Why Society Collapses and How to Avoid It

 The operating philosophy of modern society is to be as kind as possible while being in complete control. 

You’ll find this in families, businesses, governments, and religions, resulting in hypocrisy, brutality, censorship, and propaganda. 

The first wave of casualties is faith in God since God is the source of all life and freedom. “God is dead” was pronounced in the late 19th century and represented the zeitgeist of the 20th century.

The second wave of casualties is money and government, the source of all economic and political control. In 1913, the Federal Reserve Act was passed and the Income Tax was passed, uniting both money and governance into an unholy matrimony of fraud, theft, and force. 

The third wave is education, ensuring control of the thoughts needed to promote a controlling environment for future generations. Higher education is usually the first to go. The elite educators from Leipzig, Germany which infected much of the West taught that man was a creature enslaved by his environment, incapable of free thought. Read The Leipzig Connection for a brief history of educational influences in the early 20th century. 

The fourth wave of causalities of this philosophy is truth, trust, respect, freedom, authenticity, and love. The examples of this throughout society where people sell their souls for fame and fortune are numerous. Pilates despair when he asked “What is truth?” is seen in the eyes of every politician, judge, CEO and general today. 

The fifth wave is the death of prosperity, pleasure, and quality. Note the decline in the nutrition of food, the quality of infrastructure, and the quality of building since WWII.

The sixth wave is the death of life and society itself. This is coming soon.

Ultimately the philosophy of control triumphs over everything, including kindness, where people become ugly and cruel in an effort to not lose power.

We see this in films like Disney’s Tangled, where the devouring mother is kind to Rapunzel until her control over Rapunzel is threatened. In the final moment when she loses control completely, Mother Goethel shows her true face and shrivels away into nothingness. 

Watch the scene here:


This philosophy and its waves of consequences also suggests its own solution. To undo the damage of the philosophy of control, you must let go and leave the outcomes of life to God, who is the source of all life and freedom.

In all that you do, ask yourself this question: Am I trying to control my environment? Am I acting as if I am alone, abandoned, and unloved by the source of all life and freedom? If the answer to these questions are yes, let go. Repent of that action and fight for the faith to trust God with the outcomes. Do this in small ways. Let go of all expectations. Affirm your and everyone’s right to be free in all situations. 

Do not let the kindness of others, their care for you, or the promise of prosperity hide or justify a desire to control you or others. Those who advocate for sin and immorality always lie about the consequences. Do not let someone who preaches morality do so in a way that limits your freedom and your trust in the goodness of God and all that is. This is another tactic. Remember that those who desire control will do ANYTHING to convince you to give them the right to control you. You must not sell your soul at any cost for what does it profit a man to gain the whole world, yet lose his soul? It is better that you separate yourself from your family, your businesses, your government, and your religion completely than to act as if controlling behavior is ok. Learn the lesson from Rapunzel and refuse to give energy to the devouring Mother, lest you be drained completely for the sake of a parasitic spirit that kills all it seeks to control. Learn to set up boundaries with your parents, your children, your neighbors, your HOA, you local municipalities, your federal governments, your institutions and financials system. If you do not learn how to say “No” to even the smallest hint of power and entitlement, you will become like the young man in Proverbs 7 who strolled down the road near the harlots house. He was seduced with persistent pleading and promises of pleasure yet “like a bird darting into a snare, he did not know his encounter with her would cost him his life.”

In summary, today's society tries to balance kindness and control, but it often leads to hypocrisy and brutality. From families to governments, everyone's pushing their agenda. It's like in Disney's Tangled—when control slips, cruelty shows its true colors. The fix? Let go of control, trust a higher power, and set boundaries to keep your freedom. Don't fall for manipulation—stay true to yourself.

A Note to Families:

I seems as though the process of becoming disentangled is easier in entities like businesses and organizations or even friends and significant others. It can be much harder in families where there are spiritual and physical ties to the one who wants the control. 

Encountering the desire for control in your mom or dad feels much more like betrayal. They were entrusted to your care and you were helpless in their arms. They were supposed to love you and encourage you to become free of them and yet so many parents have abused their children physically, sexually, and psychologically. When parents refuse to honor their children’s self-worth and inherent freedom, it’s unclear where a child will acquire the knowledge of these things. Thats why developing a proper conceptualization of true  “fatherliness” and “motherliness” is so important. It allows you to be fathered and mothered by the Spirit of the Good Father and Loving Mother when your earthly father and mother betray that spirit. 

They were a steward of your self worth, freedom, and honor and neglected their duties. Now you must love your self, freedom, and honor more than the source of your physical life, which is a really traumatizing realization. That trauma drives you to either despair or faith in a Source greater than that source. 

Parents who have committed these sins against their children should seek counseling and work on repenting of this act of betrayal. They must first make themselves right with God and be specific as possible in the ways their acts of motherhood or fatherhood diverged from acts of being a good mother and a good father. Your children will likely not trust you for a period of time and you need to accept this choice. Resisting distance or refusing to honor their boundaries will prove to them that you are still unrepentant. You may be unaware, but you are using the appearance of sorry and repentance to trick your children once again into trusting a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Until you truly repent, let go, and heal from your own trauma, you have no business being trusted by others, especially your children.



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