Body Language


Our cells 

Our selves

I love my cells

I love my self

My cells are part of something bigger than its cell

I am part of something bigger than my self

Without my cells, my body is nothing

Without my body, my cells are nothing

Without my self, the church is nothing

Without the church, the self is nothing

Can the hand say to the foot, I don’t need you?

What good is the body without a purpose?

My cells made complete in a body are part of a whole

My self made complete in a church are holy

If I were to give my cells a commandment, it would be to be healthy and ensure the health of the body 

God has commanded me to love Him and love you as myself

We are called the body of Christ

We are called the bride of Christ

Christ is called the Head of the Body

Christ is called the Logos, the Reason, the Purpose

Ask to be made alive.

Ask to be given purpose.

Ask to know the mind of Christ.

Ask to be bound to the purpose of God.

Love your neighboring self as your self.

…and you will never die…


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