To Those Who Love Their Life

If you are receiving this, it’s because I’ve been following you and your work for some time, enough time to see that you have a spark that is so often missing in this world, especially among the rich, content, and compliant.  I’m sure this seems out of the blue. You strike me as someone who cares about their life and knows that’s it’s worth fighting for.

I’ve been there. I know that life. I grew up poor and with a life no one would envy. With a love for the truth and my life and with many stumbles and struggles, I climbed out of that life. I have made beautiful children. Last year I made a lot of money. I thought I had escaped the spirit of ugliness, neglect, and ignorance that had plagued my youth. The next year my life got harder. The government squeezed the money supply while inflation ate at purchasing power. It felt like a reset, like someone had the power and used it to bring me down to earth. Maybe you’ve experienced something like this too, where you abilities were claimed by someone else who didn’t deserve them and whose character you despised or dismissed at best.

I’ve known it for a long time, and I’m sure you’ve suspected it. It seems crystal clear to me that we are playing a rigged game, a game that cannot be won, and one where the closer we get to the finish line, the further it’s moved out of reach. There is no rest. There’s no lasting wealth. The money is eaten up by inflation and hunted by those who are empty inside. It’s hustle to the point of maddening exhaustion. Burnout has become a virtue among those most dedicated to winning. 

The rats outrunning the flooding waters of the Titanic

This is the truth I found; the logic of the debt based fiat dollar that we all work for, sell for, and sacrifice for is the source of an incessant, uncaring, and endless demand for growth, the hustle culture that is burning people out, and the ever disappearing wealth that seems like the goal of any honest form of work. In this system, some people may be on top of others for a time, making millions, even billions, but like the rats outrunning the flooding waters of a sinking Titanic, there’s no winning the dollar game. This ship will sink. Even the best rats will drown like the rest. The shadow of control and corruption will keep covering our companies, our families, and our lives in absurdity, stamping out creativity with compliance, snuffing out sparks like you with the cruel duel torture of duty and fear. 

The Gates of Mordor from Lord of the Rings

Just think for a moment how your life has already been claimed

- If you don’t pay income taxes, your freedom is forfeit and you will be put behind bars

- If you don’t pay your property taxes, your shelter is forfeit and you’ll be put on the streets

- If you don’t pay for your vehicle tags, your transportation is forfeit and you’ll be thrown on your feet

- If you don’t pay sales tax, your desires are forfeit and you are not allowed to trade freely with your fellow man

- If you don’t pay your debts, your property is forfeit

All this combined creates and environment where, if you don’t value dollars, your life is forfeit…

And if you attempt to trade essential materials and life energies without dollars…well…

And here’s the pernicious and deceptive truth; the debt at the heart of the fiat dollar system cannot be satisfied. It never could be satisfied. The first dollar created was forged by debt, and the increased growth in interest rates can only be satisfied by more debt. There is more debt in our system than dollars. If everyone paid their debts, the system would collapse. This means those who control the system are not pursuing mere control. They are obeying an evil whisper from the dark, empty hole within their souls that says “Life is cruel. Life is not loving. Life is not worthwhile. Life is torture. Life is not pleasure and joy.” And the most contradictory of them all, “Life is death. Life is not worth living. You are…NOT worthy, loved, deserving, or enough…” It’s the “not” and the negation of life that is the source from which this cruel and tortuous voice derives its power and it’d psychologically, mentally, spiritually, and physically this voice and these words that you must fight for your life, your being, and your existence. 

Mentally dead men don’t live. Spiritually worthless women don’t find value. Those who think they deserve to be fat don’t get thin. Those who believe they are supposed to get sick don’t get well. Those who think themselves slaves don’t pursue freedom. Those who believe they are not enough to live, die. 

Before I continue, I wanted to acknowledge that I grew up as a Christian learning the scriptures of the Old and New Testament. You may not be familiar with the references I’ve made so far in this letter, but there is no denying the popularity and ubiquitous impact the message of the Bible has had throughout the world. I wonder if some will be more convinced of this message if I show that it is rooted in the scriptures, reflective of their power, and the fulfillment of its grand intention. 

