Exposing The Human Heart: Moore v Alliant Credit Union
Jeremiah 17:9:
"The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?"
Analysis of the Reactions to Moore v. Alliant Credit Union
I don’t think people want this case to be real. What they know, deep down, is that its logic is sound. And their reactions to it reveal two primary sicknesses of the human spirit: cowardice—refusing to do what is right without permission—and evasion—doing what is wrong because it has the illusion of permission.
The cowardice is seen in those who say, “If only this case were real, we could finally reject the lie of fraud and usury.”These are the people who have always known the system is built on deception but feel paralyzed without an official ruling to validate what they already know is true. They act as though they are bound by the absence of external permission to do the right thing, even as their conscience screams at them to act.
The evasion is found in those who say, “This case isn’t real, so it doesn’t matter. Fraud and usury are still fair game.”These are the people who know the case is logically and morally correct but cling to its supposed "fakeness" as justification for continuing to participate in the lie. They believe the absence of an authoritative condemnation absolves them of responsibility, as if external permission to do wrong shields them from moral accountability.
Both groups—whether bound or emboldened by authority—reveal a profound lack of personal and moral responsibility. They expose the human tendency to construct shields against their own conscience. For the coward, the shield is authority's silence: “If no one tells me to stop, I can’t be blamed for continuing.” For the evader, the shield is authority's endorsement: “If no one condemns me, I am justified in my actions.”
The reality is that these shields are fragile, and Moore v. Alliant Credit Union has shattered them. Before this case, people had a way to evade the knowledge of their own guilt. They could suppress their conscience by pretending they were merely following the system, as though the system’s permission or silence nullified their moral accountability. But now, this case has brought that suppressed knowledge to the surface, leaving them no room to hide.
They know they are damned. The coward knows their inaction is indefensible, and the evader knows their malice is unjustifiable. The case, whether “real” or not, has forced them to confront the truth: they are not waiting for the Supreme Court to condemn fraud—they’ve always known it was wrong. But until now, they had constructed for themselves a convenient system of denial, allowing them to live in willful ignorance of their guilt.
Moore v. Alliant Credit Union has stripped away their excuses. The coward can no longer claim that silence from authority binds them to complicity. The evader can no longer claim that permission from authority justifies their wrongdoing. Both are left exposed, standing naked before the reality of their own conscience.
This case wasn’t about fraud, usury, or even the Supreme Court. It was about the human heart and its unwillingness to take responsibility for what it knows is true. The reactions to it are proof enough: whether through cowardice or evasion, people had chosen to live in denial. Now, they can’t.
Analysis of the Reaction: Attacking the Messenger to Evade Conscience
Another common reaction to the case of Moore v. Alliant Credit Union is to neither confirm nor deny its validity but to attack the messenger instead. This reaction often takes the form of discrediting the one who brought the truth to light, seeking to fabricate alliances with others who share disdain for the messenger, or actively recruiting others to validate their rejection of the truth. This behavior, like others, is yet another form of evading one’s own conscience, which stands as the true source of condemnation.
Shifting Judgment Onto the Messenger
The essence of this reaction lies in a desperate attempt to shift judgment away from oneself. Rather than confront the truth revealed by the case and the weight of their own conscience, people instead try to place the source of judgment onto the messenger. They think: “If I can discredit the person who brought this to light, I can dismiss the truth altogether.”
This is, of course, an illusion. The messenger is merely the one who holds up the mirror. Discrediting the messenger doesn’t change what the mirror reflects. If the truth exposed by the case convicts you, attacking the one who delivered it doesn’t erase the conviction—it only reveals your unwillingness to confront it.
The Fabrication of Allies
Another aspect of this reaction is the effort to fabricate or gather others who dislike the messenger. People may falsely claim, “Everyone knows this person can’t be trusted,” or, “Many people agree this person is wrong.” In doing so, they seek safety in numbers, hoping that the collective rejection of the messenger will somehow absolve them of responsibility.
But morality and truth are not determined by consensus. Gathering a crowd of people who also want to evade their conscience doesn’t make their evasion justified. It’s akin to building a mob around a mirror, all shouting that the reflection is false, while the truth remains unchanged.
The Conspiracy to Break the Mirror
The most extreme version of this reaction is the active attempt to silence, suppress, or destroy the messenger entirely. This behavior is a desperate act to escape the exposure of hidden evils in one’s heart. It is as if smashing the mirror that reveals your flaws will somehow erase those flaws.
This is a dangerous form of evasion because it not only denies the truth but actively conspires against it. By seeking others to join them, these individuals form a conspiracy to break the very instrument that has exposed their guilt. But the truth remains, no matter how violently the mirror is shattered. The guilt does not vanish simply because the reflection has been silenced.
What This Reaction Reveals
This reaction—attacking the messenger, fabricating allies, and conspiring to destroy the truth—reveals a deep unwillingness to take personal responsibility. It exposes a desire to silence the voice of conscience rather than face the discomfort of change.
These individuals know the truth. They know the case has exposed the moral fraud they have been living. But rather than confront it, they externalize their judgment onto the one who delivered it. They think: “If I can silence this person, I won’t feel this conviction anymore.” Yet their very actions betray them. Their desperate need to destroy the messenger reveals the depth of their guilt.
The Futility of Evading Conscience
The truth doesn’t depend on the messenger. Smashing a mirror doesn’t change what the mirror reflects—it only leaves the person more desperate, still faced with the reality they sought to avoid. The conscience cannot be silenced by externalizing judgment, and it cannot be escaped by consensus or conspiracy.
