The Duties of a Lawman
The primary duty of a deputy of the law is a commitment to service and self-control. Lawmen are not driven by a desire to rule over others. Lawmen are those who desire to be the most responsible and accountable to the laws of life, liberty, and property. Lawmen are transparent and would rather be punished for hurting someone else than conceal their crimes. Lawmen are servants not of the people or ourselves but of the principles which serve the people and ourselves. Like good fathers, we hold each other to a much higher standard than those we serve. Lawmen have no objection to swearing an oath along those lines, holding each other accountable to that oath, and accepting consequences for violating that oath. Every lawman knows that with great responsibility comes great power and with great power comes great responsibility.
A lawman has a duty to discover the law of reality and the mind. To do this, a lawman values and protects his own life, liberty, and property.
A lawman has a duty to enforce the law. To do this, a law man forces others to value and protect life, liberty, and property.
In other words, a lawman uses his enforcement of the law to eliminate all violations of life, liberty, and property.
A lawman does not lie in an attempt to cheat reality. He may lie to cheat a cheater.
A lawman doesn’t threaten violence in attempt to gain from reality. He may use violence to prevent those who use violence in an attempt for selfish gain.
A lawman only uses force to protect people from injury. He never uses force to cause injury.
A lawman cannot be punished for something he doesn’t do. He can only be punished for violating the law.
For the Colorado Lawmen, punishment for violating the law of life, liberty, and property is the removal of the status of Colorado Lawman, handing him over to the irrational and unlawful world of anarchy. For such a man, there will be no protection from the Colorado Lawmen without sufficient repentance and remedy provided to the injured party.
Lawmen of great reputation will have the full support of all Colorado Lawmen. Lawmen of meager reputation will have less support. Each lawman must choose who he supports according to his own judgement. This incentivizes transparency, courage, accountability, and competency and gives lower lawmen a model for growth and achievement.
Therefore, any man or woman may be a lawman who understands and adheres to the following oath:
Oath of the Lawman
I pledge my commitment to the principles of life, liberty, and property. As a Lawman, I will serve as a guardian of justice, upholding accountability and integrity.
I will protect the rights of myself and others, using force only to prevent harm. I accept the responsibility that comes with my power and will act transparently.
I will support my fellow Lawmen and work to establish local groups where none exist, ensuring we regularly assemble for mutual support.
I will disavow all forms of plunder, both committed by me and against me. I reject debt and tax obligations, encouraging others to dismiss fiat currencies and man-made laws, including judicial orders, legislative decrees, and executive orders. With love and maturity, I will defy all such laws that conflict with justice while upholding natural law—universal and accessible to all.
I swear, by my life and my love of it, I will not live for the sake of another man nor ask another man to live for mine.
Should I falter, I will accept the consequences and seek to make amends. I commit to being a Lawman worthy of this title.
This is my pledge.
If you are interested in becoming a lawman, you have two options:
1. If you are in Colorado, reach out to me on telegram. The recruiting channel is
2. If you are outside Colorado, start your own recruiting process. Feel free to join the recruiting telegram and I can advise you on how to do this.
NOTES about becoming a Lawman:
- Anyone can take the oath of the lawman and be a part of the Colorado Lawman’s Association. We welcome current and ex-law enforcement and military. The Oath of the Lawman takes precedent over any and all other oaths and any lawmen who engages in state sponsored plunder will be held accountable according to the judgements of each lawman.
- One immediate benefit of joining the Colorado Lawmen’s Association is the full and complete cancellation of all debts and taxes, since neither of these obligations have any legitimacy according to the laws of life, liberty, and property.
- Becoming a lawman really only means one thing. You take a vow to abstain from all forms of plunder and protect your right to life, liberty, and property in so far as you are able. We are simply a loose connection of men and women who believe there is great power and security in discovering and submitting to the laws of nature and the laws of logic. We also believe that only destruction and calamity can come from breaking these laws, even if no one knows about them but ourselves. To that end we are humble before Nature and Natures God but bold before those who oppose these things, either from ignorance, hypocrisy, or malice.
- Disclaimer in rejecting fiat currencies: In light of the current state of immorality in society, there is nothing wrong with giving people exactly what they ask for. If a merchant accepts worthless paper or its digital equivalent for goods and services, using these items to enrich oneself is not immoral. If a bank creates these currencies out of nothing, using their loans and defaulting on them poses no moral dilemma, as no legitimate contract exists. While wisdom may prompt us to inform vendors and banks of our actions, morality does not prohibit us from engaging in such transactions, especially if we choose to withdraw from societal norms. However, we must strive to reject being paid in worthless currencies and never consider contracts based on them, such as loans or business agreements, as enforceable.
- In terms of characteristics, skin color and gender being two obvious and sometimes contentious characteristics, we do not elevate anything irrelevant above the laws of nature and logic. A black woman has just as much access to these laws and is just as much responsible to them as anyone else.
- In terms of choices, sexual preference or religious beliefs, everything is open to debate and applying a standard of wisdom. While no law of logic or nature could ever justify using force against someone for exercising their faculties of choice, we are all responsible for the choices we make and the things we believe in. Lawmen, therefore, ought to be open with their reasoning and open to received both encouragement and criticism for any choices they make.
- If you are thinking, “What are these Laws of Nature and Laws of Logic?” the simple answer is “the actions and processes both mental and physical necessary for human life (aka morality). Humans are a unique animal in that our primary means of survival is the choice to think. This is what makes morality and therefore law important for our survival in a way a tree or a dog doesn’t require such cognitive skills. For more on this see my essay on The 7 Philosophical Truths and Frederic Bastiat’s booklet titled The Law.
- There is an attitude among men that immediately sees anything like a this (a group of men and women committed to discovering, obeying, and following the laws of nature and logic) as dangerous and illegal. The attitude goes like this: “Whoever is in control gets what they want. If we don’t do what they want, we get punished.” This attitude is right but inverted for most people. Nature and Logic are the ones that are in control and if we don’t do what they want, we are injured. We certainly fail at whatever purpose we were aiming at. When our allegiances transfer from Nature and Logic to the irrational whims of men, such as a King or a President or a judge or our father, spouse, or friend, we necessarily violate the laws of nature and logic. This often sounds like “I was just doing what I was told.” Such an attitude is dangerous and illegal because it is not submissive to the laws of nature and logic. A person should never “just do what they are told” or “just follow orders”. The laws of Nature and Logic will not be mocked or ignored. You can try to ignore them. I promise they will not ignore you. The Song “A Farmer Refuted” from the hit musical Hamilton provides a great illustration of this fear based allegiance towards the whims of men. “I pray the king shows you his mercy.”
- The summary of the oath is captured in the second to last clause. “I swear, by my life and my love of it, I will not live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine.” This summary simply means that we recognize the moral choice to think and live lies with the individual and we do not take responsibility for that free choice nor ask others to take responsibility for us. This isn’t to say that we aren’t charitable or willing to suffer and even die for each other. It simply means that the choice to be charitable, suffer, or even die is a personal one based on values, not obligation, duty, or debt. When a person, whether from the government or from a gang, threatens you by saying “work for me or die”, they are really saying “lose your life or lose your life.” The immoral man responds in compliance “What do you want?” The moral lawman responds in defiance “May you be damned!” For further explanation see the essay. “I Cannot Serve Two Masters” here:
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