The Philosopher King


This essay is illustrated in a series of 12 letters between Zachary and his friend James titled “Conversations on the Function of Government”

"By me kings reign and rulers issue decrees that are just; by me princes govern, and nobles—all who rule on earth." - Proverbs 8:15-16 

The Philosopher King: Embodiment of Divine Pattern and Rational Governance

The concept of the Philosopher King has long captured the imagination of thinkers, envisioned as the ideal ruler whose wisdom, virtue, and understanding of divine patterns guide a prosperous and just society. This ideal is not confined to a single man but can manifest in various forms: a Congress, an assembly, a father, or an institution. Even when embodied in a single individual, the Philosopher King is ultimately submitting to a higher pattern, one that transcends all form and is both within and beyond the man himself.

This dual nature of the Philosopher King—as an individual and as a collective—is key to understanding his role in governance and his relationship with the society he leads. It also informs why his expression of wisdom and leadership should never be commodified or put behind a paywall, yet why rational self-interest and voluntary exchange remain central to the functioning of the broader society.

The Philosopher King as Both Form and Pattern

The Philosopher King, in any form, represents the living embodiment of the divine patterns of truth, justice, and rationality. When these patterns are internalized within an individual or a collective, they manifest as the Philosopher King’s authority. Whether as a single enlightened leader, a wise assembly, or an institution rooted in just principles, the Philosopher King draws his legitimacy from his alignment with these patterns.

Even in the case of a single man, he does not claim ownership of these patterns. He is their channel, not their source. His authority is derived not from his personhood but from his submission to the divine order that governs reality. Thus, those who serve under his rule owe him their obedience not out of coercion but out of rational recognition of the harmony he embodies. This recognition is not idolatry of the form but reverence for the function—the patterns of aliveness he promotes and upholds.

The Philosopher King and the Nature of Payment

Because the Philosopher King’s work is foundational to the civilization he governs, his payment cannot take the form of wages or transactional exchange. His contribution lies in establishing the very framework that allows for prosperity, wealth, and trade. Thus, the fruits of the society he leads—honor, recognition, and the free enjoyment of its production—are his rightful due.

The Philosopher King does not demand payment; he earns allegiance. His leadership is validated by the flourishing of his society, and his reward is the admiration and loyalty of his people. When he asks something of them, their only duty is obedience—not out of servility but out of rational recognition of his alignment with the patterns that sustain their collective well-being.

However, this obedience must be voluntary and rational. The Philosopher King, whether embodied in a single man or a collective, must not exploit his position for greed or selfish gain. Greed would introduce patterns of decay and corruption into the society, undermining the very harmony he is tasked to uphold. Rationality demands that his actions promote the long-term flourishing of his kingdom, ensuring that his leadership remains a source of life and prosperity.

The Role of Rational Self-Interest in the Kingdom

While the Philosopher King’s wisdom and leadership should not be commodified, the society he governs is built on voluntary exchange and rational self-interest. Citizens within his kingdom are free to negotiate and trade their skills and talents. For example, an architect may exchange their services for compensation, not out of selfishness in the negative sense but as a rational recognition of mutual benefit.

This distinction is crucial: the Philosopher King’s leadership is rooted in patterns of aliveness that cannot and should not be commodified, but the society he governs thrives on free and fair exchange of goods, services, and ideas. The Philosopher King sets the stage for such exchanges by ensuring justice, fairness, and a respect for the natural laws that govern human interaction.

The Philosopher King as Pattern Beyond Form

The Philosopher King, as a pattern, exists beyond any single manifestation. He is both within and beyond the forms he takes, and his authority is grounded in the principles he upholds. A Congress or assembly acting in accordance with these principles can serve as the Philosopher King, as can a wise father leading his family or an institution dedicated to justice and truth.

This understanding allows for flexibility in governance and leadership, ensuring that the Philosopher King is not tied to any rigid form. It also prevents idolatry of the form, which would elevate appearances over substance and lead to decay. Instead, the focus remains on the function: the promotion of truth, justice, and harmony.

