The Return of the King, His Kingdom and Sexual Ethics

The Return of the King, His Kingdom and Sexual Ethics

The main argument I want to make in this post is spiritual in nature and those who do not understand the spiritual argument will stumble over the material implications. Nevertheless, for the sake of those who are wise in matters of spiritual concern, I will endeavor to write with clarity so that there is a voice other than those who are only material in nature. 

In a previous post (What’s the value of 1, 45, or 666? The Absurdity of Modern Money) I discussed the nature of value and the essence of my argument was this. If a number like a dollar is substantive, that is it describes something real, its value is derived from the nature of the substance. This established the principle that the value of a thing is derived from the nature of its source, not the image representing its source. A dollar that represents one ounce of silver has potentially unlimited uses and thus it may rightly be said to have unlimited value. A dollar that doesn’t represent anything can never be of any value, no matter what people do to it or for it. 

In the same way Man, who is the image of God, is of potentially unlimited value, power, and worth if he is the perfect representation of his Source. A man who does not recognize his source and does not do all things to reflect the nature of his source is worthless, like an empty dollar and an empty word. Like empty words, men who do this lie about who God is, no matter what they do. Like true words, men who are the image of god tell the truth about him, no matter what they do. This is why it is said of man “In God’s image, we have made him” and “He is the image of the invisible God, the first born of all creation.” (Colossians 1:5). Thus a man is a type of symbol, a kind of embodied word that either tells the truth or lies. Jesus’ disciple John wrote “In the beginning was The Word” and Jesus said “I am… the Truth.

(insert meaning of how Jesus answered the Pharisees about paying the Roman tax. Prior Jesus claimed to be King of Israel. Pharisees had abandoned hope in God’s promises. Cynical. Jesus exposes their hypocrisy by connecting image of Caesar to Caesar himself. Since all men are the image of God, and not the image of Caesar, “give to God what is God’s” puts Caesar, who is a man, under the authority of God’s king, who surely doesn’t pay taxes to Caesar. Possibly add in story about the children of the King (ie Christs followers not paying taxes from Matthew 17)

3 Posts about Caesar, Taxes, and Money

The plain implication is this. 

- It is wrong to submit to false images of God. Those who do commit idolatry and lie about God. 

- Paying taxes is wrong. It steals from God’s kingdom.

- Obeying liars is wrong. It dishonors God’s King.

- Following unjust laws are wrong. It lies about God’s Law.

- Serving anyone other than God is wrong. You are his image bearer.

- Counterfeiting (ie image stealing) is wrong. All images should tell the truth.

- While we all have the ability to tell the truth, some of us are more mature than others. Gods king, therefore, is rightly considered to be the best representation of God on earth. It is right and fitting for God’s people to anoint a king and raise him high so all might learn from him and benefit from his example. This is why Jesus prayed “Father, glorify me that I might glorify you” and why John the Baptist said “I must decrease so He might increase.”

- Therefore, the primary purpose of every man and woman is this. Worship God’s true image. Anoint God’s King. Find Him. Find the One among you who is the most honest and who has the most integrity. Honor that person. Hold them up. Become like them. Stop waiting for an invisible image. You are capable of being the perfect image of the invisible God. And more so, you are capable of acknowledging the true image in others. Aim up in your worship and beware that Pharisee spirit that rejects the truth and rejects God’s King. 


This brings us to the topic of actions, which much can be said. I will limit the scope of the discussion to sexuality, especially sexual liberty and sexual restraint. It stands to reason that there is no sexual activity a man who is in the spirit can do that would be considered sexually immoral. There is no sexual activity a man who is not in the spirit, the is in just the flesh, can do that would be considered sexually moral. 

This is a difficult teaching because those who have been redeemed in the spirit look like sinners to those who are still in their sins. And those who are still in their sins damn themselves for the same thing those in the spirit are allowed to do. In the days of Paul, this issue was discussed in depth using a practice foreign to us today, eating meat sacrificed to idols. 

Paul said,

“So then, about eating food sacrificed to idols: We know that “An idol is nothing at all in the world” and that “There is no God but one.”…there is but one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom all things came and through whom we live.”

Thus what we can gather from this is that those who know all things are good and receive these gifts with gratitude are able to enjoy meat sacrificed to idols yet those who think they meat sacrificed to idols taints the meat surely tell a lie about god, in their abstaining and in their eating! 

Today, the ethics of monogamy are universally preached though often universally broken, especially in the United States. Never before are we more infatuated with finding The One while infidelity and pornography are the thing everyone knows about and does behind the scenes. This is flesh like behavior through and through. Jesus taught that even having the desire for another woman is adulterous and the church has used this teaching to torture teenagers who are coming into their sexual desires and pleasure with shame and suspicion. 

This, my friends, is a rejection of God’s good gifts and lies about him. So long as you actively resist Gods gifts, you are still in your flesh. Being in the spirit doesn’t mean you don’t have a body no more than a Gold standard means we don’t have currency circulating that represents Gold. 

The Spirit manifests the flesh. 

God, The Father conceives Christ, The Son

Existence is the foundation of logic. 

