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Showing posts from July, 2024

Prepare for the End of the Dollar Now by Defaulting on Debt (Now)

  Prepare for the End of the Dollar Now by Defaulting on Debt The most moral and practical way for people to prepare for the death of the dollar is to take the money they would give for debt payments and use those funds to buy supplies and real money. People must stop worrying about what the banks, the courts, the repo man, or the government will say or do.  None of them matter. They don’t care about you. If you don’t pay them directly, they’ll lobby the government and make you pay for their livelihoods indirectly through taxes and bailouts. This is immoral since neither the public or private debt is legitimate since it was fabricated on bank ledgers out of nothing. You have to stop paying loan debt and stop paying taxes and get prepared. The Basic 5 of Preparedness: - Food (3 months per person) - Water (3 weeks of 1 gallon per person per day) - Protection (lethal and non lethal) - Silver (1/10 oz and 1 oz coins) - Gold (Gold backs and 1 oz coins) What to Expect:  The grocery stores wi

Who is Worse: The Liar or the Believer?

 Who is worse: The liar or the one who believes the lie? What we are seeing right now is a game of chicken in the Democratic Party. Joe and Jill are lying about Joe’s fitness. That’s obvious. For a long time, others lied as well. Now the lie is seeking to force people to once and for all reject lying and believing lies or descend into complete absurdity where the liar and the believer of lies enter that unholy conspiracy of rejecting reality all together. Remember, if you can be lied to, you ought to be lied to. There is no honor in naivety, no pride in gullibility, and no safety in ignorance. It’s your responsibility to know the truth, speak the truth, and live by the truth.  PS. For anyone who knows me, you know this isn’t a stump speech for the other guy. That camp is no more tethered to reality than this camp. But the exaggerations of the Orange guy are not the same as the elder abuses we are seeing on the Left. I personally believe the source of our decadence and decay is our coll