Free from Fear

 How much less money would you need if you were free from fear, if the opinions of others didn’t matter, and envy was foreign to us? 

If we could be content with less  might our companies be able to charge less? Could you take a smaller compensation package if you were more independent? If you changed your own oil, grow your own squash, raise your own chickens, and mended your own clothes, would climbing the corporate ladder be as important as it is now?

Would we spend more time with our babies when they are young and laugh more with them in the middle of the day? Would we know about our neighbors and have more friends to help us feed the cats when we are away? Would we teach our children more with our lives instead of with our verbal lessons? 

If we didn’t need to spend so much time in front of our computer terminals? Would we touch more grass with our bare feet and feel more sunlight with our faces? Would the breeze spend more time in our hair and our hands hold another longer? Would we make more music, watch more movies, and write more stories? Would we invent more?

Would there be less homelessness since fewer of us were fighting over stock market yield? Would there be less war? Would the president, the cost of debt, and who sits in the Supreme Court matter less? Would there be less crime to police and fewer wounds to heal, if the only thing we chose to boycott was fear and envy? If we rendered to God what is God’s, would there be any room left for what is Caesar’s?

Would we drink less? Would we eat less? Would we smoke less? Would we argue less? 

Just how expensive are these fears which drive us? What do they serve us but stress? What do they cost us but laughter? What do they leave us without but love?

The warmth of Sunlight is free. 

The coolness of Grass is free.

The breeze of the Wind is free.

The sight of a Cloud is free.

Time is free.

Laughter is free.

Thinking is free. 

Joy is free.

Love is free.  

You are free.

If you had less fear and more of these, how much better might our lives be?


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