Teaching Truth: Nurturing Honesty, Humility, and Honor in the Next Generation
Today as we were going to practice baseball, we discussed my number 1 rule.
Dont lie.
This is less intuitive than it sounded. I didn’t just want them to think about cookie jars and fist fights. Questions line “Who stole the cookie?” and Who hit who first?” have their utility but telling the truth is much deeper than this. Today I wanted to talk about humility and honor.
Me: “If you tell me you understand what I’m saying, but you dont, are you lying or telling the truth?”
Them: “We are lying”
Me: “That’s right. It’s better to admit you don’t understand than lie and pretend you do. It’s better to be honest and humble than dishonest and ignorant. Honesty gives you the gift of curiosity, which will lead to understanding.”
Me: “And if you obey me when you feel like what I’m asking you to do is wrong, are you lying or telling the truth?”
Them: “I don’t know. We aren’t really saying anything.”
Me: “I appreciate you saying you don’t know. It’s harder to understand. When you obey someone you are acting like what they are saying is true and good.”
Them: “So if we don’t believe what you are saying is good, but we act like we do believe it, we are lying.”
Me: “That’s right. Of course I want you to obey me and listen to what I say. But I prefer honest disobedience to you doing something you think is wrong. Sometimes you won’t know and you can trust me. That’s ok. But if I ask you to do something you know is wrong, you need to talk to me about it before you obey. You can say ‘Ok dad. I want to do this. But I don’t feel this is right. Can you help me understand?”
Later we discussed why they wanted me to teach them how to play baseball. I played in college and could be a good guide. Regardless of what I knew, it was their responsibility to make me a better teacher. If they I said something confusing, they have to question me. Otherwise, they need to follow my instructions with commitment and drive.
As their father, I have the unique opportunity to use my position of power to teach them to either blindly obey those in power or to follow the principles that I follow, even if I don’t always follow them. If I’m successful, they will be moral, humble, curious adults who are fiercely loyal to the truth, their own conscience, and doing what is right. They will be friends who can give and received encouragement and friends who can give and recieve correction. They will be the salt of the earth, children of God, and completely free from the whims and pressures of society.
For us, have we had fathers like this? Are we free from these whims and pressures? Do we have friends who encourage and correct? It seems to me that our fathers abandoned their post and taught us to honor our egos, worship power, work for money, and value prestige above all.
You indicate your loyalties by who you follow.
You reveal your values by what you work for.
You disclose your master by who you honor.
If you are working for empty dollars that lie about value, obey the US government that lies about justice, and honor the deceitful, conceited, greedy, and incompetent, those are your kings. You are their pawns. The king will sacrifice you and you will experience his same fate, which will be temporary pleasure and ultimate ruin.
Think about it. If you want to gather a team around you, feed them, house them, give them gifts and honor them, you have to do so with dollars. If you want to serve a lot of people with a great idea, you have to have access to credit. You can’t extend honor at any scale in this current environment without honoring those who hold dollars, which is the same as honoring the source of dollars. The source of dollars is the Federal Reserve which creates money out of nothing, which is to say they are knowingly and maliciously committing fraud. Are we really confused why the biggest businesses and the most powerful people in our world are the least honorable, the most corrupt, and the most vile? There are absolutely geniuses and amazing businesses imprisoned by our collective worship of the dollar… It’s gross and our fault.
If you reject dollar, resist unjust laws, and honor the valuable, honest, humble, sacrificial, and competent, you will experience the fate of these people and these virtues, which will be peace, joy, and wealth.
We are taught to care for only ourselves and in doing so, we do not feel obligated to follow those who follow the truth, sacrifice for justice, fight for the vulnerable. We ask “what’s in it for me” as if a world full of justice, truth, and competency isn’t a world you want to live in, as if the only valid form of payment is the instrument of fraud and theft, the US dollar….
If you want to repair the world, start by pledging your allegiance to the truth. Commit yourself to always telling the truth, even if it embarrasses you (eg “I don’t understand. Can you help me?”), offends (eg “I think you are wrong. Can I you why?”), or humbles you. Withhold empty flatteries from those who are in power but shouldn’t be and offer encouragement to those who aren’t in power but should be. Your support is sometimes all you have. Do not prostitute it for money, status, praise, or power. It’s worth far more than that! Do not betray those unsupported heroes among you. You need them like a child needs a father, a sheep needs a shepherd, and a patient needs a doctor.
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