Memo: Building a Culture of Leadership and Discipleship


To: Colorado Lawman Association  

From: Zach Moore  

Date: October 3, 2024  

Subject: Building a Culture of Leadership and Discipleship  

Dear Fellow Lawmen,

I am excited to celebrate our growth as a community, with nearly 30 oath takers joining us in just five days! This remarkable interest demonstrates a strong desire for freedom and purpose among our followers on TikTok and X.

As we expand, I want to acknowledge a limitation we all face: the need for deeper, more personal engagement. Our community does not need another teacher; we need fathers and mothers. This understanding helps us recognize that each of us can only support a limited number of individuals on their journey.

With almost 300 people in the recruiting channel, it’s clear there’s a serious interest. To effectively meet this demand, I propose that we share the responsibility of vetting and training new lawmen. Our aim should be to create a culture of discipleship, where leaders don't just gather followers but cultivate new leaders.

Here’s how we can move forward:

1. Leadership Commitment: If you are interested in becoming a leader and a lawman trainer, please reach out to me. Remember, our currency in this movement is faithfulness—our commitment to each other and to our cause. Let’s make a pledge to actively contribute rather than merely receive.

2. Engage with Prospective Oath Takers: Begin conversations with individuals in the recruiting channel. Make a post introducing yourself and asking if anyone in the channel is from your area (e.g., Oklahoma, Chicago, etc.). Guide them through a 1:1 interview process, similar to how I engaged with you. This step is crucial; no one should enter our group without taking the oath.

3. Facilitate Group Efforts: Invite new members to join the Colorado Lawman’s Association and create your own channels to support your teams. As you cultivate your groups, I encourage you to share this same vision with them. Once you have 12 oath takers in your group, encourage them to start their own teams and continue the cycle of growth.

Just like I am asking you to do, I will take on 12 individuals who desire to be leaders and create other leaders. Please note that I will still be hosting online meetings for the larger group, so I will remain actively involved in our community. My goal is to ensure that no one slips through the cracks as we grow.

Ultimately, our goal is not merely to navigate financial challenges or avoid legal troubles. We are committed to teaching contentment and obedience to Natural Law, even in the face of adversity. Just as Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego stood firm in their faith, we too must uphold our principles in a world that often values man-made laws and material wealth over divine truth.

In light of this change in structure, we will be renaming the Colorado Lawman Association to the International Lawman Association to better reflect our growing reach and community.

Let’s embark on this journey together, pointing each other toward both natural and God’s law, and embodying Christ as our ultimate model of obedience.

Thank you for your commitment to this movement. I look forward to collaborating with each of you to grow our community into one of strong, principled leaders.


Zach Moore

Use this template to recruit your first 12 lawmen and training the lawmen in your group in their recruiting efforts.


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