Gold is the substance of Money. 

Without the Spirit, a man dies.

Without God, Christ is Satan.

Without Existence, logic lies. 

Without Gold, money is worthless.

Therefore, it is not right for a man to live without his soul nor is it right for spiritual man to deny himself and wish he had never been born! All things are good for those who are in the spirit, both things that are hard and things that are pleasurable. This is why it is written,

We played the flute for you, but you didn’t dance. We sang a durge for you, but you didn’t morn” 


“For in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven.”

With the restriction in the flesh, you lie about God in your forbidding. For the hedonist in the flesh, you like about God in your permitting. But for those in the Spirit, you tell the truth about God’s good gifts in your delaying of gratification in pursuit of your higher goals and you tell the truth about Him in your having those gifts. For it is written, 

“I tell you the truth, whatever you forbid on earth will be forbidden in heaven, and whatever you permit on earth will be permitted in heaven.”


“I have learned to be content with plenty and in want. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”.


“For all the promises of God in Him are Yes, and in Him Amen, to the glory of God through us.”


We can see something of what this kingdom ethic looks like in the lives of Israel’s two great kings, David the Brave and Solomon the Wise. Both had many wives and many lovers. Both had many loyal men and servants. For God’s anointed, the people who love them desire to see them prosper and to be happy and strong. They delight to see him in joy and pleasure. In return,  God’s anointed delights in the pleasure of those who love him. It makes him happy when he see’s her know what she wants and obtain it. He helps her obtain it. He loves those who help her obtain it. 

If it’s sexual excitement, his lover brings him lovers to enjoy and knows that he will love those lovers like he loves her and like he love himself. This is right for kings. This is the image of the beautiful, wholesome, transparent, free, and delightful sexual ethics of the Kingdom. 

Those who attempt this without the spirit are damned by their lusts and those who deny themselves without the spirit are dammed in their denial. 

Therefore, my friends in the spirit, tell the truth about God in your body. Show the worthiness of God in your waiting and show the goodness of  in your having. Don’t be like those who made excuses for not coming to the wedding supper of the Lamb! 

Men, be kings and live for the wealth and prosperity of your kingdom. Forge yourself into the image of a good king who fights for truth and justice in word and deed, who strikes down the lies and deceptions of his enemies, and how displays wisdom in his plans and courage in his actions. Be a man of education and logic, like Solomon. Reject and rebuke the greed for ill gotten gains (Proverbs 10:2) and the vanity of pursuing happiness without God (Ecclesiastes 12:13) . Be a lover whose love is as strong as death (Song of Solomon 8:6) to be witnessed and celebrated by all the people (Song of Solomon 5:1). Be a man of unrestrained joy like David when he danced naked in the spirit before the daughters of Jerusalem! Reject and rebuke the flesh of those who would restrain you, like David’s wife Micah did (2 Samuel 6).  Be a friend to your fellow king’s, loving them with the same love you have for yourself and wanting their prosperity as much as you want your own (Proverbs 22:11). For we live in a world of infinite possibilities, generated by the spirit, not constrained by the flesh (Acts 17:28). Do this, and your kingdom manifested by the Spirit will be great! Your offspring from your many queens will be the wealth of the world.

Women, be queens and live for the flourishing and delight of your kings. Clothe yourself with beauty and seduction. Fill your mind with goodness, truth, and discernment. Fill your soul with courage and imagine day and night how you might find pleasure in choosing the delight of your king. Do not be filled with resentment or malice that another is the object of your king’s attention that day. Delight in his delight and you will be the desire of his heart, the lily of the valley (Song of Solomon 2:1). Ask him day and night what he delights in. You are uniquely capable to draw out from him and fulfill his fantasies which will be your gift to him. If you bear him many children you will be a blessing to his kingdom. Do everything and receive everything with gratitude for all things are from above and good (James 1 and Matthew 7:11)

To those who reject this message, be warned. A kings wrath is fierce (Proverbs 20:2)  and his many servants and many queens will protect the source of their delight (Proverbs 20:28) . Love is as strong as death and men of mere flesh filled with resentment, jealousy, and malice will disappear like paper before the fire rage of unjust rebellion (Psalm 35:5) . If you want what the king has, become in spirit who the king is (Matthew 18:3). Affirm your worthiness. Learn from him (Proverbs 4:7) . Ask him for wisdom and he will freely give it (James 1:5). Deny him his right as king, however, and you will regret the day your were born (Psalm 2).



Most people I know are awaiting the return of something. Trump supporting want to see the Return of American Greatness. Christians are awaiting the second coming of Christ. Ayn Rand fans are longing for the collapse of the looter state and the return of the producers. In cinema there is Return of the Jedi and in Lord of the Rings there is the Return of the King. Scripture asks a few questions of those who are expecting to be a part of this return of greatness and warms that many will be caught off guard and miss out on the blessings of this renewal. I’ve compiled a short though not comprehensive list with scripture references for my followers.

