What the rise of NVIDIA says about the human condition

Artificial Intelligence combined with Machinery like computers and robotics is the culmination of the millennial long fever dream of men and women to be able to have the products of intelligence (food, clothing, shelter, influence, and wealth) without the need to respect the source of intelligence.

You see what is happening in Gaza right now. You saw what happened in Soviet Russia. You have read the stories of the transatlantic slave trade. You feel it in your bones that people in power have no regard for human life. They despise having to tolerate your freedom, your desires, and your children’s needs. You are just a tool in order for them to have more and more regardless of the cost to those who are providing them with the more. Like fatted calf, those who produce wealth are rarely permitted to enjoy the full product of their labor, losing it instead to governments and banks who reap where they do not sow and benefit unjustly from the achievement of others. 

If mankind is able to achieve true AI capabilities, which it arguably already has, what’s to keep the most ruthless among us, especially governments and banking powers, from seizing its capacity? If 144,000 people can sustainable live a life of abundance without the remaining 7.9999 billion people, what’s stopping an AI Robotic powered elite class from wiping out the rest? And if this is a possibility, wouldn’t only a fool stay behind and watch as ambitious players seek to accumulate this capacity?

The 20th century was the product of this winner take all logic working its way through the development and the accumulation of weapons of mass destruction. Those weapons aren’t in the hands of the people and they aren’t used for the benefit of the people. What might a similarly uneven and unfair distribution of weapons of mass production look like? I’m willing to bet that distribution will look more like Gaza, the Soviet Russia, and the slavery of the American South. 

The answer to this threat of course is not to wish any ill will on NVIDIA but to strike the very root on which NVIDIA, the Federal Reserve Board, JPMorgan Chase & Co., and indeed the entire human race is but a branch. We must destroy our desire for ill-gotten gains. We must root out the fear that makes us forget that we aren’t in control of our lives. We who depend on the impossibly complicated intelligence of our kidneys to survive should be incredibly grateful to the source of our life. Instead of racing to get our hands on artificial intelligence, we should recognize the presence of True Intelligence in us all. Instead of sacrificing resource after precious resource to give Artificial Intelligence what it needs to serve us, we should ask what True Intelligence desires from the benefactors of its benevolence. We should return to worshiping the living God with a true heart and loving our neighbors as ourselves. We should respect the ways in which God has blessed each other and be generous, not using power to squeeze people but to empower them.

Follow-up note: if you don’t understand this message or actively resist it, I’m willing to say that you are a danger to yourself and others. You should renounce all influence you have over others and seek help, willingly sacrificing any power you might have so that it doesn’t consume you and control you to achieve its own purposes.

In case you were wondering, the dream sold to the masses of “passive income” has this desire to “reap where you did not sow” at its root. Here is a list of professions who reap rewards without earning them: 

- Slave owners

- Companies that employ forced labor

- Banking system who create debt obligations out of nothing like American Express, Alliant Credit Union, and JPMorgan Chase & Co. of which Mathew Freeman is an Exeuctive Director, and the entire Federal Reserve Board system.

- Governments who tax without the consent of the person being taxed 

- People who get in on the “ground floor” of a pyramid scheme like Herbalife, Amway, LuLaRoe

- Ponzi scheme operators like Bernie Madoff

- Fraudulent businesses like Enron, Worldcom, and FTX

- Car jackers, bank robbers, and other more common thieves

- The people at the end of the game of monopoly

- Those who acquire assets and rent them out to others 

Here is a list of professions who reap rewards by earning them:

- farmers

- electricians

- plumbers

- craftsmen 

- engineers

- architects

- construction workers 

- miners

- entrepreneurs 

- captains 

- soap makers 

Who does society depend on? When will the producers of the world throw off the parasitic class that seeks to exploit them?



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