In this life of scarcity, we are forced to cling. In the eternal life with God, we are promised treasures forevermore. But the path from this world of competition to the world of peace is sorrow. Christ entered the Kingdom through death. His life of faithful suffering was the way. His excruciating death was the door. His ressurrection was the key. Through pain we stop clinging to earthly hopes and by faith we testify to the truth of that happy land far far away. He was not an earthly king. He did not come to establish an earthly kingdom. He did not come to give his people the land. He did not come to topple the tyrants throne or wars perfect practitioners. He did not come to teach us how to build a perfect earthly state. He came to teach us to let go. He came to teach us to look beyond. He came to show you how to take the blows and sing in prison. He came to teach us how to die. Let us then give up on statecraft. Let us stop trying to perfectly ...