Married to the State: Letter sent to TikTok Infuncer

 Ok just gonna call it. Based on your last video and your other videos, this is how I see it. You are married to the state. You are trying to reform the state and get it to serve your interests as any good woman would try to reform their source of protection and provision. The state cannot be reformed. You need a real man to support, not one who is running for office or offering a political solution. Because what are you offering that man? Will you carry the children of another man? Will you sleep with another man? Then why should the political man and state actors like Trump and RFK Jr support, protect, and provide for you?  For that reason, I’m out. If you ever decide to divorce the state, let me know.


Women, you are better than this. Stop giving your attention to the political man and the financial man, to the State and the Dollar, to the Government and the Bank. You are betraying real men of value by giving your attention and support to these entities which do not and cannot care about you. You want protection? Find a man who will die for you specifically. You want provision? Attract a man who doesn’t work for dollars. You want support? Find a man who is gentle with children and articulate in his words. Honor this man, sleep with this man, and give this man children. Dump that loser, the State.

Just one more comment here, I care a lot about the law and morality but almost nothing for politics or the state.

It seems to me that political people are married to the State and financial people are married to money. Both marriages are based on empty promises and false honor. If you love the State, why would a man love you? If your wealth is a lie, why would a woman trust you? The state and the bank, Caesar and Money, the Dragon and the Beast, have created a false anti Christ spirit to enslave men and women into a false marriage. We must reject both the dragon and the beast, the government and the dollar, the be truly united to Christ and His church and have fulfilling relationships with the opposite sex and our children again


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