Affirmations: What Are they Good For

I remember a few months ago feeling blue. I remember feeling like my mind was being torn in two and I didn't feel like I could trust my thoughts. I remember sitting in a room where they were telling us about Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Cognitive behavioral thereapy basically states that our thoughts control our emotions and our emotions control our actions. It also states that our actions impact our thoughts and our emotions as well. There is a direct connection between what we think and what we do and how we feel. This was a light bulb moment for me. CBT basically represented psychological health the same way a diet and exercise represents physical health. If we feed our mind a consistently postive diet of thoughts and act in alignment to those thoughts, then we will feel better and begin to gain control over the future of our lives. 

Here's an example from a time in my life when I was feeling a little bit more than blue. In 2018, I experienced a severe period of depression. My thoughts were questioning whether my life was worth living and I was struggling to say anything positive about my self-worth. I did, however, start working out at my local YMCA and I started to feel better. The action of working out was an embedded thought for me that said "I am worth the effort and energy to care about my body." The thought that took me out of feeling blue to a positive perspective on life and also just as simple. I simply wrote in my journal "My thoughts are really positive today." This didn't mean that I never had a sad thought but it did anchor my identity to a place of positivity. When a negative thought came across my mind, I was able to say "That thought isn't me because 'my thoughts are really positive today'. I was able to say "I'm better than that thought because 'my thoughts are really postive today'. From there I was able to add a host of other postive thoughts about myself that completely turned around my sad and conflicted outlook. Since then I've learned even more about the power of positive affirmation and what psychologist describe as "speaking your being into existence." 

Below are close to 150 affirmations I give myself regularly. I share them because anyone can use these for themselves. Think of them like a thought diet or "I Am" recipes to serve yourself and block out negative thinking, symptoms, and self-sabotaging actions. 

Also notice how every one of these thoughts can be made negative by inserting the word “not” into it. The word “not” should be removed from your self-affirmation vocabulary because it is the negation of your being and your existence.

For a discussion on the life altering capabilities of thoughts, see here:

Affirmations in Support of My Recovery, My Health, and My Life 
Categories General Being || Ambitious Being || Social Being || Mentally Healthy Being || Physical Being || Spiritual Being 

