Inflation Steals Productivity Gains


Artificial Intelligence, like all productivity gains, hides the theft of inflation. Can you imagine how high inflation would be without the efficiency gains of industrialization and computerization? You would think goods and services would get cheaper in such an environment but no, prices are managed to rise steadily at 2% every year. Why? Because if you can make a car that cost $20,000 last year for $10,000 this year and people won’t riot unless the price of the car increases by more than 2%, the banking industry can add $10,400 worth of new currency. Even though inventors of technology saved people 50% on the vehicle, all the benefit of those savings was funneled to those who have the privilege of credit creation and their closely connnected friends. Artificial Intelligence is simply the next technology corporations, governments, and banks are hoping will keep the exploitation going a little longer. 

One cannot even begin to fathom how much easier life would be if we all defaulted on our loans, ended the circulation of fraudulent currency, and returned to a free trade environment with sound money like gold and silver. 

If we don’t default, wages for workers will remain stagnant, prices will rise, and the banking industry will continue to siphon off the efficiency gains of the market while also incentivizing the best among us to work for these banks in unproductive jobs.

Your achievements are someone else’s gain whether you like it or not in an environment where some people can create money while others can’t. 

If you don’t default, you don’t love your life.

If you don’t default, you don’t love your kids.

If you don’t default, you don’t love your community.

If you don’t default, you don’t love justice.

If you don’t default, you don’t love the future.

This is why I went on strike and defaulted on $1.25M in loans. I saw the market pushing me to innovate and improve and I realized I wouldn’t see hardly any of those gains. In fact, over times, I’d see none of them and I’d be sacrificing even my children’s future for the smallest of temporary comforts.


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