Is the love of land the root of politics?

I have a genuine question when it comes to government and politics.

I’m not entirely certain if property and land ownership is not the fundamental issue at the heart of all our conflicts with government. This Israeli / Palestine conflict is shaking me a bit about this.

Has any major philosophical, political or economic thinker dealt with this issue at the heart of what justifies property and land ownership?

I have a sense I’m going to find a certain materialism devolve into the politics of survival in fear of death which is the root of tyranny (might makes right because the mighty have the land. Anything can be owned (including people) and the best owners employ all tools including deception, brainwashing, diplomacy, military, politic, and other manners of control and conquest.

I imagine the counter to this is going some degree of spiritualism that devolves into letting go of any strong claims to land and property in belief of life with God, who is the source of all land and material so worship of this source is the way to live. I imagine this perspective will seek to live at peace with others, rule their own lives, but never seek to rule others. This way might be rightly considered the way of love under divine promises. 

To me it makes sense that the remnants of Judaism which rejected this spiritual kingdom is obsessed with the land to the point of outright tyranny and genocide. Judas Iscariot, like many Jews at the time, was actually pretty pissed that Jesus wasn’t a physical king coming to establish a physical kingdom and restore Israel to its physical land. 

John 18:36 Jesus said, “My kingdom is not of this world. If it were, my servants would fight to prevent my arrest by the Jewish leaders. But now my kingdom is from another place.”

If the true king is confronted by a fake government and doesn’t fight, it really is an indication that he’s not concerned about the land or property rights.

Acts 1:6 “Then they gathered around him and asked him, “Lord, are you at this time going to restore the kingdom to Israel?” Even after Jesus was resurrected, the disciples were still expecting a physical restoration of Israel. 

Without a faith in a spiritual promise, I’m really not sure how the logic of land acquired by might doesn’t devolve into the might makes right world of slavery, tyranny, and fascism. 

Power/Property v Faith/Love. That’s how I think this issue splits.

Karl Marx- attempted to develop a purely land/labor/property based vision of organizing human civilization, removing human desire, freedom, and spirit from the equation. Communism, which attempted to implement this vision, has slaughtered hundreds of millions. “You shall know them by their fruits”

Further reflection: 

If you are following God or using the power of God through prestige (like the Jews do) to get the land, you are making an idol of the land, flesh, and power. Abraham was willing to sacrifice Isaac, the child of promise, and that was credited to him as righteousness. If all things are created by God, there will be no lack of land or resources in heaven. Heaven is the promised land, the land of plenty where love reigns, not power or privilege. Therefore, citizens of that land do not covet this land. Citizens of Heaven talk about how much better the promised land is than this fallen land. We don’t obsess over property and power. We don’t even cling to our life which is a derivative of this fallen land. We follow our rabbi, savior, king, and messiah Jesus Christ on cross like adventures to the degree of our faith in the promised land that is not of this world. We reject all idols, family, country, comfort, food, homes, and wealth. We store up treasures in heaven with our good deeds, telling the truth, alleviating pain, healing the sick, and testifying to that happy land. If we are not raised with Christ, we are of all men the biggest idiots.


Imagine a group of people. 

They are stronger, smarter, more cunning, and productive than any other people group. They started in one part of the world world and are spreading across the globe, killing everyone in their path. Soon they will dominate the whole planet. They do not inbreed. Even other nations who organize against them are hamstrung by division and confusion that they themselves sow. 

Is it not the greatest dream of every person to be a member of this group and isn’t it the greatest nightmare to be an enemy of this group? Is there any antidote to such power?

Give to Ceaser what is Ceasers- your flesh

Give to Gods what is Gods - your spirit

Reading this question with my understand of religious developments, especially of Israel and the promise of the “promised land” is really informing my conviction here. I can’t discern a defensible way to split up the land that doesn’t require a “might makes right” argument. 

I think that is a beautiful meditation when paired with the message of Christ whose kingdom “is not of this world” and who allowed Ceaser to take what was Ceasers, namely his life, but gave to God’s what was God’s, namely his spirit. That God vindicated Jesus by restoring his life after Ceaser took it is the hope of humanity.


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