What’s the value of 1, 45, or 666? The Absurdity of Modern Money



Today everybody in the world is doing something very strange. They are attempting to discuss and value things with something called money. These forms of money include national currencies such US dollars, Great British Pounds, Chinese Yuan, cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin, ethereum, dogecoin, and now Central Bank Digital Currencies. Estimates place the number of cryptocurrencies at nearly 20,000 and counting!

The reason this is strange to me is because these currencies are just numbers. None of them represent anything real or useful, and yet they are being used somehow as a way to measure value. Even that phrase “measure value” is a strange one. Let me illustrate. 

The value of 10 apples is derived from the quality and attributes of an apple and the quantity of having 10 of them. Apples have a nurtitional value, shape, color, flavor, smell, density, and more. Those who value 10 apples are those who need those quantities, qualities, and attributes to solve a problem. How would you measure the value of 10 apples? This question doesn’t make sense. You can measure the apples but how do you measure the value of the apples without taking about the apples? I think the better question is “how would you describe the usefulness of 10 apples to you, given the problem you are trying to solve?”

This example also highlights the absurdity of valuing money. If you take away the apples from the concept of “10 apples”, what value remains? What’s the value of 10? Zero.

This point illustrates the absurdity of our modern age where every man seems to work for, value, and serve a number, like 4, .00012, 607 trillion, or 666. We count with our heads and our hands and we’ve come to love, value, and serve the marks of our counting, abandoning the things these marks represent. The love of these marks are controlling all commerce and activity all over the world, leading to all sorts of evil and its high time we throw the beastly characters promoting these marks into the void of hell.

All forms of pure numbers used in commerce could be rightly called “Mark Based Money” since “to mark” is “to count” like if someone were to mark the days they’ve been in prison, they would count those days by making marks on the prison wall. 

This is why it was predicted 2000 years ago by the apostle John

He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.”

Of course, many will say that having “10” is useful because you could trade it for ten apples, but this is also absurd because why would anyone trade you their ten apples for your number 10? If people would just take a moment to think, they would realize that valuing things in terms of pure numbers is economic insanity, the opposite of value, and the inversion of the very definition of love.

This is why Paul, the apostle of Jesus, wrote, 

For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows”. 

And why Jesus said,

“No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.”

My central argument (spiritually) is this:

Attributes of things, whether quantity or quality have no value. Neither red, nor cold, nor big, nor small…neither a cup, or a gallon, or day or a year or a minute… neither 3, 55, or 666… neither a dollar, nor a yuan, nor a pound, nor bitcoin, nor ethereum, nor XRP XLM… none of these words, if lacking their substance and source are of any value at all… 

Those who pretend the worthless can hold value are worshiping the beast in some terrible way, the are creating the two sins Jeremiah warned against when he said,

“My people have committed two sins: They have forsaken me, the spring of living water, and have dug their own cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold water.”

For nearly 2000 years, we have been living in the Era of the Beast also known as the Era of the Mark. This story begins with one man, Jesus Christ forgiving the sins of the world, which were the wages of death. Jesus began this era by destroying the illusion of death by destroying his body and raising it from the dead. He submitted to the judgement of Satan and in so doing, struck a fatal blow. As this story ends, the spirit of Christ will forgive the debt of the world by destroying his debt and purchasing his freedom. He will submit to the judgment of the Beast (which are the twin dragons of Central Banks and Nation States) and in so doing, strike at the heart of their own fraud. He will declare a year of jubilee and return the fruits of labor back to the planters and producers. Those who do not produce good fruits, who would steal fruit from others, while they themselves produce all kinds of jealousy, rage, envy, and malice, will be cast into the fire with the Beast. For it is written, 

“Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.”


But the beast was captured, and with it the false prophet who had performed the signs on its behalf. With these signs he had deluded those who had received the mark of the beast and worshiped its image. The two of them were thrown alive into the fiery lake of burning sulfur.”


“I counsel you to buy from me gold refined in the fire, so you can become rich; and white clothes to wear, so you can cover your shameful nakedness; and salve to put on your eyes, so you can see.”


The primary purpose of a monetary asset is to be a store of value. The qualities most often required for an asset to hold its value are rarity and durability. An Apple doesn’t hold its qualities and attributes very long before rotting. Steal metal, though durable, is not very rare. A number by itself, whether we call it a dollar, bitcoin, or CBDC, is neither rare nor durable, since numbers don’t exist in the real world.

Gold is nearly indestructible as an asset. It does not tarnish. And it is sufficiently rare with only 244,000 tonnes existing across the world and very little additional supply coming to the market each year. This means that the gold you buy today will look the same and likely be just as rare in 10, 50, 1000 years as it is today. People are still holding gold from the Roman Empire! Sadly, no apples from the Roman Empire still exist today. 

In addition to it being rare and durable, gold is portable, divisible, and fungible. I describe these qualities below. Summing it all together, it’s no wonder why gold and its sister element silver have been the premier store of value and medium of exchange through all world history. 

Portable - You can carry it around fairly easily, unlike say steal which would require an inconvenient degree of volume to be practice. 

Divisible - It is easy to break up the amounts into lesser amounts without losing any of the attributes, unlike a diamond or a Rolex Watch.

Fungible - Any one unit of gold is just like any other unit and can be swapped without losing any attributes, unlike say a famous piece of art. This means gold can take on a layer of currency (representative tokens) that allows holders of gold to transfer the value of it by swapping the token instead of needing to transport the asset itself. This was the use of the American dollar prior to what I will call the Age of Dishonesty, when banks and governments colluded to issue more tokens than the gold they represented, training people to value numbers alone. This abomination of value caused centuries of desolation, as is documented in this video, “All Wars are Bankers Wars”. 


This is why it was said, 

“So when you see the abomination of desolation spoken of by the prophet Daniel, standing in the holy place (let the reader understand), then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains.”

In other words, when you see people, who are the temple of God, inverting love, seeking value in the void, serving money, working for dollars, and worshiping numbers or “marks” as the their treasure and when you see this anti-value, anti-Christ like figure ruling the world, which is the holy place of God’s creation, run! Only desolation and destruction can result from a world in love with death, which is state a person is transformed into a thing of no value. 

As the prophet Jeremiah wrote

 Raise the signal to go to Zion! Flee for safety without delay! For I am bringing disaster from the north, even terrible destruction.”


As the primary example of commodity money, the value of gold is linked to its purity and weight. 

There is no greater asset that exists to store wealth than precious metals. Gold is the best, with only 244,000 tones in existence. Silver typically is 1/10 the rarity of gold. Copper and silver or both great for common localized barter.

So if you want something that will store the value of your wealth over a long period of time and give you hope for the future of yourself and the life you want, Gold, Silver, and Copper are the ideal assets for you to have. 


If you want gold and don’t know how to buy it, I am selling. Check out this post where I discuss the things I value. If you can provide any of these things, name your price (in gold, silver, or copper)


If you want to know about my strike against the dollar and how I am destroying my debts and the illusion of worthless value and unsubstantiated money in my life, click here 



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