What is Bank Fraud?

 Let’s say I am loaning out $50 in gold. $50 in gold is one American Eagle. 

Upon signing the contract for the loan, I give you a note that represents $50. Now, this $50 is not just a piece of paper. It represents supposedly a real asset that I am giving you, which is 1 ounce of gold. If I were to give you the paper and not have the gold, I would be committing the crime of bank fraud. I would be financially gaining by misrepresenting my assets. 

If this fraud was never caught and you paid the loan off, you would work out in the world and eventually give me 1 ounce of gold + 1/10 ounce (the interest) and I would give you your collateral and the title to your asset (let’s say a car) back. 

If this fraud was never caught and you didn’t pay the loan off, I would keep your collateral and the title to whatever you attempted to purchase for the $50. 

Either way, by allowing the fraud to continue, I, someone who contributed nothing to you or the economy other than the lie about the existence of 1 ounce of gold, will have stolen real value from the economy, either in the form of your payment or in the form of legal repo.

The is the essence of why the US dollar Federal Reserve Note is an instrument of theft. From 1913 to 1972, the dollar was supposed to be a representation of gold. Nixon broke that connection in 1972 because France and Germany were seeking to convert their dollars into gold, because they suspected the fraud. The US military at that time had become too strong and so we were able to get away with public theft. 

Now, for 50 years, we have been trading pieces of paper and digital currencies knowing they are backed by nothing more than our belief in the value of nothing, which is why the world has become more and more brutish, unsafe, and violent since and why politics has become so divisive.

This is why I have taken out over $1M in loans and and now prepared to stake my life on exposing this fraud, for the sake of Justice and truth in accounting to the benefit of having more of those things in the world. I want to root fraud and theft out of the system and this is the most effective way I know how to do it. 

And if I fail, I know, as Martin Luther King said, that “the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends towards justice.” I am, as Jesus taught, “storing up for myself treasures in heaven where neither moth nor rust destroys, and where thieves do not break in or steal.” I know that it does not profit a man to gain the whole world, and forfeit his soul. And I know that “he is no fool to lose what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose” (Jim Elliot). 

So I will

“Let goods and kindred go

This mortal life also

The body they may kill

Gods truth abideth still

His kingdom is forever” - Martin Luther

In contrast, I’ve written a short explanation for how a bank is suppose to operated here.



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