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Most Americans watched at least a portion of the United States presidential debates last night. I believe  I understand the nature of our collective revulsion of the political system and have the answer to America’s problems 

Do we really believe in either candidate? 

Joe is comatose and Trump said he’d rather be golfing.

Do we really believe in the current American system?

81% of people disapprove of the US legislature! 

I feel like there is only one thing we can do that will save America and give America the things politicians can only promise but never deliver.

We have to stop allowing people to steal from us. 

We have allowed the Federal Reserve banking system to live for free off the American people for 111 years. That is 111 years too long in my opinion. We have to end this practice of central government sponsored banking. 

The way we #EndTheFed is by realizing all banks in the Federal Reserve network, which is all banks, fabricate bank credit when we take out loans. This fabrication is the origin of the fraud. When we work 40 hours a week, invent products, and run businesses to pay off these fake loans, we are the ones giving real value to those who gave none to us. 

No nation can survive by theft. Production doesn’t require theft. Creativity doesn’t require injustice. Truth doesn’t depend on liars. There are no necessary evils.

This is why I’m calling on the nation to join me between now and Election Day on a nationwide debt strike to usher in a new dawn of prosperity and freedom. 

I’m calling on everyday citizens to stop paying your mortgage. If you’ve paid off your house, go get a loan against it and default on that. Max out your credit cards and get that car you’ve always wanted. Use the bank’s practices against them and rebelliously face their made up consequences to keep you in line. 

A credit score is merely the banking industry’s attempt to assess how likely you are to support them. If you make a lot of money and have a history of paying off your loans, you’ll have a high score. What a shame it is to know that score is merely a modern slave rating, rankings us all by our productivity and gullibility! After I started defaulting on $1.25M in bank loans, my score crashed from 760 to 330. Join me in crashing your credit score. 

Threats of foreclosure and repossession are empty threats. Every common theif claims to own your property. Banks try to do this by statute and contract and thereby fool many people. Since they broke the contact by fabricating bank credit, they cannot legally enforce the contract. 

Yes, this is risky. That is how you know it’s the right action to take. Yes, some will take more risk than others. That is the nature of any good venture in this life. Yes, this will work. The entire system of credit is like a despotic house of cards. There are so many investments today known as derivatives banking on your servitude that even the slightest hint of rebellion exposes the Ponzi scheme and breaks the chains of their deception. 

Will you let America die without a fight?

Wake up, o sleeper and rise! Let the truth shine upon you! 

All the people who voted for the Federal Reserve Act in 1913 are dead. In fear they handed their future and the future of two generations over to those who have plunged the world into war, inflation, and political dystopia. We are a new generation for a new millennium. We can cast off this system of fear, greed, and lawlessness and forge a new path built today with the stones of justice and commitment.

For a new day of freedom and a new hope for mankind, follow my example in doing the one thing necessary to make the American dream a reality for all who want it. Join me in rejecting the phony debt obligations of the finance system. Join me in affirming truth and justice for all.

Join me in the Great Debt Strike!



Written Call:


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