The Philosopher King and the Divine Order

At the heart of the Philosopher King’s authority is his recognition of the divine order—the universal patterns that govern reality. He is not the creator of these patterns but their steward, tasked with aligning his leadership with their principles. This acknowledgment prevents pride and boasting, replacing them with reverence and joyous worship. The Philosopher King sees himself not as the source of wisdom but as its servant, and this humility safeguards his leadership from corruption.

In this sense, the Philosopher King is also the Pattern King. He embodies and promotes the patterns of aliveness that sustain his society. His discipline and rationality are not acts of self-denial but of self-affirmation, seeking the greatest possible reward: the flourishing of his kingdom and the alignment of his life with divine truth.

Conclusion: A Call to Embody the Pattern

The Philosopher King, whether embodied in a single man or a collective form, is the living bridge between the divine patterns of truth and the practical governance of society. His reward is not in material wealth but in the honor, recognition, and flourishing of the kingdom he leads. By aligning himself with the patterns of aliveness, he ensures that his society thrives, creating a legacy of justice, prosperity, and harmony.

For individuals, families, and nations, the call is clear: embody the patterns of aliveness in all aspects of life. Recognize that true leadership, whether personal or collective, is rooted in alignment with the divine order. Trade not in lifeless forms but in living functions. In doing so, you participate in the kingdom of the Philosopher King, building a world where life, wealth, and power flow naturally from truth, justice, and rationality.

A Warning to a Society That Rejects the Philosopher King

When a society rejects the Philosopher King—whether embodied in a wise ruler, a just institution, or the principles of truth and rationality—it sets itself on a path of self-destruction. The Philosopher King represents more than leadership; he embodies the alignment of human action with the divine order. His rejection is not merely a dismissal of a person or institution but a rebellion against the principles that sustain life, wealth, and power.

The Consequences of Elevating Form Over Function

A society that prioritizes form over function idolizes appearances at the expense of substance. It exalts symbols, titles, and traditions while neglecting the principles these forms were meant to serve. The inevitable result is decay.

  1. In Government: Tyranny in Disguise
    A government obsessed with the form of democracy while abandoning justice becomes a hollow shell, prone to corruption and manipulation. Elections become theater, laws become tools of oppression, and the people become pawns in a system that exists only to perpetuate itself. This is tyranny masquerading as freedom.

  2. In Economy: Financial Collapse
    An economy that prioritizes fiat currency (form) over real value (function) fosters speculation, inflation, and inequality. Wealth becomes an illusion, propped up by debt and manipulation. When reality catches up, the system collapses, leaving devastation in its wake.

  3. In Education: Conformity Over Creativity
    Institutions that worship degrees and certifications while abandoning critical thinking produce obedient workers, not innovators. Such a society stagnates, unable to adapt or solve its problems, as the next generation is taught to follow rather than to lead.

  4. In Relationships: Hollow Connections
    When form is elevated over function in human relationships, marriage becomes a social expectation rather than a partnership rooted in love and mutual respect. Friendships become transactions, and communities become fragmented. The result is loneliness and alienation in a society devoid of meaningful connection.

  5. In Religion: Hypocrisy and Emptiness
    A religion that prioritizes rituals and dogma (form) over faith and love (function) devolves into hypocrisy. It alienates seekers and loses its transformative power, becoming a tool for control rather than a source of liberation.

The Consequences of Elevating Consumption Over Production

A society obsessed with consumption abandons the discipline and creativity required for production. This imbalance leads to dependency, scarcity, and eventual collapse.

  1. Economic Impoverishment
    A consumption-driven society depletes its resources without replenishing them. Industries crumble, innovation ceases, and the economy becomes dependent on external production. Over time, such a society loses its sovereignty and becomes subservient to producers.

  2. Environmental Degradation
    Unchecked consumption wreaks havoc on the environment. Resources are extracted without regard for sustainability, leaving behind barren lands, polluted waters, and uninhabitable cities. The world itself turns against such a society, as nature’s balance demands justice.

  3. Cultural Decay
    When consumption takes precedence over production, culture becomes shallow and derivative. Art, literature, and innovation lose their depth, reduced to trends and commodification. A society that consumes more than it creates becomes a hollow echo of its former self.