  General Being 
  • I am healthy 
  • I am in touch with my emotions 
  • I am impactful 
  • I am a straight shooter 
  • I am reliable 
  • I am humble 
  • I am creative 
  • I am in touch with my body 
  • I am alive 
  • I am grateful 
  • I am honest 
  • I am authentic despite how others want me to be 
  • I am accepting of who 
  • I am I will say how I really feel 
  • I am my own person 
  • My confidence is realistic, accountable, and truthful 
  • I have appropriate thoughts 
  • I see with clarity and insight 
  •  I hear with precision and empathy 
  • I feel with indulgence and power 
  • I taste with nuance and delight 
  • I think with truth and courage 
  • I speak with boldness and care 
  • I am able to be assertive and tell the truth by accepting suffering with joy and self-control 
  • My strength and security is in the truth, my willingness to practice radical acceptance and my ability to stay positive through any trial, danger, or situation. 
  • I am free 
  • Practicing freedom creatively, sensually, socially, politically in my thoughts, speech, and actions is one way I love myself 
  • I use my freedom to build wealth for myself and a world of peace, free from fear and mindlessness. I can see that the temptation of pain is to fight it, run from it, or ignore it. 
  • I remain fully aware of my feelings at all time. I am beautiful and I make the world around me beautiful 
  • My positive self turns those around me into positive people 
  • I find beauty in all things 
  • My presence is in my control expressing accurately my public core self, concealing appropriately my private self, and protecting the secret place in my soul 
  • I am flexible in the face of changes 
  • My thoughts are positive, manifesting, powerful 
  • My emotions are in alignment with my thoughts 
  • My actions are in alignment with my emotions I am able to practice impulse control 
  • I am kind and have the courage of lion 
  • I am a gentle and loving pet owner and have raised very happy, protective pets 
  • I am funny and brighten my and others’ day with humor 
  • I am mature and wise 
  • I am honest and calm 
  • I can integrate all things for my good 
  • I can understand and master all things 
  • I am incredibly dynamic and agile 
  • I can build others up 
  • I will build others up 
  • I am committed to growing in truth, freedom, and love 
  • I give inspiring, life giving and freedom empowering words and affirmations 
  • I deserve to be happy 
  • I deserve supportive friendships, partnerships, and intimate relationships 
  • I deserve a supportive wife 
  • I am grateful for all things 
  • I am a strong leader
  • I am a shining star. 
  • I am deserving of creative expression 
  • I possess the strength and violence of a monster and the wisdom and self-control of a sage. 
  • I know how and when to deploy my monster / shadow and I am in control when I do I am committed to my physical, mental, and spiritual recovery and health 
  • I am self reflective and if needed I will admit I am in the wrong and apologize 
  • I am an exciting and creative cook 
  • I want to be healthy for myself primarily, knowing this is the secret to recovery 
  • I am wealth and I attract my wants and needs 
  • I am magnetic 
  • I am happy to be alive 
  • I deserve to be fully alive! 
  • I am worth taking care of 
  • I am easy to brag on 
  • I work hard and smart 
  • I provide bountifully for my friends and family 
  • I am careful and powerful with my thoughts and actions 
  • I am capable of gentleness and sensitivity 
Ambitious Being 
  • I am capable of making a difference 
  • I will maximize my leadership gifts and give them with boldness and courage and confidence to myself, my family, and my community
  • I will have everything I want 
  • I will build a healthy, powerful, truth loving, authentic, prosperous, sensory alive, self-aware, resilient, strong, joyful, sensual, satisfying, bold, caring, reliable, admirable, positive, creative, world-changing COMMUNITY of people who will challenge the ugliness, suffering, addiction, weakness, fear, pain, and death of this world AND WIN!
  • I will help myself, my partner, and my kids, my family and the whole world 
  • I can see potential and know how to support its flourishing 
  • I will build a successful life coaching practice that exchanges gold, silver, bitcoin or some other non-fiat, non-debt based form of value 
  • I will be shockingly successful 
  • I am willing to take on any challenge 
  • I am capable of expanding my vision of what’s possible for myself and others 
  • I am capable of seeing and knowing how to expose myself and others to fears, temptation, and opportunities to disconnect while teaching them and me how to stay connected 
  • I am able to control, manifest, and dictate my thoughts, emotions, and actions in any circumstance, whether through pain or versions of pleasure. 
  • I am capable of living in and thriving in an environment, absent a government or ruler or person tell me what is right or wrong 
  • I welcome all forms of freedom, health respect, including the dissolution of government, taxes, and coercion of all kinds 
  • I am skilled at making the simple fun 
  •  I can give new ideas space. 
  • I can entertain new ideas with curiosity and productive thoughts and dialogue 
  •  I am adventurous 
  • I am brave and bold 
  • My words are deserving to be heard 
  • I deserve to take up space 
  • I deserve a prosperous and fulfilling life 
  • I am stylish and can handle attention gracefully 
  • I am bright, brilliant, and bold 
  • I will have everything I want and desire 
  • I can make those around me strong, alive, and successful 
  • I am able to identify people to help me achieve my goals and motivate their brilliance and eagerness to help 
  • I am an inspiration to myself and others
Social Being 
  • I am trustworthy 
  • I am helpful 
  • I am capable of long term commitments 
  •  I am able to love all my kids 
  • I am considerate with my humor 
  • I am considerate of others 
  • I am honest with my kids about who I am 
  • I am culturally humble, able to empathize with people from all kinds of backgrounds, environments, experiences, and cultures 
  • I am honest with everyone in my life 
  • I am compassionate towards others 
  • I will pursue a career I want regardless of dollars or money 
  • I will have fully supportive life and business partners
  • I can let others take the wheel 
  • I build others up 
  • I can remain graceful and aware and present in the face of abuse, fearful expressions, and violence 
  • I am confident, calm, and graceful, exposing darkness and attracting those who fear the light to walk in it. 
  • Just as darkness is powerless in the presence of light, the will to power and desire for control and fear of freedom is powerless when encountering my life of truth, freedom, courage, commitment, and love. 
  • I welcome and learn from criticism, challenges, and people who oppose me for whatever reason. 
  • I am able to experience unfairness and arbitrary antagonism with self-control and grace 
  • I am quick to forgive 
  • I am resilient when encountering antagonism and malevolence 
  •  I am able to learn and grow stronger from any situation, interaction, and trial 
  • I am calm in the face of accusations 
  • My suffering with joy and self-control teaches myself and others the truth, that thoughts and emotions are a choice fully within our control 
  • I remain aware, curious, and authentic even in the face of antagonism 
  •  I use humor to connect, tell the truth, help myself and others get unstuck 
  • I am able to have a positive, creative, profitable engagement with every potential client, friend, co-worker, “boss”, “subordinate”, partner, family members, and myself 
  • I play games fairly, fun, and in such a way that others want to play with me and invite me to their games too 
  • My family is incredibly supportive of everything that I am, will be, and could be 
  • I can see how I can heal myself and my world 
  • I am a wonderful partner in hospitality 
  • I am able to connect and inspire children 
  • I am an inspiring father and partner 
Mentally Healthy Being 
  • I am mentally stable 
  • I have appropriate thoughts 
  • I move at appropriate speed 
  • I see problems appropriately 
  • I integrate my trauma successfully so that my life is as rich and fulfilling as possible 
  • I am accepting of the past with gratitude 
  • I will maintain my mental health 
  • I can let go of my resentments 
  •  I am able to meditate and interact with my known and dark self I am able to stay committed to an appropriate wise and effective medication plan 
  • I can understand the gravity of my mental health 
  • I am able to assemble a team that has excellent observations and provides me with excellent advice 
  • I am able to stay committed to an appropriate, wise, and effective medication plan I set good and clear boundaries that support my mental health
  • I can see how I and others make ourselves suffer with negative thinking, cognitive, distortions, and codependent behaviors 
  • I can help myself and others see the suffering and overcome at through cognitive restructuring, affirmations, sensory awareness, radical acceptance, and assertiveness training 
Physical Being 
  • I am attractive 
  • I am sexy 
  • I will have any impressive body that is pleasing to the eye, youthful, athletic, integrated, and function 
  • I know how to care form my body 
  • I possess the will, vision, and resources that translate to the body I want
Spiritual Being 
  • I am divine, eternal, and spiritual 
  • My faith and love is divinely strong so I welcome trials prove this gift
  • I am able to articulate my beliefs and what I see, feel, hear, smell, and taste in such a plain and logical way that others see a Higher Power and worship the source of their existence and find connection to their being and their Source through joyful suffering. 
  • I am sensory alive I am grateful for all my experiences 
  • I love my being and am connected to the source of all things through my being


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