If you consider yourself a Christian, I want you to consider what I am saying here. In Exodus 3:14God said to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM. This is what you are to say to the Israelites: ‘I AM has sent me to you.’ In the scriptures, God’s name is Yahweh, I AM, the Being Itself, Existence Itself. In Genesis 3, Satan says to Eve “You will be like God, knowing good and evil.” And in 2 Corinthians 5:21 it is said that “ God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.” What I take this to mean is that the evil that came into the world in the Garden was the knowledge of the negation of Being, both Adam and Eve’s and God’s. It is said that God already knew evil but when Adam and Eve learned of it, they immediately regretted their being by covering their bodies in shame, believing the lie that they were NOT worthy of being naked. As a result, they caused suffering and suffered themselves, both immediately (animals died to clothe them), circumstantially (physical and child birth labor became difficult) and existentially (persistent believing and acting in the negation of being resulted in their death). 

The deliverance from this negation of being was promised through Yahweh’s Suffering Servant. (Isaiah 53). Jesus, this suffering servant, was repeatedly and persistently tempted to curse his life, yet did not allow his Being to be negated. Hebrews 4:15 says,  “For we do not have a high priest who is unable to empathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are—yet he did not sin.”  How do we know Jesus was tempted in every way and what does it mean that he did not sin?

  • He suffered your poverty, rejection, and exposure as a baby yet did not wish that he had never been born (Luke 2:7Matthew 2:16)
  • He suffered your wearisome and toilsome labor yet did not curse the efforts of his hands (Matthew 13:55) 
  • He suffered your hunger and yet did not bow to the one who whispered “A life of hunger is not worth living,” “You are not enough to be king”, and “God is only worthy of trust if you test him” (Luke 4). He had the knowledge of evil and yet captured these thoughts with the positive affirmation, “My life and all my experiences are worthy, deserving, and enough just as they are. I radically accept them and remain connected with My Father, the Great I AM.”
  • He suffered your rejection and yet continued on and did not think “The truth is only worth telling if other people are pleased by it” (Luke 4:24-30)
  • He suffered your experience of disapproval and unbelief of even your FAMILY (John 7:5)
  • He suffered your experience of greedy betrayal (John 12: 4-6Luke 22: 1-6John 18:2Matthew 26:15Matthew 26:48Luke 22:48)
  • He suffered your experience of people who use unquestioned falsehoods to pin false guilt onto you. And they began to accuse him, saying, “We have found this man subverting our nation. He opposes payment of taxes to Caesar and claims to be Messiah, a king.” (Luke 22:2)
  • He suffered your experience of envy and the blindness of those who would rather betray you and the truth than suffer the loss of their power (Matthew 27:18Luke 23:1-2)
His last words, the sum of his trust in the Source of All Being, the culmination of his belief in the power of Life, were what was meant when it was said “yet did not sin.” He said “Father, into your hands I commit my spirit.” Jesus endured every one of your temptations to say
  • “I am unloved, insufficient, unworthy, despised, hated and abandoned by God.” 
  • “My life sucks and is not worth living.”
  • “I loath my life”
  • “I cannot go on”
  • “I despise this world”
  • “I hate my friends”
  • “I resent my enemies”
  • “I wish I had never been born”
  • “I curse Being for bringing me such hurt, pain, and suffering.”. 
Instead he said “Father, into your hands I commit my spirit.” 

What is said to have happened next is the heart of the power of the promise to those who would commit themselves to the truth, who would radically accept their existence, who would affirm their being into existence, and who would take a stand against the voice that whispers “you are not” and who uses tools like the fiat dollar and taxes to negate your life:

  • Mark 16: 5-6 “As they entered the tomb, they saw a young man dressed in a white robe sitting on the right side, and they were alarmed."Don't be alarmed," he said. "You are looking for Jesus the Nazarene, who was crucified. He has risen! He isn't here.
  • Acts 3:15 “You killed the author of life, but God raised him from the dead. We are witnesses of this.
  • John 11:25-36 “Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; and whoever lives by believing in me will never die. Do you believe this?"

