Moves and Counter Moves

Moves and Counter Moves Step 1: Take out loans. Buy gold and silver. Step 2: Default. Step 3: They will try to repossess. Step 4: Deny their right to repossess because money printing is fraudulent. They can’t send your loan to collections because a collector will try to take you to court, putting their business model at risk. You’ll win in court, setting a prescedent that all loans can be nullified. Step 5: They know they need you to voluntarily participate, so they’ll turn to dark forms of manipulation, threats, violence, hiring thugs to hurt you or your family. They would rather break Gods law and pretend he doesn’t see or won’t repay their evil deeds. Step 6: Trust in God’s vengeance. He keeps a perfect record of every injustice. He will repay their fraud and hate with rage and wrath. Then you’ll win. The battle is the Lord’s. Jerome Daly did this in 1969 with his home mortgage. I’m doing it in 2024 with $1.25M in loans