From Rome to Today: A History of Empty Value and False Authority Defeated

 Imagine the vast empire of Rome, its wealth consolidated in gold and silver, falling into the hands of an institution like the Vatican. With access to this immense wealth, the Vatican could issue currency backed by gold while charging interest on its loans, setting in motion a system of global dominance. Over time, this mechanism would guarantee that borrowers—whether individuals, businesses, or governments—would default. These defaults would lead to the seizure of land, assets, and even control over entire governments, consolidating power in the hands of the lender.

This system would create a hierarchy of exploitation. The strong and competent would become enforcers, upholding the system to maintain their own survival, while the weaker would be crushed under the weight of impossible obligations. Over centuries, such a structure would expand like a machine, enslaving populations and consolidating control over the world’s resources.

The twin lies of usury and authority underpin this hypothesis. Usury creates wealth from nothing, enslaving borrowers through debt, while authority enforces compliance with systems that lack logical or moral justification. Together, these forces guarantee the rise of a global empire of oppression, unchecked until someone or something challenges these lies at their core.

Historical Evidence

David Graeber’s Debt: The First 5000 Years provides a detailed account of how financial systems evolved to control and exploit populations. Graeber shows how debt, initially rooted in reciprocal exchanges, became a tool of domination as societies institutionalized usury. The transition from barter economies to money economies allowed the ruling classes to extract wealth through interest, creating permanent indebtedness. Institutions like the Vatican, which held vast reserves of gold, became central players in this exploitation.

The Rothschild family’s manipulation of financial markets during the Battle of Waterloo is a striking example of how information and usury combined to create immense power. By spreading false news of Napoleon’s victory, the Rothschilds devalued British markets, allowing them to acquire assets at bargain prices. This event demonstrates how control over money and information allows elites to dominate nations, further embedding usury into the global system.

Kevin MacDonald’s A People That Shall Dwell Alone examines how cultural practices among Jewish communities facilitated financial dominance, particularly through the development of banking and lending practices. During the Babylonian captivity, Jews adopted and refined usurious practices, laying the groundwork for financial systems that would later dominate Europe. By allying with powerful states, Jewish financiers gained unparalleled influence, creating a symbiosis between money and authority.

Adolf Hitler’s campaign to expel international financiers from Germany in the 1930s highlights the destructive power of usury. While Hitler recognized the economic enslavement caused by international banking, he failed to challenge the legitimacy of government authority itself. This oversight ultimately led to his downfall, as global powers united against him. Hitler’s failure underscores the necessity of confronting both usury and unjust authority.

God’s Story: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow

The Bible offers profound insights into the destructive nature of usury and false authority. The Synagogue of Satan, referenced in Revelation 2:9 and 3:9, symbolizes a marriage of lies and destruction embodied in these twin evils. Jesus warns, “I know your tribulation and your poverty (but you are rich) and the slander of those who say that they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan” (Revelation 2:9). This synagogue represents those who exploit others through deceit, theft, and destruction, aligning with the characteristics of Satan himself.

Satan is described as “a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour” (1 Peter 5:8), and as “a liar and the father of lies”(John 8:44). He steals, kills, and destroys (John 10:10), embodying a complete disregard for the foundational rights of life, liberty, and property. These attributes—lying, roaming, stealing, and devouring—are the essence of the Synagogue of Satan, which is symbolically reflected in modern banking and the nation-state system.

During the Babylonian captivity, Jewish communities adapted to survival under oppressive conditions by engaging in financial practices that included lending at interest. While the Mosaic Law prohibited usury among Israelites (Deuteronomy 23:19-20), these restrictions were often ignored or circumvented, particularly in dealings with Gentiles. This perversion of the law laid the foundation for a system of exploitation that Jesus directly challenged.

In the Gospels, Jesus confronts both religious and political authorities who have corrupted God’s law. When asked about paying taxes to Caesar, He replies, “Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God’s”(Mark 12:17), emphasizing the separation between divine sovereignty and human authority. Jesus also condemns the money changers in the temple, overturning their tables and declaring, “You have made it a den of robbers” (Matthew 21:13).

Revelation portrays two beasts: one representing corrupt governance and the other economic exploitation. These beasts are empowered by the dragon, symbolizing Satan, and deceive humanity through lies and coercion. The parallels to modern systems of fiat currency, endless debt, and state-sponsored oppression are unmistakable. The United States’ relationship with Israel exemplifies this dynamic, as it funnels financial and military support to sustain a system rooted in usury and unjust authority.

God’s Story in Modern Times: Zachary Moore v. Alliant Credit Union

The art project Zachary Moore v. Alliant Credit Union serves as a contemporary challenge to the twin lies of usury and authority. By presenting a fictitious Supreme Court case, the project forces institutions to confront their hypocrisy.

The case symbolically outlaws fiat currency and usury, exposing the emptiness of these systems. In courtrooms, it traps hypocrites by compelling them to either reject the authority of the Supreme Court or deny the validity of fiat currency. Both choices collapse the illusion of power that sustains the modern empire.

This project echoes Christ’s confrontation with the Synagogue of Satan. Just as Jesus exposed the lies of the Pharisees and Sadducees, Moore v. Alliant reveals the fraudulent foundation of modern banking and governance. It strips these systems of their power and redeems humanity from their grip, offering a vision of a world governed by truth and justice.


The story of usury and false authority spans millennia, from Babylon to Rome, from the Vatican to Wall Street. These twin evils—symbolized by the Synagogue of Satan—thrive on deception, theft, and destruction. They enslave humanity through systems of debt and coercion, masking their emptiness with the illusion of legitimacy.

Yet, throughout history, there have been figures and movements that challenge these lies. Jesus Christ was the first to expose the void at the heart of these systems, offering a path of truth and liberation. Today, projects like Moore v. Alliant Credit Union continue this legacy, dismantling the illusions of usury and authority and pointing humanity toward a future grounded in justice, honesty, and freedom.

The age of lies is ending. The dawn of the Kingdom of Christ is here. Only those who reject the void and embrace the light of truth will remain. Those who cling to the beasts of usury and authority are destined to fall into the same void they serve, swallowed by their own emptiness. The choice is clear: to stand with the truth or to perish with the lies.

Explore comprehensive materials and insightful commentary on Moore v. Alliant Credit Union by visiting this resourcehub, offering in-depth analysis and key perspectives on this critical case.


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