Beyond the Ballot: The Hidden Power of Intimate Choices in Shaping Society

Introduction: The Profound Impact of Private Choices on Societal Change

In contemporary discourse, much emphasis is placed on political decisions and voting outcomes as the primary means of societal change. However, the reality is that what occurs within the confines of our bedrooms holds far greater significance for the health of our society than the choices made at the ballot box. The dynamics between men and women, and how we navigate our sexual relationships, fundamentally shape societal structures and values. The health of these intimate relationships determines not only personal fulfillment but also societal stability and progress.

Irresponsible behavior by both men and women often fuels movements advocating for gender confusion, sexual libertinism, and increased state intervention. Those who advocate for such changes are frequently those who struggle with their own roles and responsibilities. They may seek to justify their personal failures or inadequacies by promoting ideologies that disrupt traditional understandings of gender and sexuality. This advocacy often aims to shift societal norms in ways that accommodate their individual choices rather than addressing underlying issues of personal and relational accountability.

To effect meaningful and lasting societal change, we must address the root causes of these issues by restoring rational and responsible approaches to relationships between men and women. By doing so, we can foster a more stable and functional society, where personal actions align with broader societal health, far surpassing the impact of political decisions alone.

This essay addresses a contentious issue not through the lens of tradition versus modernity but through the rationality versus irrationality of sexual relationships. It is not an appeal to return to outdated gender roles, but rather a call to align our sexual behaviors with the underlying biological and rational realities. The irrationality in contemporary sexual relationships has contributed to gender confusion and perversion, undermining the core functions of human interaction. To restore balance and ensure societal well-being, we must recognize and adapt to fundamental truths about our biological nature.

Biological Realities and Rational Approaches

The following are indisputable biological truths:

1. **Reproductive Necessity**: Every person is the result of a man and a woman engaging in successful sexual reproduction. High-quality gender expression is defined by the ability to create life through childbirth, not by fluctuating sexual preferences.

2. **Parental Provision and Protection**: Every person depends on others for survival and care, particularly during infancy. Protection and provision are essential biological and social requirements.

3. **Gender-Specific Capacities**: Only women can conceive and bear children, and only men can impregnate women. These biological facts define the roles and responsibilities of each gender in reproduction.

4. **Vulnerability and Strength**: Women are generally more vulnerable, especially during pregnancy and child-rearing, while men are typically stronger, which has implications for their roles in protection and provision.

The Problems with Irrational Relationships

Modern irrational approaches to sexual relationships often ignore fundamental biological realities, leading to several critical issues:

1. **Gender Confusion**: Ignoring clear biological roles fosters confusion about gender identity and sexual norms, contributing to societal dysfunction and perversion.

2. **Misaligned Expectations**: Unrealistic expectations, such as equal sexual access or disregard for biological roles, create dissatisfaction and dysfunction in relationships. These misalignments often stem from ignoring the inherent differences in male and female reproductive strategies and roles.

3. **Dependence on the State**: In the absence of high-quality men fulfilling their roles as providers and protectors, many women find themselves dependent on the state for support. This dependency manifests in two significant ways:

   - **Welfare State**: The rise of welfare programs reflects a societal shift where women are often left without reliable male partners who can provide financial stability and protection. Consequently, the state steps in to fill this void, but such programs can only partially address the needs of individuals and fail to create the stability that traditional male provision could offer. The welfare system, while crucial for supporting those in need, often perpetuates a cycle of dependency rather than empowering individuals to achieve self-sufficiency.

   - **Warfare State**: The state’s role in ongoing conflicts and wars represents another form of this dependency. When men fail to fulfill their roles in providing and protecting within the family unit, the state assumes these responsibilities through military and security apparatus. This shift not only leads to protracted conflicts but also diverts resources away from economic and social development. In such a system, neither men receive the honor they seek nor do women receive the stability they need. The result is a cycle of failing economies and perpetual warfare, which undermines both individual and societal well-being.

By failing to adhere to rational, biologically grounded roles, society creates conditions where neither gender thrives. Men’s roles in protection and provision become abstracted into state functions, leading to systemic inefficiencies and ongoing societal issues. Addressing these problems requires a return to rational principles that respect and incorporate our biological and social realities.**Rational Approaches to Sexual Relationships**

Rational approaches to sexual relationships align with biological realities:

1. **Men’s Pursuit of Multiple Partners**: Biologically, men are driven to seek rewards from multiple partners due to their role in maximizing reproductive success. This instinct is grounded in the natural drive to spread genetic material effectively.

2. **Women’s Encouragement of Provision**: Women, recognizing the benefits of a man’s ability to provide and protect, may encourage this pursuit. Rationally, women seek high-quality men who can offer stability and support, thus aligning their interests with their biological needs.

The Dynamics of High-Quality Relationships

High-quality relationships are built on mutual respect for these biological and rational truths:

1. **Men’s Responsibilities**: High-quality men should strive to be worthy of a high-quality woman’s commitment. This involves being both a capable provider and protector, and showing humility and dedication to growth.

2. **Women’s Roles**: High-quality women should seek to attract and support high-quality men. They must prioritize health, fertility, and disciplined living to fulfill their role effectively.

3. **Mutual Benefit**: Both men and women benefit when they align their behaviors with their biological and rational roles. High-quality partnerships are built on mutual respect for these roles, enhancing both individuals' ability to achieve personal and collective goals.

