
Showing posts from September, 2024

Contract Theory: Definitions and Implications

Pre Post Announcement:  I am in the process of teaching people the nature of covenants and gathering those who are interested in becoming a member of God’s covenant with humanity at this telegram channel. Soon there will be physical gatherings. Join me here: Those local to Denver Colorado can join this group to be notified of physical meet-ups when they are scheduled: The scope of this covenant is comprehensive and will guarantee you life, liberty, and happiness. Those to the covenant and live according to its principles will have everything their heart desires and be blessed beyond their imagination.  You can check the schedule of these covenant keepers, which I call The Fellowship of the King here: Contract Theory Contract theory outlines the foundational principles governing agreements between parties. Its four essential elements ar

Schedule of Events for Fellowship of the King

Join the online group here: Fellowship of the King (Telegram Group)   Friday Mornings 10am MT Q&A Theology Readings Sunday Morning 10am MT Covenant Meeting (guests welcome) Prayer  Teaching  Sunday Evening 6pm MT  Covenant Meeting (Guests welcome / Member participation only) Sharing successes and burdens Sunday Evening 9pm MT Sunday review (Invite only) Godly encouragement and criticism  Wednesday Morning - 10am MT Prospective Member Classes Wednesday Evening - 6pm MT Teaching (Theology / Philosophy/ Bible Study)

How Fatherhood Taught me the power of Responsibility.

Have you ever tried talking to a politically minded person? Does it feel like they always have a thousand things to complain about but no real solutions? Does it seem strange that the solution always seems to be about who to vote for and what law to pass? Does it seem that sometimes they cling to grievances and justifications for victimhood?  I thought I would share this morning insight I’ve gained over the years by being a dad to address this issue and give you a question you can ask to bring sanity to the political mind.  When my son was younger, he would be playing and inevitably hurt himself doing something. Falling down, scraping his knee, stubbing his toe, getting hit with a ball… whatever. He would be crying and the first thing i did was hold him and tell him it would be ok. Then I would ask him, “what do you want to do?” Not “what caused this?” Not “who did this?” Not “how did this happen”. I asked “what do you want to do?” Every time he would gather himself, reintroduce himse

Will you join me?

  Today Russel Brand said on his show “What we need are principles… But today we don’t have any principles. There is only utility.” I’ve been working on something for a while and I wanted to share it with you all.  Everything is a contract and contracts have very specific requirements. All contracts need to include the elements of offer, capacity, consideration, and acceptance. In other words, there needs to be more than one party. Both parties need to be capable of offering something of value to the other. Both parties need to be capable of understanding what is being offered. Both parties need to agree to the terms.  While we muck around pretending to contract with each other, we must first and foremost recognize that our primary contract is with our Creator. If we have no contract with him, he have no life, no property, no future. He made us in exchange for our obedience to Him. If we obey, we live, prosper, and multiply. If we disobey, we die, suffer, and become nothing. This coven

The Covenant of the King

Watch me introduce and explain this covenant here: 2 Chronicles 7:14 “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” Introduction to the purpose and prerequisites for entering the Covenant of the King  The following covenant is designed for any two people to use to establish their relationship with God and with each other for the purposes of seeking divine blessing through their obedience. This relationship (a covenant church) supersedes any secular jurisdictions. The only people who can enter into this covenant are those of us who admit that we have nothing to offer God that he doesn’t already have. We begin by only offering our repentance and submission, which is really choosing to stop rebelling against Him and His Law. We do this by invoking the name of His Son, Jesus Christ, who p

Married to the State: Letter sent to TikTok Infuncer

 Ok just gonna call it. Based on your last video and your other videos, this is how I see it. You are married to the state. You are trying to reform the state and get it to serve your interests as any good woman would try to reform their source of protection and provision. The state cannot be reformed. You need a real man to support, not one who is running for office or offering a political solution. Because what are you offering that man? Will you carry the children of another man? Will you sleep with another man? Then why should the political man and state actors like Trump and RFK Jr support, protect, and provide for you?  For that reason, I’m out. If you ever decide to divorce the state, let me know. ***** Women, you are better than this. Stop giving your attention to the political man and the financial man, to the State and the Dollar, to the Government and the Bank. You are betraying real men of value by giving your attention and support to these entities which do not and cannot

My thoughts on Donald Trump

Someone recently asked me what I thought of Donald Trump. This was my response:  I think he is a complicated figure acting within a complicated political moment. I’m both fascinated and often disappointed in Donald Trump. He’s a product of the system. Playboy. Financier. Business man. Money chaser. Attention grabber. Rebel. Showman. Man of action. He’s also very much a product of his time. He has good instincts but he’s also compromised. He has no philosophical principles and doesn’t think consistently. He still thinks in traditional American forms of power (money, women, sexual virility, dominance, prestige, appearance.) When what we need is someone who is humble, rational, submissive to reality, not a lover of power, and a servant. He’s a Saul like figure, Israel’s first king, who was very impressive but lacked wisdom and humility. We need a David, not a Saul. And make no mistake, the democracy and the republic is lost. We need a king, not a steward to the throne. We need a father be

Template: Asking for alternative forms of payment

Example: I just sent this to my supplier of natural gas Hello Judy, I made this video as part of a larger community who supports alternative forms of payment and mutual support, as opposed to the one way market today of real value being exchanged for fake money. We would like to make a simple request to support your work and your efforts as a supplier of natural gas to our community. Would you be opposed to us coming up with a way to honor those who are willing to really support you instead of the (in our opinion) fake support those with dollars provide? Warmly, Zach Moore Example 2: message to an artist and her organizing team Hello Mark and Casey, I hope you're well. I wanted to share something with you that reflects the values of a community I’m part of, which supports alternative forms of payment and mutual support rather than just the conventional dollar-based transactions. We’ve made a video discussing how we can honor and support those wh

A New Covenant Between Men and Women

  A Contract Between High-Quality Men and High-Quality Women I promise to humble myself before God, submit to reality, and love you. I promise to serve you in the truth and protect you from want and sin. I promise to become a man of integrity and transparency, competence and  productivity. In exchange, you will honor and obey me, submitting to my desires and commands. You will elevate my character among other men and women and bless me and you with children. You will shout my praises from the rooftops and all men will know of my name and deeds. You will become a woman of character and integrity, not given over to gossip or malice, but being gentle and beautiful in your love of the truth. I promise to protect and provide for you, using my strength and capacity to serve you. I promise to be gentle with our children and intelligent in my discipline of them, raising them to be responsible and faithful adults. We both will work together to reject evil, ill-gotten gain, and the allures of pr

Beyond the Ballot: The Hidden Power of Intimate Choices in Shaping Society

Introduction: The Profound Impact of Private Choices on Societal Change In contemporary discourse, much emphasis is placed on political decisions and voting outcomes as the primary means of societal change. However, the reality is that what occurs within the confines of our bedrooms holds far greater significance for the health of our society than the choices made at the ballot box. The dynamics between men and women, and how we navigate our sexual relationships, fundamentally shape societal structures and values. The health of these intimate relationships determines not only personal fulfillment but also societal stability and progress. Irresponsible behavior by both men and women often fuels movements advocating for gender confusion, sexual libertinism, and increased state intervention. Those who advocate for such changes are frequently those who struggle with their own roles and responsibilities. They may seek to justify their personal failures or inadequacies by promoting ideologie