Primer into Understanding the Federal Reserve

 A few resources for those new to understanding how the Federal Reserve System works. 

How the Fed creates a Caste System: 

Two videos explaining my thesis for ending the Federal Reserve

An explanation for how the Fed took over America between 1913 and 1933 by the author of The Great Taking

A cartoon explaining how the Fed destroyed the American Dream

A very detailed explanation for how the Fed works called The Hidden Secrets of Money

A very detailed explanation for how banks specifically commit bank fraud using forensic accounting 

Example of a man who successfully challenged his mortgage (Jerome Dally v First National Bank 1969)

Basic Argument:

Below is the basic argument for why the US dollar is a fraudulent currency:

It’s a simple argument but it sometimes takes people a little bit to understand it since the concepts needed are not taught or understood by the public. 

One argument goes like this

1. The dollar is a definition of gold, redeemable to the holder of the dollar

2. The banks created more dollars than gold backing and defaulted on the American public in 1933 and on the world in 1972.

3. Now all dollars are simply empty claims on nothing made valuable only because we are willing to be indebted for them and work for them. 

This means, through counterfeiting gold securities and defaulting on liabilities, the central banks have enslaved the whole world in a system of paper. 

The more complicated argument is this. 

1. There are two theories of bank lending. The intimediary theory and the credit creation theory. 

2. The intimediary theory claims a bank is simply a middle man between people with capital to lend and people who need capital to spend. Under this theory, banks create loans by lending existing capital to loan recipients. This is a non fraudulent way of making loans.

3. The credit creation theory claims that banks use existing capital to give the appearance of solvency but actually fabricate credit on their balance sheets when a loan is made. This is a fraudulent and inherently unstable way to make loans since there is no way for everyone in the system to pay back loans that are created from nothing. The interest portion of the loan would have to be paid back with further credit creation, resulting in ever increasing debt. Furthermore, the credit creation theory of money violates the fundamental requirement of all contracts which is that each party must put up something valuable of theirs in order for the other person to consider prior to engaging in the contract. Since the capital for making the loans doesnot exist prior to the loan being made, there is nothing for the loanee to actually consider. 

4. Since all dollars now, domestically since 1933 and internationally since 1972 have been created via the loan creation theory, all dollars are fraudulent counterfeits created by fabricating accounting journal entries on a banks balance sheet.


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