“With Equal Justice for All”: The Promise of The Law in The New World

I grew up playing baseball and one of the things I learned in sports is that the game mattered more than winning or losing. I learned that cheating the game, corrupting the referees, or even violating a rule in secret stole the value of achievement away from both the cheater and the one being cheated. This is because the very concepts of winning and losing depended on everyone playing by the same rules. Of course I didn’t want to lose and would do everything I could to win, except cheat. When I lost, I learned. When I won, i celebrated. If I cheated, I betrayed that spirit of play that made the game worth playing, regardless of the outcome. Ask anyone who played sports as a kid and see if the loses made the game cruel and not worth playing. I predict that to a person they would say the game was great precisely because there were winners and losers and cheating really was the only thing that made the game cruel.

How Do We Deal With Cheaters

So what do we do with cheaters. We really have 3 options:

1. We can fight them. Let's say our opponent cheats and they get away with it. In retaliation, we beat them up and get the call reversed. If we are successful in doing this, what lesson will we and the cheater learn? That that power and physical force are all that matters and that Might Makes Right. This will only create more cheating, more fighting, and more of the world as we see it today. 

2. We can complain. Let's say our opponent cheats and we complain. If we complain and are successful, what lesson will we and the cheater learn? That speech is all that matters and that Silence Makes Right. This will only create a world of more cheating, censorship, and more of the world as we see it today. 

3. We can obey. We can adopt their rules and apply those rules to them. Let's say we are playing baseball and one player plays with a bat that always hits home runs. Instead of complaining or fighting, we observe the rule breaking and allow everyone to use that bat. This means everyone will always hit homeruns and the 9 innings will never be completed. Applying this rule to everyone will create a scenario that the cheater will no longer be able to exploit. Therefore, if we apply the rules of a cheater to them, what lesson will we and the cheater learn? That the game and the laws matter more than anything and that Equal Treatment Under the Laws Makes Right. 

Many people across the world are pursuing options to establish civility, justice, and equality. My strategy (option 3: obedience) gives the cheaters and the bullies a choice. They can either live in a world of criminals with no one to exploit or live under the law with no fear of punishment. By redeeming themselves, they also get to be part of the solution, not something to rid the system of. Each and every one of us can play our part in the world by choosing justice and law over cheating and crime. 

So Simple, Even A Child Can Do It

In fact, I was having dinner with my son last week and wanted some advice on how to deal with a cheater at recess. The player in their game was making up rules that benefited him and refused to yield when people complained. No one attempted to fight him. I told my son that in order to beat a cheater, he needs to play by the cheaters rules. If someone says that hitting a ball outside of a square means the other person is out, then you hit the ball outside of his square and tell him he is out. If he refuses, announce the name of the new game which is called "He wins" which obviously isn't a game at all. I am proud to say my son did this and when he announced to the group the new rule, the cheater willingly conceded his place in the game and went to the back of the line. He wasn't punished. My son didn't have to fight him. No complaints were needed. All one needs to do to redeem a cheater is simply continue adopt his rules as your own. He will see the error of his cheating and willingly concede to the virtue of the game. In fact, it is this willingness that indicates that the game is more important than cheating. My son didn't punish the cheater by adopting his rules. He served him and thus redeemed him to continue playing. Such is our task today in this world on December 10, 2023. 

Today deception and might are king. This is particularly evident by looking at the banking and government systems. Banks claim to have the right to create money from nothing. Government claim to be able to take money without consideration. Like cheaters, tyrants, and criminals, both institutions claim special privileges that set themselves beyond the law. Here is how I will redeem these institutions and restore the rule of Law to all of mankind. 

Banking and Unlawful Money Creation

I have taken on tremendous amounts of debt. Currently this is what I have to my name:

  • Aliant Credit Union - $786, 366
  • USAA Federal Savings Bank - $80,093
  • Chase Bank - $105,505
  • American Express - $48,254
  • Total Debt: $1,020,218
Where did this money come from? 

According to bankers themselves, this money was created out of nothing, simply a journal entry on their books. You can learn about this practice here and elsewhere on the internet

The simple fact is that banks want to get caught. They aren't hiding what they are doing and they know that what they are doing is unsustainable. The only reason they don't change the rules and submit to the Law is because they are afraid of punishment. 

Therefore, I am willing to settle this debt in one of two ways. I do not want to complain and I do not want to fight. I do not want a pound of flesh and do not want one banker to go to prison. This is all I want. 

Option 1: I get to declare that each of these are paid off in full simply by me going into my bank and creating $1,020,218 worth of assets to my name using the same practice they used to create the money in the first place.

Option 2: The banks forgive the debt entirely, undoing their practice of money creation, not just for me but for the whole world. 

If the banks can do this create money, so can you and me. If you and I cannot do this, neither can the banks. Either way, the debts will be paid off, either by the Laws of the banks or the Laws of the People. If the refuse to grant me the right to money creation and refuse to forgive the debt, then I we will change the name of their game to "Banks Win". They will no long have the protection of the law, only the protection and the badge of a criminal enterprise. Those are their options. There is no middle road. 

Of course, they will chose universal justice since making universal crime a law is a contradiction in terms and a game with predetermined outcomes is also a contradiction in terms. In this way the deception of cheating will be exposed and those who have participated in this deception will be restored to honest players, without any need for war and protest. 

Government and Unlawful Taxation

Governments around the world, in part because of the corruption of the banking system, claim the right to take wealth from others without providing any consideration in exchange. For instance, the United States government has sold $33,905,115,898,309 in government bonds. A government bond is a promise to pay back the Federal Reserve for its fake money creation in exchange for future payments against that loan. Since the only form of revenue a government has is through taxation and mandatory fees, the government is putting up the time and energy of others as an asset, claiming (without cause) the right to own the future productivity of others. 


If some people can take money from others without providing proper consideration, then so can I. If I cannot, neither can anyone, including those who claim to be working for the government. Therefore, I am willing to settle this debt in one of two ways. Either I can take from others a sum of $33,905,115,898,309 and pay off this loan or the government cancels this debt for everyone. This includes the nearly $100 Trillion dollars in debt across the globe. 


This is Good News

There is coming a day soon when the people of the world, especially the banks and the governments, will recognize the error of their ways and choose equal justice for all rather than injustice for all. On that day we will celebrate a new king across the planet and a new kingdom, one ruled by equal justice for all. On that day the Law will be King once again and the spirit of play which we all knew in our childhood will return to our work, to our relationships, and to everything we do. 


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