
Showing posts from January, 2024

Letter to AP journalist David Klepper (On Conspiracy theories)

Image I wrote this email to David Klepper of the AP in response to a string of news articles that populated the Drudge Report on January 31, 2024. My intention was to offer these journalist my story which I believe is a love and optimistic alternative to the fear, anger, and cynicism covered in their post.  David’s Email: David Twitter: Hi David, The reason I am reaching out is because you are a journalist and I wanted to talk to you about conspiracy theories. I read your recent AP article on online conspiracy groups and their impact on peoples lives. I’ve seen this first hand and even see what I can only refer to as a kind of delusion in some of the crowds with whom I associate. In my observations, people have every right to be suspicious and even risky in their rejection of cultural assumpt...

What is value and price?

Follow me on TikTok to hear me discuss topics of philosophy, logic, morality, economics, and politics What is Value and Price “LA is a place where everyone knows the price of everything and the value of nothing” - La La Land There is a mass confusion across the land when it comes to value and price. We tend to treat these two terms as synonymous but they are actually quite distinct.  Value is a factor of utility to a user. The value of a rope to a mountain climber will be different than the value of that same rope to a cowboy, though both may pay the same price to the rope seller. How the climber and the cowboy articulate the value of the rope will depend on a number of factors that vary over time.  For the climber, a rope’s value might be the ability it gives him to climb a mountain on Tuesday. On Wednesdays, its value might be its ability to tie his food high into a tree to avoid attracting bears. In Thursday, the rope might be worth...

How to know the Truth

Since September 2023, I have been posting and have received more than thousand of views across my various posts. For the most part, my admirers and critics have been happy to lurk in the shadows. Even though I’ve made claims that it’s irrational to work for money, all debts will soon be forgiven, and those who aren’t prepared will suffer, the response has been minimal. As I have reflected on this, the reasons do not seem to be that people have a genuine disagreement and a better argument. The silence suggests that they don’t know how to think.  Before you get upset with me, let me say this. I get it. Thinking is way scarier than it seems. Alfred Nored said “The purpose of thinking is to let the ideas die instead of us dying.” That means that to think is to die, mentally, a kind of neurological brain cell murder so that better synapses can be formed.  Here’s a few questions to ponder for you: - Does debate and confrontation give you anxiety? - Do you know how to encourage and a...

5 Faithful Steps to Achieving Any Goal

1. Set an intention. Start with “My intention is to ____” 2. Affirm your ability to realize that intention.  - “I am worthy…” - “I am deserving…” - “I am capable…” 3. Identify tools needed - “I need this and this and for this to happen” etc 4. Affirm you ability to have those tools - “worthy, deserving, capable” etc 5. Believe that you have all these things already Never get out of this cycle.  Start this way:  “I intend to set a good intention. I am capable of setting a good intention. I need wisdom and a guide. I am worthy of having a guide and capable of finding wisdom. I need humility and eyes to see the truth. I believe I have those things and I’m capable of learning from every situation.” Then… live! Act in faith. And as you live out this intention, be grateful and say “this is who I am.” If you find yourself off the path, simply bring yourself back with “this is not who I am. I am better this because…” then repeat all or a part of your steps.  Another Example:...

The Return of the King, His Kingdom and Sexual Ethics

The Return of the King, His Kingdom and Sexual Ethics The main argument I want to make in this post is spiritual in nature and those who do not understand the spiritual argument will stumble over the material implications. Nevertheless, for the sake of those who are wise in matters of spiritual concern, I will endeavor to write with clarity so that there is a voice other than those who are only material in nature.  In a previous post ( What’s the value of 1, 45, or 666? The Absurdity of Modern Money ) I discussed the nature of value and the essence of my argument was this. If a number like a dollar is substantive, that is it describes something real, its value is derived from the nature of the substance. This established the principle that the value of a thing is derived from the nature of its source, not the image representing its source. A dollar that represents one ounce of silver has potentially unlimited uses and thus it may rightly be said to have unlimited value. A dollar th...