Ultimately, this reaction is a self-condemnation. By attacking the messenger, fabricating allies, and conspiring against the truth, these individuals admit they feel the weight of judgment. Their actions expose their desire to suppress the truth, and in doing so, they convict themselves of the very guilt they seek to deny.
Humanity’s desire to attack the messenger is vividly revealed in its treatment of prophets like Elijah and Jeremiah, who were relentlessly opposed not for their words alone, but because their words exposed the hidden evils of the human heart. Elijah was hunted by Ahab and Jezebel for denouncing idolatry and corruption, while Jeremiah was thrown into a cistern for daring to speak the uncomfortable truth of Judah’s impending judgment. Yet this desire to break the mirror—to destroy the one who reflects the guilt of others—found its ultimate climax in the person of Jesus. Jesus, the perfect reflection of truth, became the target of humanity’s collective guilt and self-deception. Rather than confront the truth He embodied, humanity sought to silence Him, crucifying the very one who came to set them free. In attacking the messenger, they revealed the depth of their evasion, proving that it was not ignorance, but a refusal to face the truth, that condemned them.
On the whole, my family and former friends fit into this category.
These three reactions—“I wish this were true,” “I know this isn’t real,” and “this guy is crazy”—are all clearly displayed in the comments section of this blog, serving as a living record for anyone to observe and reflect upon.
What Should You Do Now?
The truth is already written on your heart. You don’t need a Supreme Court case, a law, or any external authority to tell you that fraud, theft, and usury are wrong. You already know. The reactions people have to this case—whether cowardice, evasion, or indignation—only reveal what they’ve always understood: these practices are immoral, unjust, and indefensible. The difference now is that the excuses people used to suppress this knowledge have been stripped away.
So what should you do now?
1. Acknowledge the Truth
The first step is to stop suppressing what you already know. Fraud, theft, and usury are wrong—not because someone else says so, but because they violate fundamental principles of justice, fairness, and trust.
Think of the absurdity of someone saying, “If a court hasn’t ruled murder illegal, I guess we’re still allowed to kill people.” Nobody would say that because we all know murder is wrong without needing anyone to confirm it. Yet when it comes to fraud and usury, people act as though they need permission to reject them. The truth is self-evident—you already know.
Stop waiting for an external ruling to validate what your conscience has been telling you all along.
2. Take Responsibility for Suppression
Suppressing the truth—whether out of cowardice or evasion—is a choice, and it’s one you need to confront. Some people avoid doing what is right because they’re waiting for an external authority to give them permission. Others continue to do what is wrong because they believe the lack of explicit condemnation justifies their actions.
Both are forms of evasion, and both are destructive. Suppression doesn’t make the truth go away; it only deepens the harm caused by ignoring it. The moment you stop suppressing the truth and acknowledge it, you begin to free yourself from the grip of cowardice and self-deception.
3. Live in Alignment With the Truth
The truth doesn’t need external validation to be true, but you need to act on it to live freely. Knowing what is right and continuing to do what is wrong creates internal conflict, while living in alignment with the truth creates integrity, clarity, and peace.
Living in alignment with the truth means:
- Rejecting Participation in Lies: Stop engaging in fraud, usury, or theft, even if the system expects it or rewards it.
- Standing Firm for What Is Right: Make decisions based on justice and fairness, even if it costs you materially or socially.
- Helping Others Recognize the Truth: Share your understanding with others who may still be trapped in systems of suppression and self-deception.
Freedom comes not from waiting for permission but from choosing to live by what you already know is right.
4. Stop Hiding Behind Authority
Some people say, “If the case is fake, fraud must still be okay.” Others wish the case were real because they feel powerless to act without validation from an external authority. Both reactions reveal a dependence on authority to dictate morality, rather than taking personal responsibility for what they already know is true.
You don’t need a law, a ruling, or permission to reject lies and act justly. Relying on authority to justify or excuse your actions—whether through silence or endorsement—is a way of evading responsibility. The truth is clear. You don’t need permission to live by it, and you can’t hide behind authority to avoid it.
5. Confront the Sickness of Cowardice and Evasion
Cowardice says, “I know fraud is wrong, but I can’t stop until someone in power tells me I can.”
Evasion says, “Fraud isn’t wrong because no one in power has condemned it, and this case is fake anyway.”
Both are dishonest, and both undermine personal accountability. Now that these excuses have been exposed, you must confront them. Are you waiting for someone else to give you permission to do what you already know is right? Are you using authority’s silence to justify continuing in practices you know are wrong? Both are forms of self-deception that must be rejected.
6. Act on the Truth
Knowing the truth is not enough—you have to act on it. When you suppress what you know is right, you actively contribute to systems built on lies. But when you act in alignment with the truth, you break free from those systems and begin to create something better.
What should you do?
- Stop Participating in the Lie: If you know the system is built on fraud or usury, stop contributing to it. Even if this costs you comfort or convenience, integrity is more valuable.
- Build a Better System: Work with others to create systems based on fairness, justice, and mutual accountability.
- Encourage Others to Do the Same: Help those around you see that they don’t need external permission to act on what they already know is right.
The Choice Is Yours
You don’t need a court ruling or anyone else’s validation to reject fraud, usury, and theft. The truth is already written on your heart, and your conscience bears witness to it. For too long, people have hidden behind the excuse of authority, either waiting for permission to do what is right or using authority’s silence to justify doing what is wrong.
Now, those excuses are gone. The truth has been laid bare. The question is no longer, “What does authority say?” but, “What will you do?”
The choice is yours. Will you continue to suppress the truth and live in denial, or will you act on the knowledge that’s been within you all along? The time for waiting is over. The truth has been revealed. Now, it’s up to you to live by it.
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