The Consequences of Elevating Evasion Over Acceptance

A society built on evasion denies the realities of its own nature, its responsibilities, and the natural laws that govern existence. This self-deception leads to systemic failure.

  1. Moral Corruption
    By evading responsibility, a society abandons the pursuit of virtue. It tolerates injustice, normalizes exploitation, and excuses its failures. Over time, this moral decay permeates every institution, making genuine reform impossible.

  2. Psychological Collapse
    Evasion breeds anxiety and despair. A society that denies the truth fosters disconnection from reality, leaving individuals lost in a fog of distraction and escapism. Depression, addiction, and societal unrest become widespread as people lose their sense of purpose.

  3. Civilizational Decline
    A society that evades its own shortcomings cannot grow. It remains stagnant, paralyzed by its refusal to confront the truth. As other societies rise and adapt, the evasive society crumbles, its institutions rendered obsolete by their inability to evolve.

The Antidote: Acceptance of the Philosopher King

The rejection of the Philosopher King is a rejection of alignment with divine order. To embrace the Philosopher King is to embrace function over form, production over consumption, and acceptance over evasion. It is to submit to the patterns of truth, justice, and rationality that sustain life and prosperity.

  1. Restoration of Justice
    A society that aligns with the Philosopher King prioritizes justice in governance. Laws are rooted in morality, power is held accountable, and the rights of individuals are respected. Such a society thrives because its foundation is secure.

  2. Economic Flourishing
    By prioritizing production over consumption, a society builds wealth that is real and enduring. Innovation flourishes, resources are managed sustainably, and prosperity is shared. The economy becomes a source of strength rather than a house of cards.

  3. Cultural Renewal
    A society that values creativity and discipline over shallow consumption experiences a cultural renaissance. Art, literature, and innovation flourish, reflecting the depth and vitality of a people aligned with truth.

  4. Spiritual Awakening
    A society that rejects idolatry of form in favor of the function of faith and love experiences a spiritual revival. Religion becomes a transformative force, guiding individuals and communities toward greater harmony with God and one another.

A Call to Align with the Pattern

The Philosopher King, whether embodied in a single leader, a collective, or an institution, represents the alignment of human action with divine order. To reject him is to choose chaos, decay, and collapse. To accept him is to embrace life, wealth, and power.

This is not a call to blind obedience but to rational recognition of the patterns that sustain existence. By aligning with these patterns, individuals, families, and nations can transcend the tyranny of form, the addiction to consumption, and the paralysis of evasion. In their place, they will find justice, prosperity, and harmony—a kingdom built not on sand but on the solid foundation of truth.

The choice is clear. The consequences are inevitable. Choose wisely.

Elevating the Philosopher King: A Guide for Individuals

To elevate the Philosopher King is to elevate reason, justice, and truth in yourself and others. Each person contributes by embodying these qualities in their own lives, recognizing them in others, and fostering their development in society.

Tangible Steps:

  1. Pursue Justice in Action:

    • Treat others fairly and uphold moral principles in all interactions.
    • Advocate for fairness in your community and resist systems or practices that promote injustice.
  2. Cultivate Rationality:

    • Think critically and act based on reason rather than emotion or impulse.
    • Engage in lifelong learning to sharpen your intellect and understanding.
  3. Honor Excellence:

    • Recognize and support those who demonstrate wisdom, justice, and reason—whether they are leaders, teachers, or peers.
    • Promote and follow leaders who embody these values, ensuring they have the resources and freedom to lead effectively.
  4. Encourage Growth in Others:

    • Mentor and educate those who lack these qualities, helping them develop their reasoning, discipline, and understanding of justice.
    • Create environments—whether in families, workplaces, or communities—that nurture these virtues.
  5. Support Rational Collaboration:

    • Build relationships and partnerships based on shared pursuit of truth and justice, not personal gain.
    • Encourage dialogue and debate that seeks solutions, not victory.
  6. Reject Mediocrity:

    • Resist the temptation to settle for leaders or systems that elevate form over function, popularity over wisdom, or consumption over contribution.
    • Demand integrity and excellence in governance, education, and commerce.
  7. Lead by Example:

    • Be a model of rational, just behavior in your own life. Others will naturally gravitate toward those who embody the qualities of a Philosopher King.

