Quantum Purpose
The essence of life is purposeful action
The essence of death is inaction
The reversal of the Law of Identity
- A is A. A thing is itself.
The reversal of the Law of Non Contradiction
A cannot be and not be both A and non-A at the same time in the same way
Refutation- Light is both a particle and energy at the same time and in the same way, depending on what we are looking for
Therefore, matter is not a primary absolute. Purpose is a primary absolute. Matter, or rather our experience of matter, bends to a person’s purpose.
Law of attraction
The limited material world is ultimate being trying to understand itself
Multi-verse theory
Ultimate purpose (GOD) working with limited purpose (Man)
- infinite possible worlds of infinite variations all finding their way to one end
Elimination of victimhood- everything in your life is earned, the product of your conscious or subconscious purpose. If you aren’t getting what you want, check your intentions
“Why” matters more than what and how.
Get really clear on what you want.
Survival is still the ultimate goal, ever increasing in duration and quality. Survival is the God Purpose. Man is either in alignment with or in non-alignment with the Ultimate purpose
Suffering is a myth. You are the primary actor
Life is a game with rules that must be discovered
Without purpose is the source of anxiety
Betraying your survival by damning purpose is the ultimate sin
You are in a video game and you are the main character. Experiment but play the game with the purpose of winning.
The gravitational pull of black holes are so strong, even light cannot escape once it falls into one.
The logic of central banking and money creation is so corrupt, that once started, can only be ended by the refusal of participants. The process of central banking with its loans and interests is material. The refusal is energetic. I am undoing central banking by reversing the charge of the system, sucking the stolen wealth away from the banks until they refuse to be “stolen” from by changing their rules of their game (eg convergence of purpose towards ultimate purpose and survival).
Could their be an analogy to the reversal of black holes in the removal of the event horizon?
Purpose is the creative and productive energy
Wake up each day asking what is it that I want to accomplish, build, achieve, experience. The universe will open these possibilities up to you and give you the opportunity to have them. Keep asking why? If the answer isn’t your own happiness and your own survival, it’s likely you’ll end up in some degree of inaction, since your purpose is out of alignment with ultimate purpose.
It is from ultimate purpose only that you can attempt to pursuade and influence others
This is the balance in society. Be careful when subverting purposes. A tree wants to live and grow but serves the purpose of a man for shelter. Being a man’s shelter can serve the tree and the universe’s ultimate purpose IF the man is purposeful himself (ie not a slouch, a mindless brute, or an aimless playboy). Another man may serve the purpose of another man though trade is much more productive than trade. Theft and coercion are too short term and demotivating to a man. The factory is more productive than the plantation. Property rights are more at cause with survival than the whims of kings and congress. The rule of natural law is better than inequality of law between rule makers and rule followers.
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