Template: Asking for alternative forms of payment

Example: I just sent this to my supplier of natural gas

Hello Judy,

I made this video as part of a larger community who supports alternative forms of payment and mutual support, as opposed to the one way market today of real value being exchanged for fake money. We would like to make a simple request to support your work and your efforts as a supplier of natural gas to our community. 


Would you be opposed to us coming up with a way to honor those who are willing to really support you instead of the (in our opinion) fake support those with dollars provide?


Zach Moore

Example 2: message to an artist and her organizing team

Hello Mark and Casey,

I hope you're well. I wanted to share something with you that reflects the values of a community I’m part of, which supports alternative forms of payment and mutual support rather than just the conventional dollar-based transactions.

We’ve made a video discussing how we can honor and support those who contribute real value in ways beyond mere cash transactions. Here’s a link to the video: [TikTok Video](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZP8d1s2Xu/).

In light of this, we’d like to explore a way to support Willow and her music in a more meaningful manner. We believe this could be a creative opportunity to honor her teams efforts in a way that acknowledges real value beyond just dollars.

Would you be open to discussing how we might implement this idea together?

Zach Moore


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