Recruiting Process for International Lawman’s Association

Memo: Building a Culture of Leadership and Discipleship: 

ILA Recruiting Template:

As a principal driven organization that seeks to major on localized accountability and service, membership recruiting is an essential component to the International Lawman Association. For a description of the groups goals and organization structure, see this memo from 10/3/24 (Building a Culture of Leadership and Discipleship):

Below is a template for vetting and admitting ILA recruits to the official International Lawman’s Association. Use this template to recruit your first 12 lawmen and training the lawmen in your group in their recruiting efforts.

Step 1: Start Conversation

Template 1: 

Let’s start your initiation. Nothing too crazy or intense. Just a few questions. Do you mind?

Step 2: Understand Motivation

Template 2: 

Thank you! Well first thanks for reaching out. What made you want to be sure to connect with me and possibly join the group?


NOTE: This is your first opportunity to really get to know their motivations so seek to understand their reasons for reaching out and joining. Note that some people may be reaching out for the wrong reasons and seeking certain advice that we don’t give like how to navigate man-made law systems (ie legal advice).


Step 3: Introduce Yourself and Get Their Introduction

Example 3: 

Let me introduce myself. My name is Zach and I live in Parker Co. Im from all over though. I grew up in Alabama (roll tide :)), went to college in Jackson Mississippi (Millsaps College), and lived in Washington DC for 7 years, first as a pastor of a church then as a sales consultant in the non profit tech industry. After DC I moved to Austin Texas for a few years and moved to Colorado during the pandemic in the summer of 2020. 

I have 4 great (young) kids plus 1 on the way. I love the law and believe in the future. I also believe it is my honor and privilege to protect my kids future by humbling myself before these laws of nature and the laws of logic. Tell me about yourself!


Note: Main things to get here are their name and location so you can properly place them in a local group, whether yours or someone else’s.


Step 4: Introduce The Group

Template 4: 

Well let me tell you a little bit about the group. 


The primary purpose of the group (The International Lawman’s Association) is to create an association of men and women who actively support each other in discovering and submitting to the laws of life, liberty, and property. We are not in this to rule over others. We are servants not of the people or ourselves but of the laws and principles which serve the people and ourselves. We intend to hold each other to a very high standard fidelity to the Natural Law.

Principles Over Personalities

We are not a personality-driven group; everyone is expected to contribute and lead. Our motto is “Global Reach through Local Touch,” which signifies that we are united globally by the principles of Natural Law while taking responsibility for our local groups of fellow lawmen (typically no more than 12 people per group).

While exploring the principles of Natural Law can take a lifetime, we can summarize them in the acronym MORAL:

M: Mastery of Natural Law The immutable laws of nature are unbreakable. Understanding and mastering these laws is essential for living a principled life.

O: Obedience through Humility Men must submit to these laws or become broken. True strength comes from humility and recognizing our place within the natural order.

R: Resilience through Faith Submission is a choice that requires discipline, effort, and often suffering. Faith empowers us to remain resilient in our commitment to these principles.

A: Authority through Power The path to competent power lies in the choice of those who fearfully submit to Natural Law. This authority is rooted in understanding and aligning with the laws that govern us.

L: Living in Joy The reward for achieving this power is the joy of life—successful living. Embracing these principles leads to a fulfilling and joyful existence. We do not live in fear or timidity. 

Together, these principles form the foundation of our moral framework. If you are admitted, would you have any objections to swearing an oath based on these principles and accepting accountability to that oath? Is there anything about this that you have questions about or that doesn’t resonate with you?

Step 5: Introduce the Oath

Template 5: 

Assuming you are ok with the oath, I’d like to extend an invitation. I consider all lawmen in my group to be equals. Not that our ideas have equal merit or deserve equal support. What I mean is that we all have equal access to the truth and reality and we all bear equal responsibility for our thoughts and actions. My motto for leadership is to be surrounded by consultants and people who love what’s right and push me to pursue it and hold me accountable when I’m off. At the end of the day though, I am not entitled to your obedience and you aren’t entitled to having your ideas followed either. I want to be surrounded by men and women who are intense and joyful in their submission to the Natural Law and bold in their defiance of anything and everything that opposes our allegiance. The greatest leaders are the hardest followers of these principles. Or as Jesus said, “the greatest among you will be your servant.” We work by mutual engagement, debate, and respect. We are humble, curious, and empathetic. Our only arbiter for truth is the laws of nature and logic. We are gracious and firm like good fathers and mother. My goal is to not only encourage you in your allegiance to your oath but also see you lead others in the same commitment. If there are no objections to that approach to leadership and your responsibility, I would be happy to extend you an invitation to the group.

Read this explanation and the oath. Paste the oath into this chat if you agree to it. Then I’ll send you the link for the larger group


NOTE: Sometimes people will object to taking an oath or have questions about it. Here is a template you can use to explain the oath itself: 

The oath is an organized way for people to raise their hand publicly that they disavow all forms of plunder and sacrifice. It allows us to organize and separate ourselves from those who haven’t publicly made that confession, which has implications on who we support and what we focus on. Ultimately the oath is to yourself, not to any person or group and the responsibility for keeping it is yours alone as well. With that being said, those who understand the power that comes with obeying the natural law will seek out both encouragement and accountability from fellow oath takers.


Step 6: Acknowledge their Oath and Provide Next Steps:

Template 6: 

Welcome to the group! I’ll get you added to the International Lawman Association group and my local group soon. Let’s schedule a 1:1 soon. What time works for you?

In the meantime, when you are added to the group, introduce yourself. Just a simple introduction of your name, location, facts about you that will make you accessible to the group like profession, travel experience, or football affiliations. Stuff like that. Then add the summary oath to the bottom of your intro. “I swear, by my life and my love of it, I will not live for the sake of another man nor ask another man to live for mine.”

This association is for you to ask questions and also contribute as much as you are able. I’ll provide guidance as the group gets larger. For now, just get excited knowing that everyone in that group has taken the same oath that you have ◡̈ )

The following is a short simple Q&A on the basics of the Natural Law:

Review this and let’s discuss it during our first 1:1. Again welcome Lawman!

Step 7: Add your new lawman to the International Lawman Association group and to your local group.

Suggested name for your local group is *City ILA (Your name) Group*. Example: Parker, Colorado ILA (Zach Moore’s) Group

NOTE: If you find that another local group would be better for your recruit, post that request for placement into the ILA chat. Once placed and transferred, delete the post from the chat to keep the chat clean. 


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