Faith in Existence, belief in I AM, trust in the Truth, Love of God… is stronger than death (Song of Solomon 8:6)

Place me like a seal over your heart,
    like a seal on your arm;
for love is as strong as death,
    its jealousy unyielding as the grave.

In Matthew 10, Jesus describes the life of those who have this faith, this belief, this truth, and this love. 

It’s a life of action. It’s a life of loud truth telling. It’s a life of socializing, hospitality, gift and resource sharing. It’s a life of compassion and caring for people’s needs. It’s a life of staying positive in the face of betrayal, negative marketing, temptation, rejection, getting in trouble with the police, judges, and authorities. It’s a life of danger, especially from family members. Sisters will betray brothers to death. Mothers will betray sons. Wives will betray husbands. (Matthew 10:21-22). It’s a life of being HATED. 

It’s a life of power and confidence, relying on the same Life Force that undid the death of Jesus. It’s a life of companionship with Being and with yourself. It’s a life of glorious battle and unnerving sorrow. And it is a life of GREAT REWARD!

It’s a life of speaking your being into existence and overcoming death, disease, and darkness using the power of words and affirmations, thought, spoken, and acted out in the flesh (John 1:1-5)

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.”

If you are a Christian and are still resistant to this message, life, and faith… if you have read these passages and are still unbelieving, then all I know that is left to say is what Jesus said about Jerusalem during his time on earth. (Luke 19:41-44)

As he approached Jerusalem and saw the city, he wept over it and said, “If you, even you, had only known on this day what would bring you peace—but now it is hidden from your eyes. The days will come upon you when your enemies will build an embankment against you and encircle you and hem you in on every side. They will dash you to the ground, you and the children within your walls. They will not leave one stone on another, because you did not recognize the time of God’s coming to you.”

For the rest who know and believe, a wise Chinese philosopher once said, “To know and not do is to not know.” A New Testament author said it this way, “Faith without works is dead”. I have tried to show you that there is no winning at the dollar game. I believe you are worthy, regardless of what anyone says or does. I believe you are free, regardless of your circumstances. I believe you are enough, regardless of how much you or anyone else thinks you have. As Victor Frankl once said out of his enlightenment from his “full-time job” in a Nazi concentration camp, “Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms—to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.” I believe YOU ARE, regardless of how many voices say and demand that YOU ARE NOT. You now may know. What will you do?

Frodo carrying the burden of the Ring of Power in Lord of the Rings

It is dangerous yet possible to resist the power of the dollar and the voice of unworthiness the gives it strength while using dollars or any other form of fiat. You must remember that the fiat dollar is destroying your world. It is leveling cities that were once centers of culture. It is destroying the planet in the form of endless growth beyond the carrying capacity of the land. It is causing the seas to rise and forests to burn. It is breaking up families. It is corrupting the hearts of men. You must be careful. Beware of over-concern for money, or position, or glory. Someday you will meet a man who cares for none of these things. Then you will realize how poor you are.  

How to Make a Positive Contribution in Your Profession

What does it profit a military contractor to gain a billion dollars, yet destroy his Aleppo?

It is also equally foolish to pretend this isn’t your battle, that you can remain neutral. It’s foolish to believe you can weather this storm. We are all swimming in the same pool and it’s a cesspool of urine and filth because people, myself included, have too long believed the lie that our actions only affect us. 

If you are a Lord of the Rings fan, you’ll recall in the second movie The Two Towers an exchange between Merry and Pippin where Merry thought it was possible to know about the war for Middle-Earth but also not do anything about it. 

Pippin Took:
Maybe Treebeard's right. We don't belong here, Merry. It's too big for us. What can we do in the end? We've got the Shire. Maybe we should go home.

Merry Brandybuck:
The fires of Isengard will spread. And the woods of Tuckborough and Buckland will burn. And all that was once green and good in this world will be gone. There won't be a Shire, Pippin.