A Unified Effort:

By pursuing justice and rationality in your own life, recognizing and elevating these traits in others, and encouraging growth in your community, you contribute to a society where the Philosopher King can emerge—not just as a leader but as a pattern embodied across all levels of life. This is how a society flourishes: not by waiting for a savior, but by becoming worthy of one.

Elevating the Philosopher King: A Call to Action

To elevate the Philosopher King is not a task for the distant future—it is a call to action now. Every moment spent tolerating lifeless forms at the expense of living functions reinforces hypocrisy and decay. The Philosopher King emerges not as a singular savior but as the culmination of a society that values justice, rationality, and truth over empty appearances.

Reject Functionless Forms Today

Every rejection of a functionless form—whether in action, thought, or systems—is a step toward the reign of the Philosopher King. This begins with individuals choosing justice and rationality in their own lives and extends to systemic changes across industries.

Examples Across Fields

  1. Industry:

    • Reject planned obsolescence and prioritize durable, functional products over flashy marketing.
    • Resist subsidies that distort markets, allowing only the strongest and most ethical enterprises to thrive without government interference.
    • Demand innovation driven by free competition rather than regulations that favor entrenched corporate giants.
  2. Finance:

    • Abandon the fiat system and usury, which prioritize form (illusory value) over function (real value in trade).
    • Embrace tangible assets like gold, silver, or other commodities and reject debt-based wealth.
    • Advocate for free-market economies free from bailouts or subsidies that reward inefficiency and moral hazard.
  3. Farming:

    • Choose sustainable, regenerative agricultural practices that prioritize function (feeding and healing the land) over form (monoculture and profit maximization).
    • Reject subsidies that encourage harmful farming practices and dependency, instead promoting innovation and self-reliance.
    • Support local farmers who operate outside the stranglehold of government regulation, producing quality food and revitalizing communities.
  4. Government:

    • Demand leaders who prioritize justice and truth over power and popularity.
    • Reject the hollow forms of bureaucracy and regulation that stifle creativity and independence.
    • Resist subsidies and corporate favoritism that turn governance into an engine of corruption rather than justice.
  5. Law Enforcement:

    • Insist on justice-driven policing that values fairness and community trust over militarization and fear-based control.
    • Support officers and practices that embody protection and service, not power and intimidation.
    • Remove government subsidies that fund unjust policing practices or militarized approaches to law enforcement.
  6. Medicine:

    • Prioritize patient-centered care and healing over profit-driven insurance models and bureaucratic protocols.
    • Advocate for the elimination of subsidies and overregulation that favor monopolistic healthcare systems while driving up costs for individuals.
    • Support decentralized healthcare options that encourage innovation and accessibility.
  7. Architecture:

    • Build for function and harmony with the environment, rejecting lifeless designs that serve only aesthetic trends or economic expediency.
    • Encourage projects free from regulatory constraints that prioritize innovation and human flourishing.
  8. Engineering:

    • Emphasize long-term safety, innovation, and efficiency over cost-cutting measures that result in failure and harm.
    • Resist subsidies that funnel resources into inefficient or unnecessary projects, instead rewarding genuine ingenuity and functionality.

Rejecting Subsidies and Regulation

Subsidies and regulation are lifeless forms that distort the natural functions of markets, industries, and individuals. They create dependency and stagnation, rewarding inefficiency and mediocrity while punishing excellence and self-reliance.

Subsidies funnel resources into unproductive or harmful enterprises, propping up systems that would otherwise fail under the weight of their own inefficiency. Regulation, while often justified as a means of "protection," more often serves to entrench established powers and stifle competition. Together, these tools of control elevate hollow forms over dynamic, living functions.

By rejecting subsidies and overregulation, society can free markets and individuals to innovate and flourish. A just and rational system rewards production and ingenuity, not dependence and conformity.

