My thoughts on Donald Trump

Someone recently asked me what I thought of Donald Trump. This was my response:

 I think he is a complicated figure acting within a complicated political moment. I’m both fascinated and often disappointed in Donald Trump. He’s a product of the system. Playboy. Financier. Business man. Money chaser. Attention grabber. Rebel. Showman. Man of action. He’s also very much a product of his time. He has good instincts but he’s also compromised. He has no philosophical principles and doesn’t think consistently. He still thinks in traditional American forms of power (money, women, sexual virility, dominance, prestige, appearance.) When what we need is someone who is humble, rational, submissive to reality, not a lover of power, and a servant. He’s a Saul like figure, Israel’s first king, who was very impressive but lacked wisdom and humility. We need a David, not a Saul. And make no mistake, the democracy and the republic is lost. We need a king, not a steward to the throne. We need a father because this is a nation of adult toddlers. The fact that he’s now pushing a cryptocurrency scam proves that Trump is not the king nor the father that we need…he will fundraising off of the foolishness of his supporters every chance he can get. 

With that said, Kamala is a Jezebel and I’m not sure which is better and which is worse. Trump might extend the empire, the one that is destroying our people. Kamala might destroy it overnight. Which is better?

Since 1913, the Federal Reserve has bought the souls of men, creating single mothers, absent fathers, cannon fodder for sons, and prostitutes for daughters… without family, we split into tribal politics. This destruction of the nuclear family is what has given rise to the welfare and warfare state. 


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