Unmasking the Illusion: The Federal Reserve, Debt Bondage, and the Quest for Liberation


I want to open this essay with a common scenario. As John enters the pristine marble halls of the bank, he has one goal in mind: securing a loan to fund his aspirations for a better life. Little does he know, however, that behind the polished veneer of the bank lies a sinister mechanism, one that ensnares unsuspecting borrowers into a web of debt bondage and servitude. For decades, the Federal Reserve has wielded its influence over the American economy, its policies shaping the destiny of millions. Yet, beneath the facade of financial stability and prosperity, lurks a system built on the exploitation of the masses. As John sits across from the bank manager, signing away his future in exchange for a sum of money, he unwittingly becomes a pawn in a grand scheme—one that perpetuates the degradation of society and cements the global domination of the dollar.

The origins of this insidious cycle can be traced back to the inception of the Federal Reserve, a seemingly innocuous entity tasked with safeguarding the nation's financial stability. However, behind closed doors, the Federal Reserve's policies facilitate the concentration of wealth in the hands of a select few, while impoverishing the masses. Through mechanisms such as fractional reserve lending and debt-based currency, the Federal Reserve effectively enslaves entire generations, shackling them to a lifetime of debt and servitude. As John leaves the bank, the weight of his decision begins to dawn on him—the promise of prosperity fading into the harsh reality of modern-day serfdom.

In the face of such pervasive exploitation, it becomes imperative for individuals to awaken to the realities of their predicament, to question the systems that perpetuate their subjugation, and to strive for a future free from the chains of financial bondage. For only by challenging the hegemony of the Federal Reserve and reclaiming control over their economic destiny can individuals hope to break free from the shackles of modern-day slavery and forge a path towards true prosperity and liberation.

To do this, I intend to ask one practical question and one legal question. 

The practical question is this. 

What is the nature of money creation within the Federal Reserve System? Throughout I will prove that the Federal Reserve is a private institution that collateralizes the productive lives of its customers, essentially selling their own labor back to them at interest. This system creates money by loaning it to the government via the Federal Reserve directly and loaning it to private businesses and individuals via a network of private financial institutions. When the Federal Reserve sells government debt, it is collateralizing the collective labor of the citizenry which the government pays back via taxes. When the Federal Reserve network sells private and corporate debt, it is collateralizing the labor of its customers which they agree to pay back directly. This series of revelations reveals a fundamental second question. Does the Federal Reserve and its network have the right to sell such assets? 

The legal question is this. 

Is the Federal Reserve System of taxes and debt illegal based on the language of the 13th Amendment? To answer this question, we will explore the essence of slavery which is the ownership and use of a person.

Henry Ford once said “It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.”

It is my contention that it is time for the people to fully understand this system and take up the mantle of revolution. 

What is the Nature of Money Creation in the Federal Reserve System and Does it Violate the US Constitution?

To answer this question, I want to consider three scenarios. 

Scenario 1: Direct Slavery.

Imagine someone coercing a cotton farmer to surrender all their future productivity. This is an example of slavery, where the farmer gives away their labor for nothing in return. This very practice was outlawed by the 13th Amendment of the United States of America.

The 13th Amendment states: “Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.”

Scenario 2: Slave Trading

Now, let's delve into the financial realm. If someone collateralizes the future productivity of the cotton farmer and diverts the funds for personal gain—say, building a house—it's akin to the slave trade. In essence, it's turning slave labor into money, without fair compensation and was practiced extensively during the Transatlantic Slave Trade: By assuming the right to the slaves labor, the slave owner was able to assess a value and monetize their slave. This too was banned throughout the world. 

Shockingly, this mirrors how the Federal Reserve finances the US Government: by collateralizing the future productivity of American citizens and spending the funds from that loan, repaid with coercive taxation.

Scenarios 3: Modern Banking

Without the ability to directly enslave people or sell slaves on the auction block, those who wished to profit from the buying and selling of human productivity had one more tool at their disposal, money creation. If a person or institution could grant to themselves the exclusive ability to create money, they could essentially collateralize the productivity of people without them knowing it. In this scenario, individuals are tricked into relinquishing ownership of their future productivity to a bank, receiving nothing substantial in return. The essential question in modern banking, however, comes down to whether the banks are treating their customers productivity as collateral when it doesn’t belong to them. Are they acting like they own their customers or are the offering something they rightfully own when loans are made? Unfortunately, the answer is that the banks create money by collateralizing their customers. This is precisely what happens within the Federal Reserve system, perpetuating a cycle of debt and servitude.

Despite the illegality of person ownership, the Federal Reserve system has institutionalized slavery once again in America and indeed throughout the world. 

According to the 13th Amendment Section 1, all forms of slavery should be considered illegal and outlawed.