The Lifeless Form of Money

Rejecting usury and fiat currency is perhaps the most critical step toward the reign of the Philosopher King. Fiat money, created from nothing and backed by coercion, represents the ultimate lifeless form. It has no intrinsic value and enslaves society in a system of debt and scarcity.

Usury—charging interest on money created from nothing—destroys cooperation, perpetuates inequality, and guarantees systemic collapse. By rejecting this lifeless form and embracing systems of real value and production, society can restore integrity to trade and commerce.

Immediate Action Is Essential

The time to act is now. Every decision to reject lifeless forms in favor of living functions reshapes the world. Every moment of hypocrisy tolerated today entrenches the decay of tomorrow.

  • Choose to value justice over convenience.
  • Reject hollow systems that exploit rather than serve.
  • Embrace principles of truth, production, and rationality in every field of human endeavor.

By doing so, you not only elevate the Philosopher King but also embody the pattern of justice and rationality that allows society to flourish. It is only when individuals act with integrity and purpose today that the Philosopher King’s reign can emerge—not as a singular leader but as a living reality shared by all.

This essay is illustrated in a series of 12 letters between Zachary and his friend James titled “Conversations on the Function of Government”


"The Philosopher King, in any form, represents the living embodiment of the divine patterns of truth, justice, and rationality."

Supporting Scripture:

  • Micah 6:8 - "He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God."
  • Proverbs 8:15-16 - "By me kings reign and rulers issue decrees that are just; by me princes govern, and nobles—all who rule on earth."


"His authority is derived not from his personhood but from his submission to the divine order that governs reality."

Supporting Scripture:

  • Romans 13:1 - "Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God."
  • John 5:30 - "By myself I can do nothing; I judge only as I hear, and my judgment is just, for I seek not to please myself but him who sent me."


"His leadership is validated by the flourishing of his society, and his reward is the admiration and loyalty of his people."

Supporting Scripture:

  • Proverbs 29:2 - "When the righteous thrive, the people rejoice; when the wicked rule, the people groan."
  • Psalm 72:12-14 - "For he will deliver the needy who cry out, the afflicted who have no one to help. He will take pity on the weak and the needy and save the needy from death."


"Greed would introduce patterns of decay and corruption into the society, undermining the very harmony he is tasked to uphold."

Supporting Scripture:

  • 1 Timothy 6:10 - "For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs."
  • Proverbs 28:16 - "A ruler who oppresses the poor is like a driving rain that leaves no crops."


"The Philosopher King sets the stage for such exchanges by ensuring justice, fairness, and a respect for the natural laws that govern human interaction."

Supporting Scripture:

  • Psalm 89:14 - "Righteousness and justice are the foundation of your throne; love and faithfulness go before you."
  • Isaiah 1:17 - "Learn to do right; seek justice. Defend the oppressed. Take up the cause of the fatherless; plead the case of the widow."


"A society that prioritizes form over function idolizes appearances at the expense of substance."

Supporting Scripture:

  • 1 Samuel 16:7 - "The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart."
  • Matthew 23:27 - "Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You are like whitewashed tombs, which look beautiful on the outside but on the inside are full of the bones of the dead and everything unclean."


"A religion that prioritizes rituals and dogma (form) over faith and love (function) devolves into hypocrisy."

Supporting Scripture:

  • James 1:27 - "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."
  • Matthew 22:37-39 - "Jesus replied: 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'"


"The Philosopher King sees himself not as the source of wisdom but as its servant."

Supporting Scripture:

  • Proverbs 11:2 - "When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom."
  • Matthew 20:26-28 - "Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be your slave—just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many."


"When a society rejects the Philosopher sets itself on a path of self-destruction."

Supporting Scripture:

  • Proverbs 29:18 - "Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he."
  • Isaiah 5:20-21 - "Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness... Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes and clever in their own sight."


"By aligning with these patterns, individuals, families, and nations can transcend the tyranny of form, the addiction to consumption, and the paralysis of evasion."

Supporting Scripture:

  • Romans 12:2 - "Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will."
  • Matthew 6:19-20 - "Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven."


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