When Pro-Life and Pro-Abortion Agendas Agree
Many pro-choice and pro-life advocates agree that if the fetus or baby threatens the life of the mother, it’s is the mother’s right to abort the child. This is a hard decision but necessary to allow the mother to make, for how will a fetus survive inside a dead mother and who will take care of a motherless child?
Now (rightfully so) women everywhere are upset that the state is forcing doctors to let women to die.*
If the state threatens the life of the citizen, is it the right of the citizen to abort the state?
The Founding Fathers seemed to think so.
“Whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of Life, it is the Right of the People to abolish it”
- Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776
* I recognize that this issue has attracted many people on the extremes of this issue. I am simply speaking to the middle ground that I don’t think anyone can argue with. State mandates requiring doctors to let mothers die is the least pro-life argument there is. State force used in the service of unwarranted death deserves to be abolished.
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