My Plan to End The Fed


Here in short order is my plan to take down the fraud infecting the global economy: 

Back in late 2023, I figured that I could destroy my credit score by taking out as much debt as possible and then claiming banks are in breach of contract on the basis that the banks did not provide proper consideration when attempting to secure my Promissory Note. I would then have a court void the contract and refuse to grant banks any rights to repayment or any rights to repossession of property allegedly secured with their fake money securities (aka dollars). To put the pressure on the banks and in alignment with my convictions, I won’t make any payments once the loan is secured.

To date I have loaded up on $1.25M across 6/7 creditors. I started this play in September 2023 and finished the majority of the debt run up by January 2024. My credit score has fallen from a high of 760 to  a low 341 as of today.  I foresee this will end in one of two ways. 

Scenario 1: This is decided in a court of law.

If one of these creditors gets the wild hair to sue me for failing to honor my promissory note, I will expose the emptiness of their money security by that same standard. What makes the value of my promissory note worthless is exactly what will render the banks dollars worthless. The creditors will claim that no asset of value backed my promise to repay and therefore I am in breach of contract. I will claim that no asset back their money securities and therefore they are in breach of contract. Most bankers and loan officers do not know where money comes from but in December 2014 Richard Werner published a paper proving that banks create money from nothing, committing securities fraud. You can read that paper here or watch John Titus discuss the paper for 20 minute in the following link:

Whether the court rules in my favor (the bank committed fraud) or against me (I committed fraud), the standard will be raised and the precedent set that will undo and erase the entire global debt of $307 Trillion and rising. Gold will be valued at roughly $47,000 per ounce and silver will likely come in at around $3100 per ounce. 

Scenario 2: I get the Boeing whistleblower treatment. 

If they play dirtier and try to kill me, my faith is in a God whose hand is much stronger than theirs who will throw them into hell and raise me from the dead. 

I’m willing to accept either scenario with gratitude.

There is a third way which may be much more likely. The banks know that striking me will destroy themselves so they ignore me, harass me, and try to outlive my protest. Here’s where the people come in. If ignoring me is their strategy, then it’s open season on the banks. Everyone can do what I’m doing, default on their mortgages, run up their credit cards, and destroy their credit scores with defaults. The system can’t handle even a small amount of accidental defaults. The consequence of smart people purposefully defaulting on loans would result in catastrophic system instability. 

Bottom line: Those who love their lives and are willing to defend it will win. We cannot lose.

Here is a link to a recent podcast I did along with my most important writings on this strategy:


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