance into an unholy matrimony of fraud, theft, and force.  The third wave is education, ensuring control of the thoughts needed to promote a controlling environment for future generations. Higher education is usually the first to go. The elite educators from Leipzig, Germany which infected much of the West taught that man was a cr...

Accepting Gold and Silver As A Form of Payment At Your Business

In a recent letter to the Parker farmers market, I introduced the idea of encouraging and incentivizing businesses to accept Gold and Silver as a form of payment for goods and services. This post is meant to be a kind of FAQ and strategy document to determine what is needed to get this idea off the ground.  1. Why accept Gold and Silver as a form of payment? 1A: Gold and Silver Cut Out Free Loading Banks:  There are two reasons for this, one is moral and the other is practical. Morally, dollars are created from nothing which means those who create dollars and their politically connected friends are able to benefit from the productivity of society without offering anything in return. Accepting dollars is the equivalent of being stolen from by means of deception, otherwise known as fraud.  1B: Gold and Silver Protect The Value of Your Savings:  The more practical reason has to do with inflation. When you accept dollars in an inflationary environment, you are accepting ...

Letter to the mayor

  Hello,   I visited the ______ farmers market today and spoke with a couple vendors about the form of payment they were willing to accept. It’s very understandable to me that all accepted dollars in various methods (cash, credit, etc), but I was surprised and concerned that very few accepted real money like gold and silver. I wonder if you would be open to discussing with me an opportunity to educate and incentivize our community into protecting their businesses and the future of the Parker from hyperinflation and financial fraud by adding gold and silver as a form of payment. Why should businesses risk holding a currency that loses value every day they hold it when they can get paid in a form of money that gains value everyday they hold it? For background, we as a nation have historically understood that gold and silver are money and that dollars are a claim to money, just like a car is a car and a car title is a claim to a car. Unfortunately, for over a century, our country...