
Showing posts from April, 2024

Moves and Counter Moves

 Moves and Counter Moves Step 1: Take out loans. Buy gold and silver. Step 2: Default. Step 3: They will try to repossess. Step 4: Deny their right to repossess because money printing is fraudulent. They can’t send your loan to collections because a collector will try to take you to court, putting their business model at risk. You’ll win in court, setting a prescedent that all loans can be nullified.  Step 5: They know they need you to voluntarily participate, so they’ll turn to dark forms of manipulation, threats, violence, hiring thugs to hurt you or your family. They would rather break Gods law and pretend he doesn’t see or won’t repay their evil deeds. Step 6: Trust in God’s vengeance. He keeps a perfect record of every injustice. He will repay their fraud and hate with rage and wrath. Then you’ll win. The battle is the Lord’s. Jerome Daly did this in 1969 with his home mortgage. I’m doing it in 2024 with $1.25M in loans

What Controls the Boomers

It’s important to know what controls you. And if your answer is “my family”, then it’s important to know what controls them. For the generation responsible after  the depression, durable goods was tanking the economy (because their solution to poverty was debt printing which requires people continue to circulate currency in ever increasing amounts). The Boomer generation was the first to be marketed consumerism (Think Mad Men and the Golden Age of Advertising) as a way to express your personality. This was the beginning of the *Me Centered* short term thinking we see today.  #TheMoreYouKnow

Body Language

 BODY LANGUAGE  Our cells  Our selves I love my cells I love my self My cells are part of something bigger than its cell I am part of something bigger than my self Without my cells, my body is nothing Without my body, my cells are nothing Without my self, the church is nothing Without the church, the self is nothing Can the hand say to the foot, I don’t need you? What good is the body without a purpose? My cells made complete in a body are part of a whole My self made complete in a church are holy If I were to give my cells a commandment, it would be to be healthy and ensure the health of the body  God has commanded me to love Him and love you as myself We are called the body of Christ We are called the bride of Christ Christ is called the Head of the Body Christ is called the Logos, the Reason, the Purpose Ask to be made alive. Ask to be given purpose. Ask to know the mind of Christ. Ask to be bound to the purpose of God. Love your neighboring self as your self. …an...

When Pro-Life and Pro-Abortion Agendas Agree

 Many pro-choice and pro-life advocates agree that if the fetus or baby threatens the life of the mother, it’s is the mother’s right to abort the child. This is a hard decision but necessary to allow the mother to make, for how will a fetus survive inside a dead mother and who will take care of a motherless child? Now (rightfully so) women everywhere are upset that the state is forcing doctors to let women to die.* If the state threatens the life of the citizen, is it the right of the citizen to abort the state?  The Founding Fathers seemed to think so. “Whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of Life, it is the Right of the People to abolish it”  - Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776 * I recognize that this issue has attracted many people on the extremes of this issue. I am simply speaking to the middle ground that I don’t think anyone can argue with. State mandates requiring doctors to let mothers die is the least pro-life argument there is. State forc...

Victory Stacks (of Money) will be the new Victory Gardens

 In WWI and WWII, the people planted victory gardens to take pressure of of war rationing and boost morale. In WWIII, the people will have victory stacks because the whole global economy is going to collapse. There is a growing section of YouTube encouraging this and showing people how to stack gold and silver (along with other self-reliant means of freedom) Here are 9 channels I follow:  Yankee Stacking Smart Silver Stacker End Game Investory Peruvian Bull Goldsilver Peter Schiff ITM Trading Lynette Zang City Prepping

Before the Overdose: Addressing America’s Moral and Financial Crisis

 Some people might say that the drug addict or alcoholic went too far when they finally overdose but this would be incorrect. The moment they went too far was when they attempted to cover over inside pain with an outside substance. The overdose was just the inevitable result of that first terrible decision.  Such is the path of our countries financial situation. Some are waiting for the dollar to collapse and until that day, it’s just business as usual but this would be foolish. The problem fundamentally started in 1913 when we decided that it was better to commit fraud by creating more dollars than gold. Since then we have seen wars, depressions, inflation, corruption, infighting, division, and the breakdown of entire communities. All this is point to the collapse of society which seems all but inevitable at this point.  What to do? Just as the addict must discover inner joy and peace in order to heal the inside pain, society must discover inner wealth in order to remedy...