Common Questions

Now, let's address common questions:

1. **How is a legitimate loan different from a Federal Reserve System loan?** 

Legitimate loans involve a mutual exchange of property, ensuring consent and equitable exchange. It is perfectly reasonable for an individual to collateralize their own productivity. Farmers do this all the time when they create credit accounts at their local supply stores. By borrowing equipment and supplies in advance of the harvest, they are essentially collateralizing their own capital and labor which they will repay after the harvest according to the terms of the loan. However, modern loans only tokenize other people’s future productivity, which can only be done in the first person. In other words, the sentence “I sold my labor” indicates a legitimate transaction whereas “he sold my labor” indicates theft and slavery. 

2. **What harm does the Federal Reserve System cause?**

For starters, this system is inherently inhumane since it violates the essence of a persons, their own independent volition. I don’t think I need to dwell to much here on the harm done by systems of oppression which deny human nature. This is why the Declaration of Independence describes man as possessing inalienable rights, that is the right to live, the right to be free, and the right to pursuit his interests.. 

Secondly, such a system is inherently unsustainable since every dollar loaned into existence with interests requires additional money to be loaned into the system in order to pay off the interests. Thus the collapse of such a money creation system is a mathematical certainty as the interests payments become the primary reason for taking on more debt. 

3. ***Can contracts violate the 13th amendment?***


Contracts, to be valid, must be legal. The 13th Amendment prohibits slavery and involuntary servitude, emphasizing consent and just cause in any labor-related transaction. The 13th amendment also forbids any person treating another person as property. Therefore, a debt contract that presumes a bank can collateralize the life of someone else is not valid because it violates the fundamental principle of self-ownership and consent enshrined in the 13th amendment. Any contract that involves the tokenization of an individual's future productivity is inherently invalid and should be nullified under the law. 

4. *** What are the implications if we legalize the rights of someone people to collateralize the lives of other people?***

If it were legal to collateralize the future labor of someone else, several concerning consequences would arise:

1. **Exploitation and Coercion:**

 Individuals could be coerced or manipulated into agreements where their future labor is collateralized without their full understanding or consent. This could lead to situations where individuals are effectively enslaved to debt obligations they did not willingly enter into.

2. **Loss of Autonomy:** 

Collateralizing future labor would strip individuals of their autonomy and control over their own labor. They would effectively become beholden to the whims and decisions of lenders, who could dictate terms and conditions that prioritize their own interests over the well-being of the debtor.

3. **Perpetuation of Inequality:** 

Legalizing the collateralization of future labor could exacerbate existing social and economic inequalities. Those with power and resources would have the ability to leverage the labor of others for their own benefit, further widening the gap between the wealthy elite and the rest of society.

4. **Inter-generational Impact** 

Future generations could inherit debts and obligations incurred by their predecessors, perpetuating cycles of debt bondage and limiting opportunities for upward mobility and economic prosperity.

5. **Diminished Human Dignity:** 

Allowing the commodification of human labor in such a manner devalues the inherent dignity and worth of individuals. It reduces human beings to mere economic assets to be bought, sold, and exploited for financial gain, eroding the fundamental principles of human rights and dignity.

In essence, legalizing the collateralization of future labor would fundamentally undermine the principles of freedom, autonomy, and human dignity, leading to widespread exploitation, inequality, and social injustice.

Since the establishment of the Federal Reserve in 1913, society has witnessed a steady decline characterized by the erosion of human freedom and dignity. Permitting the practice of collateralizing future labor has been a significant factor in this regression, enabling the exploitation and manipulation of individuals for financial gain. This has resulted in a loss of autonomy, with individuals relinquishing control over their own labor to lenders. Consequently, inequality has thrived, with the wealthy elite leveraging the labor of others to consolidate their power and privilege. Moreover, inter-generational debt burdens have been imposed, perpetuating cycles of poverty and limiting opportunities for upward mobility. At its core, this degradation of society represents a profound loss of human freedom and dignity, as individuals are reduced to mere economic assets to be bought, sold, and exploited.

5. ***Can’t the government override the 13th amendment as it deems necessary, for public benefit, states rights, or national security?***

No. Taking such action would be self-defeating since this state action essentially recreates the very conditions of slavery and servitude the 13th amendment repudiated. 

The 13th Amendment's power and validity become evident when individuals who are denied the right to control their own labor face the consequences of asserting their autonomy. When individuals refuse coerced labor arrangements, they are met with state or federal violence in the form of fines, imprisonment, or even death. This response contradicts the principles of freedom and autonomy protected by the 13th Amendment, coercing individuals into involuntary servitude. It also highlights the self-defeating nature of opposing the amendment's essence. Resorting to violence perpetuates the oppression the 13th Amendment aims to abolish, undermining justice, equality, and human dignity. Therefore, it is crucial to defend and uphold the protections of the 13th Amendment to ensure the fundamental rights of all individuals.


