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Fraud in Banking

Here is a video explanation of the fraud and deception I found at the center of all loan contracts. The question at the heart of our financial system is this: Where does the “consideration” come from when a bank creates a loan? And if there is no consideration, that means all the contracts used to secure bank assets like titles and IOUs are legally null and void.

P.S. This is how much I believe that my debts are forgiven because at the heart of all debt is pure deception. I just purchased a 2023 Lexus GX 470 and a 2024 Porsche 911 Turbo. Total combined debt is $320k. I put $0 down and will not make one single debt payment. Same is true for my $900k ranch in Denver and the $70k in credit card debt I have used to by emergency food and precious metals. 

I will win without friends and fellow warriors. I am sharing this with you so you won’t be afraid. Kill the dragon of debt deception with the light of truth. 


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