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Who Invented “Conspiracy Theory” and Why

Watch this and then let’s have a discussion:  https:a//

Where did the term “Conspiracy Theory” come from?

The term conspiracy theory was invented by the CIA to associate people who question authority with people who question reality. 

This association is particularly sinister since the use of authority is by nature an attempt to get you to disconnect from reality. This association is designed to cause people who love reality and truth to feel like they are of one nature with those who reject reality, either because they are evil (authoritarians) or stupid (tin foil hat types).

The point is to give people an illusion of choice while hiding a true alternative. This term means you can either support authority or you can support stupidity, but you can’t support independently verified truth and you certainly can’t believe in yourself. The irony is that authority and stupidity are cut from the same reality denying cloth. In fact they both depend on each other. Stupidity needs Authority to convince Intelligence to support Stupidity by exploiting Intelligence’s blind spots and fears. Authority needs Stupidity to support its apparent legitimacy through majority votes and sharing of the exploitation of the Intelligent. Rarely does Intelligence ask “why do I need to support you two?”. When Intelligence answers that question with “I don’t and I won’t”, then Intelligence becomes Morality and throws off the chains of Authority and Stupidity.

Example in Literature of this conspiracy playing out: The Grand Inquisitor from Brothers Karamazov by Fyodor Dostoevsky. Examples from history is a plenty. The most striking example is the conspiracy the immoral and hard hearted Jews entered into with the authoritarian Romans to murder Jesus Christ, the most moral man to walk the earth. You can read about this conspiracy in any one of the four gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John. 

The only solution is to trust your mind, committ to the truth, and reject all forms of authority and stupidity. The path to freedom is loving your life and choosing to live in support of intelligence, productivity, and morality. 


The support of authority is immoral. 

Confront bullies. 

The support of stupidity is immoral. 

Ignore Fools. 

Intelligent, creative, and productive support of authority and stupidity is treasonously immoral. 

Do not sacrifice the good for the sake of the evil. 

Support of intelligence, creativity, and productivity is moral. 

Honor the honorable and serve the deserving. 

Intelligent, creative, and productive support of intelligence, creativity, and productivity is supremely moral. 

Worship God for this reason. 

If you aren’t use to using the words immoral, evil, and stupid then you are likely stuck in this false choice. 

Read the Proverbs and Get Wisdom. 

Evil only has one game and one goal: to separate you from your mind and your reality. Spiritually speaking, evil’s goal is to keep you from Christ, the mind of God within you, and from fellowship and union with the Father through His creation. 

Resist the Devil and he will flee from you. 

The most moral, spiritual, and God loving man or woman among you is the one who is the most supportive of intelligence, creativity, and productivity and the least supportive of authority and least sacrificial to stupidity.

Crown this man King.

This is not saying there isn’t room for charity, help, and support to someone who is uneducated or makes mistakes. There is no conflict between morality and helping someone become more moral, more independent, and more intelligent. 

This is mercy and compassion.

There is no room for giving someone the fruits of morality, independence, and intelligence when they have no interest at all in becoming moral, productive, or creative. 

This is justice. 

For further inquiry into this conspiracy between the immoral and the struggle of the moral to throw off the immoral, read Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand.


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