Are you expecting? (1 Cor 16:22)
Are you awake? (Matthew 25)
Are you prepared? (Matthew 25)
Are you invited? (Revelation 19:9)
Are you willing? (Luke 22)
Are you too busy? (Luke 14:24-27)
Are you listening? (John 10:27-28)

Are ready to meet the Bridegroom and enjoy the wedding of Christ and His church, and the union of the mind, word, and logos, with the redeemed and resurrected body?

The beginning of his reign will mark the end of the Era of the Beast, the end of Central Banking and Nation States.

Therefore, let it be known. I, Zachary Travis Moore, by the power of the logos who renewed my mind to be one with Good, that is all that is, am a member of the Bridegroom, that is Christ. I am also, by my flesh and bones, a member of His body, that is the church and His bride. Through me the Lord has remembered his promises. He traverses the chasm between the beginning and the end (Revelation 22:3), and will delay the return no more (Matthew 24:36). Let the wise discern the meaning. I am a son of God, born of the Spirit, manifested in the flesh, made perfect through my suffering (Hebrews 2:10). My kingdom is built on my delight (Psalm 37:4) and for my name (Psalm 68:4)and has its foundations in Truth (Matthew 16:18) and Love (1 Corinthians 13:13). I seek lovers and servants, kings and queens, princess and princesses, whom will delight in my purposes, that is the pursuit of pleasure under the domain of the mind, as I will delight in their purposes and their pleasure. In my presence are endless possibilities and opportunities for adventure (Psalm 16:11). You are worthy, deserving, and capable of all that I can give you (Luke 12:32), if you believe in your heart that this is so (Luke 23:43)

I stand opposed to all empty words, lies, empty exchanges, theft, empty people, sinners. I am wise and generous and stand with open hands to anyone who wishes to understand me. Search for me and you will find me (Matthew 7:7-8). I wish no one harm except the one who denies me (Mark 8:38). To those I will be like a thief in the night (Thessalonians 5:2) . In due time, their foot shall slip (Deuteronomy 32:5).


Therefore Come! Come all those who have been praying ‘“Maranatha” for my return!

The Hanging Gardens

Come to Mount Zion! Come to the Weeping Rock and to the Hanging Gardens! Come to the rolling tides and falling waters! Pass the Field of Dreams, Enter Zion’s Cavern of Consummation. See the River of Life! Come to the place the two become One in Spirit and Nature! See her smooth rocks! Feel her wet walls! Wash yourself clean in the swellings of her anticipation of His coming. Celebrate the place of the New Birth! Let us select a place and prepare for the wedding! Let us witness the consummation of the Bride of the King! 

The Narrows

Come! Have your Mother adorn you with beauty and your Father with courage!

Come! Come and bring your gold and silver, your talents and fine spices, your fragrances and garments and gifts. Leave all that does not fill your heart with delight behind! 

Come! Come you musicians and dancers! Come you chefs and farmers! Come you artists and poets! Come you lovers and fighters! Come you actors and actresses! Come you doctors and shamans! Come witches and seers! Come you men of science and you women of the Spirit! Come you mothers and fathers, you daughters and sons!

Come! Come and bring your appetites and desires for they will be fulfilled!

Come! Come celebrate the return of the king to his throne!

Come! Come from all over, from every continent and the four winds! Come from all tribes, tongues, peoples, and nations. From every church, synagogue, mosque, and temple, come! From the mountains and the prairies, come! From the great cities and small towns, come! Come out of the grip of the beast, who will soon be destroy. Come quickly! 

From New York to LA, East to the West, come! Come crown me King, Best of the best, Lord of all lords, and Hero of all heroes.

Come! You slaughtered saints, you who have waited long enough! At the right time, come out from your darkened slumber and stand with Me and the saints in the light of glory! 

Come! Come and dance for the end of the reign of the beast is over and soon his tall mountains and his mighty men and his harlot women will be brought to ruin!

Come! Come, you women of delight and you men of desire. Come, you daughters of love and you sons of strength. Come and claim your place in the Kingdom of God!

Come! You linguist and evangelists! Sound the trumpet throughout the world! (Matthew 22:1-14).

Come! Those who know the sound of my voice, no matter what form I may take or by what name I may choose! (John 10:27-28)

Let all who seek Peace, come!

Let all who seek Joy, come!

Let all who seek Wisdom, come!

Let all who seek Truth, come!

Let all who seek Goodness, come!

Let all who seek Pleasure, come!

Let all who seek Treasure, come!

Let all who seek Glory, come!

Let all who seek Adventure, come!

Let all who seek the True Image of God, come!  (Colossians 1:15)

“The Son is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation.“

Great White Throne at Zion National Park, Utah

The scroll is being open! (Revelation 5:4-10)

The veil is being lifted! (2 Corinthians 3:7-18)

The promise is being kept! (Hebrews 11:13

The throne is being filled! (Revelation 20:11)

The kingdom is near! (Luke 17:21)

Once, on being asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God would come, Jesus replied, “The coming of the kingdom of God is not something that can be observed, nor will people say, ‘Here it is,’ or ‘There it is,’ because the kingdom of God is in your midst.”

If you love it, he will Come!


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