Letting go of “obligation to debts”
“Central banks are a cancer. They are out there robbing everybody.” - Dr. Saifedean Ammous
In this post, I will attempt to make a concise case for why justice demands people cease debt repayments. I’ll start with a simple logical framework and then attempt to prove the basis of this framework below.
1. All theft is taking value for nothing
2. Debt money takes value for nothing
3. Therefore debt money is theft
4. Theft is immoral
5. Therefore, debt money is immoral
6. Immorality does not deserve support
7. Therefore debt money does not deserve support
8. Paying back debts support debt money
9. Therefore, debt money should not be paid back
Central banks today have created money from force and debt which is a form of theft. Fiat money is a claim created from nothing designed to take value. This is the definition of theft which is the beginning of the moral case against fiat debt based money (eg the US dollar). Central banks have used this money to supply governments with resources to implement mechanisms of control, generating military power, police forces, and corrupting institutions like the courts and judiciaries into freedom denying systems. Just like the wealth from theft is a farce, no more deserving of support than a ponzu scheme, the entire debt based fiat operation is an illusion.
Therefore, because fiat debt (eg debt in dollars) is created by force and from nothing, all forms of fiat debt and loans are illegitimate.
Therefore, those who have loans are within their right to defend themselves by refusing to pay back these loans. This includes mortgages, car loans, credit cards, and student loans.
Objection: It might be said that banks, credit unions, and even smaller loan originating institutions had to work for their money and therefore it is immoral to hurt them by refusing to pay back loans. This objection can be handled by seeing all the participants in the fiat debt system as participants in a Ponzi scheme. Almost everyone in a Ponzi scheme does not know that the scheme is fraudulent and yet everyone in the scheme depends on a sucker below them to believe in the lie and continue sending money up to the higher levels of the pyramid. Regardless of how and why anyone got into the pyramid, no one deserves to be made whole by the gullibility of people below them. Justice can only come from a redistribution of the wealth from above, from those who have benefited most from the system of debt, especially the originator, not from the poorer participants below.
Disclaimer: Not all loans are Ponzi schemes. This analysis of debt based money would not apply to someone who lended you a real asset with a contract for repayment. However, because governments force the use of its debt and do nothing more than wish it’s creation into existence, logic would demand that we treat this act as an attempt at theft. Once you discover that you are being stolen from, you realize you no longer owe the thief a dime. A claim by itself is not legitimate. Ponzi schemer has no moral authority and therefore, ought not to have any legal authority. If Ponzi schemes were legal, we could simply hold our neighbors up at gun point, force them to sign a debt contract with us, and then threaten force if our neighbor refuses to pay. Fiat is slavery and the slave has every right to throw off his or her shackles. This is theft plain and simple must be overthrown.
Therefore, I call on all free men and women to purposefully push back against this Ponzi system of theft. Take out loans from the higher level participants (banks, car dealers, governments) and gather for yourself means to provide and protect you and your loved ones. Gather resources that will take wealth from the higher level thieves and transfer it to your community. Buy gold and silver with your credit cards. Take out a HELOC and buy food, seeds, and land. It’s time the free people of the world broke the banks and ended their Ponzi reign of parasitic debt.
Morality would also urge you to share this with your friends and family who are being brutalized. You wouldn’t discover your friends were being stolen from in a Ponzi scheme and not tell them? The more people know, the less legitimacy the Ponzi scheme has and the less theft it can extract.
Here is an interview from Dr Saifedean Ammous describing the theft of fiat debt based money
Here is a documentary of Bernie Madoff, the most famous Ponzi scheme architect (so far)
Here is a list of episodes from Mike Maloney explaining the inner workings of the modern debt based fiat Ponzi scheme
Note: If I have made an error any where here in logic or in fact, you can email me at moorezt86@gmail.com.
Class Action Law Suit
Claim: Fiat debt based money is a Ponzi scheme
Settlement: All fiat debt based loans voided. Reparations made to victims in the form of hard assets (eg precious metals, land, real estate, and other assets).
The Bernie Madoff case made Ponzi scheme a household name and exposed a dark secret among financial institutions and moneychangers. The case I would to brining is against loan originators. Plaintiffs would be all the people who have loans from lending institutions.
My contention is that the entire system of fiat debt based money is a Ponzi scheme, allowing the originators of debt money and those who service that money to the public to extract the wealth of their clients for nothing (ie theft)
This would be a big and possibly dangerous case to take on but the consequences of not taking it on is to concede open market theft to people like Bernie Madoff.
I’ve written about what I understand to by the moral case against debt-based fiat loans above. The plaintiff would be anyone who has debt and is refusing to pay it back. If the loans are illegitimate and immoral, just like Bernie Madoffs profits and guarantees, can this case be made? Not only would the loans be rendered void, but reparations would be made in hard assets like gold and silver, creating the biggest wealth transfer in history.
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