A New Covenant Between Men and Women


A Contract Between High-Quality Men and High-Quality Women

I promise to humble myself before God, submit to reality, and love you. I promise to serve you in the truth and protect you from want and sin. I promise to become a man of integrity and transparency, competence and  productivity. In exchange, you will honor and obey me, submitting to my desires and commands. You will elevate my character among other men and women and bless me and you with children. You will shout my praises from the rooftops and all men will know of my name and deeds. You will become a woman of character and integrity, not given over to gossip or malice, but being gentle and beautiful in your love of the truth. I promise to protect and provide for you, using my strength and capacity to serve you. I promise to be gentle with our children and intelligent in my discipline of them, raising them to be responsible and faithful adults. We both will work together to reject evil, ill-gotten gain, and the allures of provision at the expense of truth or at the cost of exploiting others. We will be partners in love, beholden to no one except our God and our nature. In times of need, we will trust. In times of plenty, we will be generous. We will not fear death, nor want, nor persecution. We will not honor those who threaten our children or our neighbors with malice. We will not give into the temptation of money or power. We will not dominate each other, lie to each other, or withhold any good deed or honor from each other. In all that we do, our aim will be love and giving the other the best within us for the best within them. To the glory of our nature and the praise of our God, to the success of our household and the multiplication of our kingdom, I do enter this covenant with you. 


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