Or if music is more your style, I present to you…

Bob Dylan:

Tom Petty:

I Won’t Back Down (1989)

Michael Jackson:

Man in the Mirror (1988)

And finally, John Lennon


As for me, I will stay in my position, practicing gratitude and really learning how to let go of egoic cravings and live out of true aspiration which looks like a desire to know the truth and to encounter life with exquisite risk and being available for real change and connection with those around me.  I will attempt to work with people through local book clubs and life coaching sessions, guiding them in person to know that their life is valuable, worthy of adventure, and deserving of respect, regardless of what any government or company or person says. My intention is that we will become a community that takes stock of our gifts, talents, resources, and abilities and exchanges them freely for the building of a better world. 

I won’t charge dollars for any of my coaching. Instead I will coach people how to be generous with the gifts and resources they have and might be able to bring to the world. We will be vulnerable, sharing our needs, and bold, providing out of our inherent abundance. It is from these sparks that we will light the fire that will burn the paper dross and chaff so that only pure gold remains. 

The power of government corruption, manifested in people like this douche Bob Menedez and the thousands like him, is only possible because we are willing to let our life’s efforts and production be valued in dollars. It’s our compliance that give the dollar power over our lives. And the master of the printer enslaves those who value the product of the printer. And what have those fiat makers done to deserve that kind of power? Would you accept anyone coming up to you and just stealing everything you’ve worked for, including your energy and the energy of your kids? Yet this is exactly what we do every time we comply with the dual command to value the government’s efforts in fiat dollar based taxes (or else) and value the resources and talents the government may want to buy in fiat dollars (or else). 

For instance, the government could presumably print a billion dollars, buy up all your time, your inventory, and or your employees time for millions of dollars a year (each)! If that offer was actually made, what would you do? What if it wasn’t the government, but it was the someone who first got the billion dollars from the government for selling jet fighters or Covid vaccines? Or what if it wasn’t them, but it was a nonprofit that received a billion dollar donation from McKenzie Scott who was able to make that donation because of the government contracts Amazon was able to secure? 

The Netflix series House of Cards was a tour of the character of those who make it in politics 

Government is where creativity, innovation, fun, play, and joy go to die, and yet they are the ones with an endless supply of dollars. Since we value dollars and are willing to be influenced and controlled by them, that means the government has an endless supply of value, influence, control, and POWER simply because of our willingness to trade in dollars. He or she who values dollars is the slave of the one who can create dollars. And unlike a commodity like gold or even Bitcoin which requires effort, skill, and competency in order to produce, dollars require the ability to manipulate, smear, assassinate, corrupt, and control through shame and humiliation those standing in their way to the source of this power.  So being enslaved to a politician with desires for power is very different from being influenced by a miner with a work ethic. The world is mirroring the character of our money and our masters…

The person and company who isn’t addicted and isn’t willing to accept fiat for their gifts and resources is the person and company the government can’t corrupt with the printer. That’s the only way to starve the engine that is driving us to madding exhaustion and corrupting our souls. The spirit that birthed this country will rise again from the ashes, through the actions of free men and women, from tax revolts, active resistance to non-consensual “laws”,  freely exchanging with each other outside the system, for “We know through painful experience that freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor, it must be demanded by the oppressed.” (Martin Luther King). To do this, we will know that we have joy and peace and worthiness regardless of circumstances, positive or adverse. We will know and be able to act on the truth of what Victor Frankl showed us. We will know that to know and not do is to not know and that faith without works is dead. 

May you have eyes to see what cannot be easily seen, ears to hear what cannot be easily heard, a mind to grasp the wonders of your life and this world, and the spirit that connects us all. 

Do not let your fire go out,

Spark by irreplaceable spark

In the hopeless swaps of

The not quite, the not-yet &

The not-at-all. Do not let

The hero in your soul perish

In lonely frustration for the 

Life you deserved & have 

Never been able to reach.

The world you deserve can be

Won. It exists, it is real, it is 

Possible….it’s yours. 

Note on Feedback: 

  • If you would like to let me know what you liked about this letter, what resonated with you, what you thought was missing, or any questions you may have, email me at or join me at one of the Denver Authentic Living Meet-ups:



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