Loans are fraudulent

A loan created out of nothing is an attempt to count the IOU of the borrower twice. This is slavery. The bank creates debt backed by the future earnings of the borrower while the borrower offers the bank their future earnings for the loan… This is counting the future earnings of the borrower twice. Since only owners can collateralize their assets, the bank’s claim that the future earnings of the borrower is an asset that they have a right to sell is false and fraudulent, effectively making all loans in existence voidable, starting with my $1.25M. Summary: The argument contends that loans, particularly those created without tangible assets as collateral, lead to a situation where the borrower's promise to repay is counted as both an asset and a liability, akin to counting an IOU twice. This is likened to a form of slavery, where the borrower's future earnings are essentially owned by the lender. The argument suggests that because only asset owners can offer collateral, claiming ...

Teaching Truth: Nurturing Honesty, Humility, and Honor in the Next Generation

Introduction: In a household where baseball practice doubles as a classroom for life lessons, one dad takes on the role of philosopher-in-chief. With a mix of humor and heartfelt sincerity, he tackles the age-old challenge of teaching his kids the difference between right and wrong—starting with the simple commandment: "Thou shalt not lie." Amidst discussions of cookie jars and fist fights, he delves into the deeper implications of honesty, humility, and honor, all while navigating the everyday chaos of parenthood. Join him on this comedic yet insightful journey through the trenches of family life, where the real MVP might just be the dad with a knack for turning baseball into moral philosophy. As a parent I’m constantly teaching my kids to follow what I follow, to honor what I honor, and to love what I love. My ego can tempt me to enjoy their love, obedience and admiration without disclosing my loyalties and what makes me worthy of honor. Such is the temptation of all those ...

Always tell the truth

  When someone lies to you, they express contempt for your perceptions and allegiance to the truth.  When you believe the lie, you change your allegiance from a lover of truth to a lover of falsehood.  With this change in allegiance, you express contempt for the truth and those who speak it.  What you should have done is dishonor the liar and expressed contempt for their commitment to deceit. Whatever you do, DONT LIE. Honor those who tell the truth. Fight for your fidelity to people who have integrity. Even if they make mistakes, if they are honest mistakes, they will learn and correct their errors.  Are there passages of scripture that you disagree with? Disagree with them. Admit that you think this passage is wrong, foolish, or misguided. Back up your belief with reasons. Seek to learn or reject the scriptures. It’s better to make an honest mistake than to lie. Honesty is the only path to truth. Always tell the truth. Always. In every circumstance. Even if it...

The true leader is a servant

True leadership is always revealed in hard times.  In good times, it’s unclear whether the leader believes in the cause. They could just be using the cause as a tool to enrich themselves. Leaders who do this won’t sacrifice their position of leadership for the cause, leading to hypocrisy, corruption, and tyranny.  True leaders are always eager to humble themselves before the cause, readily inviting criticism, and elevating other voices around them.  True leadership is measured in its costs, not its gains. Anyone can be a leader in easy times. Only those with a true moral compass can lead in hard times or when it costs them everything. Do the leaders in your life talk more about themselves? Does it seem like they talk out of both sides of their mouths? When is the last time they lost an argument? Can you predict their words and actions based on their principles or is it their instinct for self preservation that drives their behavior?  The greatest questions you can as...

When Good Serves Evil

 Jesus temptation… Satans lust for worship, honor, and service Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s… You cannot serve both God and money Mark of the best Dragon devouring child Character of money printing (the source of the Beast’s image) Character of money making (the source of Gods image) Tokenized human sacrifice  How inflation sets this pyramid of sacrifice in motion (pure evil origin sacrifices those with 2% more light who sacrifices throws with 2% more light. Small inflation isn’t enough difference to disgust people from working but 10%, 20%, 30% less light is like babysitting for a family that sexually abuses their children. Can one really do this in good faith? The sacrifice of work is a kind of pain. Serve someone who deserves it and it gives you pleasure to the degree they deserve it. Service someone who doesn’t deserve and it hurts to the degree they don’t deserve it. Thus too much sacrifice causes too much pain and risks a rebellion against the sacrifice. A little sacri...

