Congress of the American Phoenix

Today is January 7th 2024. 

I have a vision of a new American congress, The Congress of the American Phoenix

The purpose of this new congress is to rekindle the flame of freedom and justice within those who belong to its membership. 

This congress will not establish freedom and justice, as if those inalienable rights could ever be granted or taken away. This congress will merely codify those rights into a common language shared by those to whom are willing to claim the title of men. Let those who would assent to the position of this congress be prepared to dwell with their master, the affirmation of all that is good and just in this world, your life. 

I am the first to join this The Congress of the American Phoenix. My name is Zach Moore. I am the man who loves his life. I am the man who chooses to live as a man. I am the man who understands myself to be a being of volitional consciousness, endowed by my benevolent existence with creativity, reason, and logic. My life and its abundance is my purpose and I swear, by my life and my love of it, I will not live for the sake of another man's life nor ask another man to live for the sake of mine. I am the man who believes the only error in this world is the error of false identification. As this relates to me, I am the man who permits all action except one, the negation of my mind and the negation of another man's mind. Therefore, the only impermissible action for me is the initiation of physical force. All forms of resisting the initiation of physical force are permissible, since the person who initiates has at once expelled himself from the protections of the law and is separated by his own actions from the realm of reason. The victim of such an action is permitted, by all means necessary, to protect himself and see to it that such a person is not able to continue in his iniquity. 

The actions of the American Phoenix Congress will be to assemble resources as are needed to ensure the freedom of its members and the take all necessary action against those who would raise a sword against its members, including but not limited to The United States Government, the United States Military, State and Municipal Police Forces, any and all governments from other countries, any and all violent or fraudulent business ventures such as the Federal Reserve and other forms of organized crimes. 

Let it be known that this American Phoenix Congress means no man any harm whatsoever. All who respect our autonomy and sovereignty will be treated as equals deserving of respect and peace. All who disrespect the members of this congress, all those who would ignore our nature and actively seek to suppress it, by bullets or by chains, will be treated in kind. We will show no mercy to brutes, thieves, frauds, thugs, criminals, tyrants, war lords, or terrorists. 

Let it also be known that any and all property rights obtained by force is hereby nullified by this Congress and its membership. The land of the United States is no longer the possession of the American government. The land of the world is no longer the possession of any world government or institution. The resources of world governments are no longer rightfully theirs and can with the full support of this Congress and its membership be seized. 

Let it also be known that all property and resources acquired by financial institutions through fraudulent fractional reserve banking and debt-based loan contracts is hereby nullified and void. The debts are completely forgiven. The vehicles, land, homes, and lives of those who have been tricked into these contracts are the rightful property of the buyers. 

Let is also be known that all laws, regulations, restrictions, and other tools that have been used by governments throughout the world to unilaterally restrain people are hereby nullified by this Congress on behalf of its members. 

Let it also be known that this congress possesses any and all rights to promote and secure its purpose against the tyrannical institutions of this world, including but not limited to the right to seize government property and establish a Blue Phoenix Army.

Let those who would object to the principles of this congress bring rational reasons for their adjustment. Let those who would oppose the purpose and actions of this American Phoenix Congress be prepared to meet their master, their own negation of all life, your death.

The American Phoenix Congress will happily exist next to others who share its values and purposes. Others may establish their own congress or claim the tenants of this congress on their own without any form representation. Should anyone representing the American Phoenix Congress violate the inalienable rights of others, those being the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, may they be damned, counted as traitors to life and justice.  

Membership to the American Phoenix Congress, at the present time, is not public and requires acceptable to join. If you have interest in joining the American Phoenix Congress and participating in its business, email me at the email below with the title “I’m In!”. As needed, I will be conducting interviews in Denver, Colorado weekly at a location that will be disclosed to you at a later time, should we both agree to next steps. 



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