To illustrate this point, let us consider a simple story. 

In a small town, a group of wealthy industrialists successfully lobbies the state government to pass a law requiring all residents to work in their privately-owned factories for minimal wages. Recognizing that this law violates their rights under the 13th Amendment, the citizens refuse to comply with the coerced labor arrangements. Despite facing fines and threats of imprisonment, they stand firm in their refusal to submit to involuntary servitude.

As more residents join the resistance and reject the forced labor mandates, the state government intensifies its response. Law enforcement officers begin arresting and imprisoning those who defy the labor mandates, accusing them of disrupting economic stability and public order.

However, the citizens' steadfast refusal to work in the factories disrupts the flow of resources and revenue that the state relies on to enforce its violence. With production grinding to a halt and the wealthy industrialists feeling the economic pinch, the state finds itself deprived of the very resources it would typically use to suppress dissent. The citizenry's collective action not only challenges the unjust law but also undermines the state's ability to maintain its oppressive regime.

Despite facing fines, imprisonments, and state-sponsored violence, the citizens continue to stand united in defense of their rights under the 13th Amendment. As solidarity among the resistance grows stronger, community support networks emerge to provide for one another's needs in the absence of income from coerced labor. Neighbors come together to share resources, support those facing fines and imprisonment, and sustain the movement for justice and freedom.

As the citizens' defiance persists and the state's authority weakens, the oppressive system begins to crumble under the weight of collective resistance. In reclaiming their rights and dignity, the citizens demonstrate the power of solidarity and collective action to challenge oppression and resist tyranny, ultimately paving the way for a more just and equitable society.

Furthermore, the utilization of state-sponsored violence necessitates the expansion of state power, leading to the militarization of police forces and an incessant arms race akin to the tensions of the Cold War era. As the citizenry steadfastly refuses to submit to unjust mandates, the state finds itself compelled to bolster its coercive apparatus, allocating vast resources to fortify law enforcement agencies with military-grade weaponry and equipment. In a parallel vein, the arms race of the Cold War era serves as a poignant illustration of the insidious cycle of violence perpetuated by the quest for dominance. Just as nations vied for supremacy through the stockpiling of weapons and the escalation of military capabilities, so too does the state, in its bid to quash dissent and maintain control, embark on a path of ever-increasing militarization. This incessant expansion of state power, fueled by the imperative to suppress resistance, underscores the inherent dangers of state-sponsored violence and the imperative for individuals to resist oppression through peaceful means.

In conclusion, loan contracts that resemble forms of slavery violate the 13th Amendment and perpetuate harm to individuals and society. It's imperative that we challenge and nullify these contracts to uphold the principles of freedom, justice, and equality.

Final Thought: How Love Enables Our Non-Compliance

In the annals of history, one must confront the sinister manifestation of state-sponsored violence in racially motivated domination—a lust for power and control that stains the pages of time with unfathomable atrocities. From the Anglo-Saxon subjugation of Africans to the repugnant German Aryan oppression of Jews and present-day conflicts, this insatiable thirst for dominance lies at the crux of systemic oppression and violence. When the end goal deviates from the betterment of the land's people to the expulsion or annihilation of the "other," violence becomes a sinister tool wielded by those yearning for supremacy.

Yet, it is not lost on me that today is Good Friday, the day Jesus of Nazareth faced the power of state sponsored violence for his non-compliance. Through his story amidst the bleakness of racially motivated domination and the relentless march of violence, Christianity proffers a beacon of hope—the ineffable power of God's love. This divine love, demonstrated through the resurrection of Jesus Christ, transcends the very grasp of death itself. Central to the tenets of Christianity lies the unyielding belief in the transformative might of God's love, which triumphed over death and raised Jesus from the tomb. This ultimate manifestation of divine love serves as a testament that even in the throes of death and oppression, the boundless love of God perseveres, extending hope, redemption, and liberation to all who embrace it.

In light of the resplendent power of love, demonstrated in the triumphant resurrection of Jesus Christ, individuals are summoned to cultivate unwavering faith in this transcendent force by defying the shackles of death itself. Just as Christ vanquished death through the infinite love of God, so too can we rebuff the specter of oppression, violence, and racial domination by embodying the virtues of love, compassion, and forgiveness in our daily lives. Electing to spurn systems of injustice and oppression, and instead embracing love as the lodestar of our actions, we are poised to contribute to the emergence of a world steeped in equity, compassion, and righteousness. Through acts of solidarity, empathy, and benevolence, we can dismantle the bastions of animosity and division, heralding a new era where love reigns supreme, vanquishing even the darkest shadows of death and desolation.


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