Childlike Trust: A cure for clinging

 A counterintuitive lesson I’ve learned as a parent is the benefits of not be goal oriented. Since so many of us (myself included) consider being goal oriented as one of the 10 commandments of life, let me explain my insight. My kids think they know what they want but they don’t know what they really need. This isn’t a negation of who they are. They are simply unaware of what I can provide them and what is actually good for them. This is the nature of being a kid. You simply don’t know what goals are good and which goals are bad. If my kids were to become “goal oriented”, they would fix their minds on an outcome and attempt to manipulate the situation to get that thing. Their happiness would be dictated by how much ice cream they ate and how many cartoons they watched. They would love me for providing these things for them and resent me for not providing them. Is this the path to their happiness?  A few years ago, I told my kids that they could ask me for anything but if I sai...

The Great Divorce of the American People from the US Government

“Whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of [Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness], it is the Right of the People to… abolish it”  - Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776 Let’s break this down.  Whenever any Form of Government…  (“Any” includes The United States) becomes destructive of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness…  (Which it has. Taxes are the most obvious example. Patriot Act, FISA, and the regulatory state are others) it is the Right of the People…  (That’s me and you and anyone else) to abolish it…  (Done. We are divorced. This is right)  Where’s the lie?

My Good News

The world is in some need of good news. Death all around us. Everyone looking for how to cause peace and secure life. The answer is ancient and obvious, marvelous and terrible. Pray that you have an open mind and an open heart to receive it for this news is great for those who are changed by it and terrible for those who reject it.  What causes death?  The consequences of being wrong is failure. The effect of failure is loss. The manifestation of loss is poverty. The result of poverty is hunger. The aftermath of hunger is starvation. The outcome of starvation is death. The cause of death, therefore is being wrong. “The wages of sin is death.” (Romans 8:32)   What causes life?   The consequences of being right is success. The effect of success is gain. The manifestation of gain is prosperity. The aftermath of prosperity is fullness. The outcome of fullness is life.  The cause of life therefore, is being right. “Whoever is steadfast in righteousness will...

Prepare for Vengence

An often hoped for and realized theme of history is retribution and vengeance. When the evils of America are repaid, what will you say? “Oh yes, I disagree with the government spending, the corruption, the censorship, the tyranny, the fiat currency, the banking frauds. Oh yes I knew very well the atrocities committed by the military, the police, and the intelligence agencies. Oh yes I believed the government was evil and did evil things in my name…. Oh yes, I kept on paying taxes, acting as if I was loyal to the government. Oh yes, I kept paying my mortality, acting as if the bank loans were legitimate. Oh yes, I obeyed all the laws passed by the government, acting as if those laws were good.” Or will you say… “I acted as if the government and its agents were committing evil in my name. Here see. I stopped paying taxes. I stoping paying back loans. I stopped obeying bad laws. I did what I could to resist and let it be known with my words and my deeds that evil would not be done in my n...

My Declaration of Independence

  Dear Congressman Rod Bockenfeld, Given the continuous and egregious abuses of the United States and Colorado governments, including taxes, deficits spending, the authorization of the Patriot Act and FISA act, and the ongoing funding of foreign wars, i hereby abolish both governments by invoking this right from our mutual Declaration of Independence. “Whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of [Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness], it is the Right of the People to… abolish it”  - Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776 I hereby take back my god given right to self defense, self determination, and self government and no longer recognize the authority or will of the United States or Colorado state government to provide these to me or my neighbors. I am happy to write to you about the specific abuses, including the betrayal of the government in 1913 passing the Federal Reserve Act and presuming the ungodly right to tax, extort, and harass innocent and peace...