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The Crime of the Century


Silver and Gold have EXPLODED since 1972.

50 years of insanity that everyone could predict but no one wanted to see. 

It took on 37 years to break the system. (72-09)

It will only take 15 more to completely sink… (09-24).

The way to look at these charts is not “oh wow gold and silver are so much more valuable now.” These charts show you how much harder it is to get these metals and how much harder you have to work to acquire them. The $60 that bought you an ounce of gold in 1972 buys you not 25% less or 50% less or 75% less but  96.5% less. The $2340 increase in the “price” represents a near complete theft of all the wealth in the country since 1972. 

Now let this blow your mind. While this theft is crazy, these prices are massively suppressed compared to the amount of distortion and theft that has been purchased since 1972. The prices should be $47,000 per bounce of gold and $3100 per ounce of silver. That means the theft isn’t 96.5% of the nation’s wealth… it’s actually 99.98%. Imagine the consequences of a person having 99.98% of their wealth stolen from them! Imagine if you were 783x more wealthy than you are today! Do you make $100,000 today? You should be making $78 million!!! Someone has made $77.9M off you without giving you anything in return! That’s how much productive gains we’ve made over the years while people have gotten POORER!!! Imagine the innovations in medicine, art, music, sport, nutrition, and travel that would exist if we were all 783x more wealthy! THAT is the upside of ending the federal reserve and why each of us should stop paying taxes, mortgages, credit cards, and student loans RIGHT NOW. 

This is the crime of the century. The theft comes everytime the banking system makes a loan out of nothing and you pay that loan back at interest. Want to stop the theft? Default on the debt. 

Then we can bankrupt and put an end to these malicious psychopaths.

This is them stealing 99.98% of your wealth.

The first abuse is the theft. 

The second abuse is the gaslighting. 


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