Conclusion: A Rational Path Forward

Our society needs to abandon irrational approaches to sexual relationships and embrace the rational, biologically grounded truths that underpin successful human interactions. By understanding and accepting these fundamental realities, we can foster healthier relationships, reduce gender confusion, and align our desires with our biological needs. This rational approach not only ensures personal fulfillment but also strengthens societal cohesion and stability.

Post Essay Reflections

What Women Want Matters to Men

Women need to have higher standards. This summer a woman blasted out to the world that she was looking for a 6’ 5” man with blue eyes who worked in finance and who had a trust fund.

This woman was attractive. With 13 words her video received 4 million likes and had over 237k reshares. This shows the power women have. What they want matters to men and many men hear her desires and weep. She appears to be seeking the highest quality man in society, one who is physically exceptional, financially exceptional, and who comes from an exceptional family. With 13 words, she honored physical strength and the capacity for protection and provision and offered herself as the reward for such a man. What’s wrong with this? Any man like this will necessarily be a complete douchebag who had to abandon the character of protector and provider. The world of finance is a complete fraudulent Ponzi scheme that requires people to ignore the effects the financilization on people and society. The trust fund simply indicates that this man comes from a legacy of parasitical men who exploited weaker people and women who honored that exploitation. What she’s looking for is a selfish man who will dominate her and cast her aside, which is exactly what a man in finance with a trust fund is. By wanting this man to be strong and genetically superior, she’s setting for herself an inescapable trap. 

She will likely find this trap too. Three months after posting that video, this woman has been elevated by men. She has a record label and is touring Europe. The powerful men of the world have responded to her siren call and will compete for who has the right to dominate her. Everything is telling her that she’s winning the game she set out, when in fact she is setting for herself her own trap.

What should be done about this?

Women, for the love of all that is holy and good, stop worshiping men who gain power by ill-gotten means. Men have an entire book of Wisdom, the Proverbs, telling them to beware of ill-gotten gain. Why are you shaming us by looking for men who gain through exploitation?! Don’t you know the dollar is an instrument of theft and that government or military power fueled by that dollar is a low-quality substitute for a man who would defend his family against these brutal men? Must these men in finance and government receive the love and affection of beautiful women? And you wonder why bad men are elevated in society and good men forgotten? You are doing this to yourself. The primary reward that men seek, the love and submission of a woman is being given only to the worst men. What did you expect would happen? Did you think bad men would reject you and that good men would continue being good? No… what is happening is that men are responding to your calls for protection and support and giving you exactly what you want. They are becoming untamed beasts because that is what is required to win in finance and war. Reject these men by withholding your reward from them. Look instead for a man who rejects finance, who humbles himself before nature and nature god, who is gentle with children and firm against bullies and cheaters. Look for a man of character and integrity who knows how to fight but rarely needs to because he’s articulate and wise. Offer yourself as reward to THAT man, and you will not only find him, you’ll find men changing their whole attitude towards this brutal society.

For a great example of men changing their lives for the sake of winning women, see every movie ever made. There are three movies that are particularly powerful for me. 

Tin Cup - A has been golfer defies the odds to win the girl from a financially successful but timid rival (the proverbial “man in finance”)

Titanic - A beautiful aristocrat defies her mother and rejects her wealthy fiancĂ© (“trust fund”) to experience true love with a poor boy

Thor - A god (6’5”, blue eyes)* is judged by his father as an unworthy successor to the throne until he becomes someone willing to die for something greater than himself worth dying for, the love of  a woman.

* Chris Hemsworth is actually 6’3”. He only has one blue eye. The other is brown. 

The roots of this dysfunction between men and women goes back to the garden. Eve convinced Adam to sin. She believed a lie and chose to try to cheat reality rather than submit to it. Adam submitted to what Eve wanted. He chose to pursue the desires of his wife beyond the reality of nature and the commands of his father. This act plunged them into ruin. It’s not surprising that this story lies at the heart of our civilization and is expressed so powerfully all around us. Women dominate men with their evil desires. Men submit to women by becoming evil themselves. To reverse this, men and women must equally submit to reality, which brings their biological realities into the equation, and creates the appropriate complement where both men and women value truth and morality over the appearance of strength and power and where women submit to and honor their husband and men serve and love their wives.

Since 1913, the Federal Reserve has bought men & women, creating single mothers, absent fathers, cannon fodder for sons, & prostitutes for daughters… without family, we split into tribal politics. Welcome to the welfare / warfare state. 

A Contract Between High-Quality Men and High-Quality Women

I promise to humble myself before God, submit to reality, and love you. I promise to serve you in the truth and protect you from want and sin. I promise to become a man of integrity and transparency, competence and  productivity. In exchange, you will honor and obey me, submitting to my desires and commands. You will elevate my character among other men and women and bless me and you with children. You will shout my praises from the rooftops and all men will know of my name and deeds. You will become a woman of character and integrity, not given over to gossip or malice, but being gentle and beautiful in your love of the truth. I promise to protect and provide for you, using my strength and capacity to serve you. I promise to be gentle with our children and intelligent in my discipline of them, raising them to be responsible and faithful adults. We both will work together to reject evil, ill-gotten gain, and the allures of provision at the expense of truth or at the cost of exploiting others. We will be partners in love, beholden to no one except our God and our nature. In times of need, we will trust. In times of plenty, we will be generous. We will not fear death, nor want, nor persecution. We will not honor those who threaten our children or our neighbors with malice. We will not give into the temptation of money or power. We will not dominate each other, lie to each other, or withhold any good deed or honor from each other. In all that we do, our aim will be love and giving the other the best within us for the best within them. To the glory of our nature and the praise of our God, to the success of our household and the multiplication of our kingdom, I do enter this covenant with you. 



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