Letters warning ministries of using money

 I am writing to bring to your attention the growing dangers that usury poses to the missionary fields supported by your work. As you know, usury is not merely a financial practice; it is a manifestation of the sin of greed, deeply rooted in a worldview of scarcity and exploitation. This greed is often enabled by the sin of fear, as communities cling to material security at the expense of moral integrity.

Prophets like Jeremiah warned of the dire consequences for those who turn away from God and engage in systems of deceit and plunder. In the context of today’s missionary efforts, reliance on U.S. dollars and other forms of government currency can unwittingly entangle communities in these same destructive patterns.

I encourage you to consider the implications of usury on your fields and to foster a commitment to stewardship rooted in love and cooperation rather than exploitation. For a deeper exploration of these themes, I invite you to read my book, "Usury: The Civilization Killer," available online here: https://thinkingwithzach.blogspot.com/2024/10/usury-civilization-killer.html?m=1

Thank you for your dedication to spreading the message of hope and redemption. May we all strive to break free from the cycles of greed and fear.

Zach Moore


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