The Cancer of Tyranny and Anarchy in Our Financial System
The Cancer of Tyranny and Anarchy in Our Financial System: A Warning to the Youth and a Call for Restoration
Our nation is facing a profound moral and economic crisis, one that traces its roots back to the early 20th century and has spread like a cancer throughout the body of American society. This crisis began in 1913 with the creation of the Federal Reserve—a system that introduced legalized plunder, where a small elite, through banking, taxation, and later military power, extracted wealth from the many for their own benefit. Over time, this extraction has only intensified, with the political and financially connected class exploiting the system to consolidate their power. The result is a society where power, not justice, is the only legitimate force.
The Birth of Legalized Plunder
The Federal Reserve, along with an unjust tax system, created a perpetual cycle of wealth extraction that continues to plague us today. Through inflationary currency practices and burdensome taxation, the government effectively seizes the wealth of the productive and redistributes it to the powerful. No longer is wealth created through innovation, hard work, or entrepreneurship. Instead, it is extracted through coercion and manipulation—turning society from one based on honest labor to one built on exploitation.
This system is a fundamental violation of natural law, which posits that power and wealth should only come from honest labor, mutual exchange, and the creation of value. Yet in today’s world, those who thrive are not those who add value to society, but those who know how to exploit it. This corruption runs deep, and it has eroded the moral character of society. The values that once defined the American dream—individual rights, personal responsibility, and the pursuit of happiness—have been replaced by a distorted ethos where manipulation and self-interest reign supreme.
A Legal and Moral Breakdown
As this plundering continues, it creates a society where laws lose their meaning. Those in power are above reproach, and the very concept of justice is distorted to serve the interests of the few. The rule of law is no longer a protection for the citizen, but a tool to maintain the status quo and protect those who benefit from the system of extraction. When the legal framework that should safeguard society instead perpetuates injustice, it leads to a breakdown of trust in institutions, the erosion of the social contract, and ultimately, to chaos.
In such a system, anarchy is not just a possibility—it is inevitable. When law and justice no longer serve to protect citizens equally, society begins to fragment. In the absence of a moral framework, only coercion and force remain to govern. Laws become instruments of control, and those who are able to manipulate them to their advantage become untouchable. This is a dangerous path—one where criminal behavior is no longer punished but rationalized, normalized, and even celebrated. It is a system where survival is not about productive work, but about exploiting others to gain power.
The Stages of Financial Cancer
If tyranny and anarchy were a disease, Donald Trump wouldn’t represent a difference of type but only a difference in degree. The stages of this financial cancer have played out over the past century, each stage more dangerous and more widespread than the last.
The first stage began with the Roaring 20s and the subsequent Great Depression. This was when the system of legalized plunder first took hold in the wake of World War I. The creation of the Federal Reserve, coupled with reckless speculation and the collapse of the stock market in 1929, set the stage for the economic hardship that followed.
Stage two came with World War II and the Bretton Woods Agreement. After the war, the U.S. dollar became the world’s reserve currency, and the global financial system was reshaped under American dominance. The U.S. emerged as the world’s economic powerhouse, but the foundations of this dominance were built on debt and manipulation, not true productivity or wealth creation.
Stage three unfolded after the Nixon Shock of 1971, which severed the dollar’s tie to gold and ushered in the era of fiat currency. This period saw the rise of financialization—the shift from a manufacturing-based economy to one driven by speculation and credit. The Great Financial Crisis of 2008 marked the culmination of this stage, as the financial system came close to collapsing under the weight of its own fraud and mismanagement.
Now, we find ourselves in stage four—an era where the disease has metastasized throughout every part of the body. There are no longer any symbols of order or wealth that are not tainted by this financial cancer. The government, the military-industrial complex, Wall Street, and multinational corporations have all become intertwined in a global system of exploitation. No part of the world, no part of society, is untouched by the fraud that is central banking. And the next stage is the inevitable collapse: death, societal disintegration, and the rise of mob rule.
The Arrogance of Youth: A False Start
To the youth who believe they are immune to the consequences of this system, this article serves as a warning. There is an arrogance in youth, a sense that each generation begins with a blank slate, ready to remake the world in its own image. But the truth is far more sobering. The world you are born into is not a tabula rasa; it is shaped by the actions, policies, and decisions of those who came before you. Every new generation is born into the context of an existing system, and this system is diseased.
The analogy of the human body is fitting: just as new cells are born every day into an existing body, each new generation enters a world already shaped by financial manipulation, political corruption, and moral decay. The body—our society—may seem healthy on the surface, but beneath it, the disease of exploitation has spread throughout every organ and tissue. Those who succeed in today’s world may think they are immune, but they are either complicit in the disease or simply unaware of its spread. Success in this environment does not signify health or vitality; it signals an accommodation with the disease.
If you think you can escape this corruption through personal achievement or individual merit, you are fooling yourself. The system is rigged. Whether you are aware of it or not, whether you benefit from it or not, the disease is already present, and no one is immune. As the body becomes more diseased, only the healthy parts of the body—those who are aware of the corruption—feel the pain. The rest remain oblivious or willfully ignorant.
A Choice for Restoration
The current system cannot continue indefinitely. It is on the verge of collapse. If America is to reclaim its integrity and moral foundation, we must reject the system of exploitation that has overtaken our society. This is not a matter of tinkering with policies or electing new leaders. The system itself must be dismantled, and we must return to the principles of fairness, equity, and individual rights that once made this nation great.
This is a stark choice: we can continue down the path of decay, death, and collapse, or we can rise up and demand a return to true justice and equality under the law. It will not be easy, but it is the only way forward. For those who are willing to confront the disease head-on, there is hope. The restoration of a free and just society is possible, but only if we are willing to acknowledge the cancer for what it is and take action to eradicate it.
For the youth of today, the time to act is now. You are not the first generation to inherit a flawed system, but you may very well be the last that can change it. The choices you make will determine whether this cancer of tyranny and anarchy continues to grow or whether a new era of justice, liberty, and prosperity can be born. The power to restore America lies in your hands. Will you rise to the challenge, or will you allow the disease to consume us all? The choice is yours.
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